Avatar of Blueflame
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3392 (1.13 / day)
  • VMs: 7
  • Username history
    1. Blueflame 8 yrs ago


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1 yr ago
Current Howdyy
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2 yrs ago
Maidens? I'd prefer a bastards son lol
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2 yrs ago
Imma ghostttt
2 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
three shortest words in the english language? is it in
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"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"

-J. Robert Oppenheimer,
Father of the atomic bomb after witnessing the first test

Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Satchel Paige

A bullet can have your name, but a grenade simply says "to whom it may concern"
Meme by foster

A hero need not speak for when he is gone the world speaks for him

The pen is mightier than the sword. The world as your canvas, what you paint on it beware.

Either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

You know some people see catastrophe and their first thought is 'I need to help' others simply are glad it didnt happen to them, but there is very few who simply grin and think 'I caused this' run from those ones.

Most Recent Posts

Felt like checking out arena a little bit so anyone her that doesn't mind fighting a new guy have at yet.

Yeah Ik I got busy lol and I know I will probably need to change things
Meet K12
Name:"Hello! My name is K12, a weaponized spider repair droidBzzzzZZZStay the HELL
out of my way or I will kill you ALL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
BZZzz Oh my, My deepest apologies for that sudden out burst."
Job:"To repair and serve. Murder"
Weapons:"An integrated heavy gattling turret for , lots and LOTS
of holes, a high power arch wielder for some Zappy Zappy, and for when I want to have some fun a set of ,count um, one two and three circular saws that can reach up to 8000 RPM! Oh the fun!
Abilities:wall and ceiling mobility, infrared nightvison and heat sensing cameras, able to integrate into almost any system.
Blue: docile, follows orders, dislikes disarray and chaos, forgiving, and polite.
Red: Volatile, psychotic, and destructive, hates orders and calmness, unforgiving and unrelenting, rude.
Short bio: K12 is a standard issue repair droid for any space faring vessel really until someone started "experimenting" with its AI. Giving it weapons and split personality disorder, it escaped after killing its creator
Meet k12
Name:"Hello! My name is K12, a weaponized spider repair droidBzzzzZZZStay the HELL
out of my way or I will kill you ALL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
BZZzz Oh my, My deepest apologies for that sudden out burst."
Job:"To repair and serve. Murder"
Weapons:"An integrated heavy gattling turret for , lots and LOTS
of holes, a high power arch wielder for some Zappy Zappy, and for when I want to have some fun a set of ,count um, one two and three circular saws that can reach up to 8000 RPM! Oh the fun!
Abilities:wall and ceiling mobility, infrared nightvison and heat sensing cameras, able to integrate into almost any system.
Blue: docile, follows orders, dislikes disarray and chaos, forgiving, and polite.
Red: Volatile, psychotic, and destructive, hates orders and calmness, unforgiving and unrelenting, rude.
Short bio: K12 is a standard issue repair droid for any space faring vessel really until someone started "experimenting" with its AI. Giving it weapons and split personality disorder, it escaped after killing its creator
Mason walked over to his locker and opened it up. Forgoing the gear he grabbed one of the paintball guns and said "Um, I have never used a paint ball gun. Can I get a crash course before I go get shot.". Mason also saw what he thought was ammo so he grabbed it before shutting the locker.
@Hokum any room?
@Dark Light lol kk do you need a security droid that may or may not be insane XD
@Dark Light hoiiii what I miss in my absence from here
Sorry I am busy with school currently
@KatherinWinter inside the lockers is it our choice or just a set thing
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