Avatar of bobert778
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  • Posts: 510 (0.15 / day)
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    1. bobert778 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current If I wasn't so lazy I could have had my own evil lair by now.
7 yrs ago
It's weird to think about not thinking
7 yrs ago
Lose your mind a little. You'll understand it better if you can find it again
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7 yrs ago
Nobody worth getting to know is ever considered 'normal'
9 yrs ago
We'll paint the scene, we'll write the melody. We are the creators.


I'm Bobert, I like to roleplay, and I wouldn't be here otherwise. I enjoy creating unconventional characters, as I like to explore the different ways they might interact with others. Automatons are a favorite, 'beep bop' goes the robot.

If you're still reading this, that's cool. Hope you have a nice day

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The knight watched the exchange between Denise and Chambala very closely. Her eyes lingering on the fur clad woman's stare, her only noteworthy feature since most of her was hidden by grass. Chambala's eyes burned, silent and potent fury boiled down into black centers of her gaze. Calieo still wasn't sure what to make of Chambala, but this new capacity for anger was something the knight could respect. Anger was strength unleashed; wreckless in excess, but when focused it was a power unrivaled by any other.

A sting hit the back of her mind, like a cold finger of ice tapping at her memories. She recalled a conversation she'd had once, long ago, when her thoughts had been in a similar place.

"Anger can be power, but it does nothing but harm. Perhaps you are right, and maybe anger is unrivaled in strength. But they know not only anger. They know joy, they know fear, they know sorrow, and they know love. Should they seek to destroy themselves anger will bring them there, as it has done to the first ones. They are closer to her now, and further from me, though I will still be with them. Maybe this time they'll last.

Calieo inhaled sharply, a dull ache left on her mind from remembering such faded thoughts. She pinched her eyes shut and realized she had stopped walking backwards, Denise and Rebecca now a short distance ahead of where Chambala and Calieo stood. The knight took in one last look of the fur clad woman, the way her eyes still sizzled, before turning away and making purposeful strides towards Denise and her horse.

The ashen skinned woman hadn't let Chambala deter her actions, and Calieo watched excitedly as Denise conjured and hurled another ball of fire into the grass. She was aiming at something, or it at least seemed like it, but still it was not obvious if there was an actual threat. Each fireball blazed through the veil of green before bursting upon contact with the earth, splashing flames over everything immediately nearby. This fire would catch on more grass and burn away at everything it could, but already the first fireball thrown had died out, and the space it had cleared was maybe only a few times bigger than the initial explosion.

"You need to be more efficient!" Calieo called out to Denise, changing her pace and rushing ahead so she could dash past her horse. Her weapon still in hand, as soon as she'd gotten ahead of everyone Calieo raised it above her head and began swinging the ball on it's chain as she ran. The light of the sun caught the cage, and as it twirled about it shimmered brilliantly until such light was swallowed by the growing wisps of flame than now swelled past the golden, spiked rings. Soon, the entire ball of the weapon was engulfed in seething fire, a comet tail of stretched out flames trailing behind the chained fireball. Calieo had run about twenty meters ahead by then, the grass now up to her chin leaving only her head, and raised arm visible. With a scream she stopped running and threw herself into the momentum of her weapon twirling around with it before planting her feet and snapping the weapon over her head.

At the apex of her swing, the boiling mass of plasma was set free from the ornamental cage, leaving only the original ball of light within the weapon. The projectile swelled as it zoomed through the air, heading towards the site of Denise's most recent detonation. Rather than strike the ground however, it flew past Calieo's intended target and instead continued onward, the arch of it's flight path causing it to sail much farther than she had meant it to. A few seconds later, the now distant projectile made contact with the base of the valley's grassy cliffs. A burst of light, followed by plumes of flame that crashed upon the cliff face like a massive wave. A section of earth buckled and crumbled away, failing to smother even the smallest portion of the now raging inferno on the edge of the green sea.

"Oops," Calieo murmured under her breath, glancing back towards Denise for a moment in an attempt to gauge her reaction. She didn't pay her much mind for long though, and her attention was soon transfixed on the distant glow of what she'd done. She decided to wait for the others to catch up before rejoining them, since there was no need to run back, and it would allow Calieo to enjoy the sight of the burning cliff a little longer. The inferno didn't seem to be growing anymore, and like Denise's fires it too would likely die before it could destroy to much, but for now Calieo only wanted to drink in the image she'd created.


Despite your efforts to locate whatever it was you'd seen, everywhere your eyes scan you see only more grass and nothing hiding within it. Thinking back you may begin to question if what you thought you'd seen had actually been there at all. You hadn't actually caught sight of whatever it was, and were only pretty sure you'd seen the grass moving as if something were pushing through it. For now though, if there was something there, it seems to be gone for the time being.


When Denise had detonated her first explosive, after the initial blast you'd heard the panicked scrambling of claws hitting soil. Whatever smaller creature had been trailing you had fled, and if it had returned you hadn't heard anything that would give it away. Even as you started moving again you still heard nothing behind you, though with any luck the meat you'd tossed would entice it to follow after you.


At this point, all you can see is grass. Only on tip toe now do your eyes raise past the stalks, and even that luxury was slowly disappearing as the grass continued to grow higher still. Before you're completely swallowed however, you may notice that the wake left by Denise's golem has started to become more prominent. Before the grass would spring right back to attention, but now that the stalks have grown longer and heavier, they droop under their own weight after having been flattened by the large, stone construct. It doesn't take them long to right themselves and reach attention once again, but for at least a few meters behind the golem at it's current pace, the grass has been pushed down and is easier to walk through.
Eventually is a vague concept. One could say all things are eventual, but that is true only of their destruction. Creation is not eventual, it is a struggle, as is life...

You have had a month already is all I'm saying. Consider yourself poked

While I'm poking people may as well poke you too, since I think you asked last time. Poke

It's April 20th. Remember to put out milk and cookies for Snoop Dogg

No worries, thank you for getting a post out. Hope your weekend goes well :)

As for golems and speech, the ability to vocalize is normally dependant on a certain variety of runes that can be used during the golem's construction. These runes are more complex than most, and even ones that allow basic speech are difficult to carve right. It's a luxury feature in a sense, so any golem that can speak is often well crafted.

Also your new avatar is purdy. Fluffy wings
So we've heard from Zhaliora. I believe it is also @Rabidporcupine turn to post too?
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo, how is everyone and anyone? What word does the bird carry?

I finally watched Forrest Gump the other day. I have a list of movies I've never seen that I feel like I should. Titanic is still on that list... The Godfather... Um, idk some other third movie because the list is a mental one and not something I have written down
@rivaan S'all good, bruh

At the sound of Denise shouting, Calieo flinched before whirling around to face the ash skin woman. "Fire in the what?" she called back in an equally loud voice, annoyance in her tone that quickly shifted to surprise as she watched the object Denise had thrown soar overhead. The knight twirled around again to allow her eyes to follow the object, the little sphere sailing a fair ways before disappearing into the sea of grass.

"That was not fire," Calieo remarked snidely, crossing her arms and looking out at the overabundance of green that was very clearly not burning. "Though now that you bring it up a little fire might not be a-"

Arms flailing as she stumbled backwards, Calieo held her tongue and gazed up at the plume of brown smoke that had shot into the air. Once she'd found her feet the knight unhooked her weapon from her waist and took up a defensive stance, silent and tight lipped as she shielded herself from the debris before lowering her shield to watch the clouds of dust begin to disperse. Denise called out towards the site of the explosion, suggesting she'd meant to target someone or something if she was concerned with it's death. Calieo wondered if it had been the same thing she'd heard just before? Or perhaps it was another snake?

The fur clad woman was yelling now, at Denise no doubt. Calieo hadn't bothered to turn around though and was still watching the land ahead for signs of anything that might be moving trough the grass. Chambala's ranting hadn't gone ignored though, and Calieo nodded ever so slightly as she argued her reasons for shouting. Once the fur clad woman had finished her rant, there was a moment of silence, something Calieo found ironic which elicited a chuckle that broke her from scanning the fields.

"Let the things come!" Calieo called out into the air, twirling around once again to face her companions. "I will kill those things and consume their flesh," she announced triumphantly, grinning cheekily towards Chambala in an attempt to disarm the fury she was experiencing. Anger was the easiest emotion for her to understand; seething and violent, simple but unpredictable. Calieo was very familiar with the emotion, and she knew to express it too readily was unproductive in most situations, as Chambala's shouting reminded her. Every second not spent walking was wasted time.

"What things will come will come here. If we continue walking it may not be a problem, so if you must keep shouting can we do so while moving?" the knight proposed, clearly impatient to move along as she'd already started to slowly walk backwards in the direction they had been traveling.

Don't see why not :). Read the rules, write an application, and submit it in the correct format so it can be reviewed

The explosion rips apart the earth, a fanning pillar of dust and soil pluming into the air followed by a shock wave that pulses out into the surrounding grass. Though the explosion was far enough away that the majority of debris hadn't come close, a light showering of dirt and pebbles managed to reach you and the others after a short delay. As the cloud of dust began to disperse and fall back to the ground, the crater you'd created in the grass stuck out like a blemish of the land. You hadn't heard the cries of anything, nor seen any sprays of red or otherwise organic material caught in the explosion, and the empty crater you see testifies that you'd missed your mark. There's no sign of whatever had been skulking through the grass, perhaps suggesting it either ran off or was somehow injured by the blast.
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