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    1. Brocktree 7 yrs ago


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Yeah, only took the better part of a month :P
@ClocktowerEchos Welp, there goes the neighborhood (omadon).

I think it would be funny if he just had his own omadon full of mostly nameless goons who help him in his petty antagonism- but later on we bond with him and them through the fires of war.

Oh, even better- he's the LT and we all have to put up with his jerkassery.
Location: Hyperion Base, Hyperion, Solomon System

Atellus stood up, grabbing his field cap amd slapping it open against his hand. "Roger that sir, too easy." He cant remember the last time he had a briefing so short and sweet as this. "If thats all you have sir then i would like to go prepare so i can get a little shuteye in later." He said, wondering personally why they had him doing such a routine extraction that, all in all, felt like something the spook's in house goons should be able to handle. He wondered what he wasn't being told, but knew better than to push the point.
Location: Hyperion Base, Hyperion, Solomon System

Unlike the more common special operations, recovery could not be meticulously rehearsed- operators conducting it underwent general competency training but beyond that, everything on the ground started and ended there.

He shifted in his seat, thinking about what had just been said. He felt it rather strange that they actually had someone they needed extracted in solomon. Pulling out his hand held net interface, he started looking up Nessus before asking "Will there be any support personnel available? And am i flying commercial or naval space-A?"

He skipped a beat before answering the other question. "Of course. Whether or not i succeed depends on your intel though."
Location: Hyperion Base, Hyperion, Solomon System

Atellus raised an eyebrow. "No, but i've heard plenty of sentinels who were in before the war talk about vanguard training exercises done surface side. Supposed to be really shitty, since with no atmosphere all field ops not done in armor are done in suits." he folds his arms. "So you're either sending me there to train for a no atmosphere op; Or, there is a second as of yet undisclosed purpose to the Lomar base."

Dont count out some sort of conflict yet. As soon as these other guys im working with get the lead out i intend for my guy to find out your ragnarov fleet- and start the path toward a conflict on whatever world yall begin to eat next.
Hey realistically im sure we can find a spot for another guy.
Lol @VoiD and you were worrying about a lieutenant. I think as it is we currently are just two troopers short of a full Omadon.
Location: Hyperion Base, Hyperion, Solomon System

Atellus put a hand to his face as if pondering, but really he was trying to decide how he could spin 3 months of essentially banging his head against the wall of boredom. None of the people he had worked with were here, and beyond that, most sentinels were generally abroad on mission. This meant that barring support staff and high ranking officers, the sentinel compound was generally empty.

"Oh, well, you know. Keeping us with new drugs and new studies on each species' physiology. Working out, hitting the range. I've kept so busy that i haven't really had much time to explore solomon." after a pause he add a "sir" as an afterthought. Might as well appease the old goat. Especially since he was attempting to distract him from the bald face lie that he had been busy- in actuality he was itching to go back to the front. Without so much as a soul he was close to here, he had nothing really getting him out of the house so to speak.

And so before the monitor could inquire more, he tried to change that subject. "How about you, sir? Im sure they have been keeping you busy on the war front, huh?"
Since your character is already an officer/high ranking he'd also probably have served quite a lot too, so want discuss possible common history between our characters?

Aaaah the common civilian misconception.

A new officer is just an over paid private until proven otherwise. Both trooper and cornet in this case are entry level positions. Not that you can't have a veteran cornet! Just that the rank doesn't mean what you think it means.
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