Avatar of CaughtInTheRiddle


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3 yrs ago
Current Huh. Almost like using cocaine as an ingredient for your incredibly addicting but delicious soft drink... (The toxic part of Nuca Cola totally slipped my mind tbh).
3 yrs ago
Fair. Still an odd name for a drink. And I can definitely see Coke doing it as a last ditch effort to ensure the "legacy" would live on.
3 yrs ago
I don't know a lot about the lore of Fallout, but I imagine Nuka Cola is Coca Cola. So, does that mean, when shit was hitting the fan, Coke did the most insensitive rebrand they could think of? "YOLO"
1 like
6 yrs ago
Get kid
7 yrs ago
Yaasss OG!


Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.

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Kenpachi Safehouse

Arina Kawagana, Sannouske Kenpachi, Xiang Yue and Akio Kanai

"One Hour." Kenpachi paced around his bedroom with a feverish manner, "I"m so ready to do this." Anxious was not the word to describe the former captain of Squad 11. He had wanted all this time for the Commander to finally call on him. The exile weighed on his mind greater then anything else at the moment and he just wanted revenge. A mind filled to the brim with hatred and anger, one could imagine the things that Sano would do the fools that pushed him from his home. Truthfully he wanted to run his blade through the hag he once called wife. The pillar of his happiness at one point now brought the filling to slaughter and rage. Sano was actually pretty tame when it came to the Kenpachi of old but, right now he to rip something, ANYTHING apart.

"ONE MORE HOUR!" He bellowed throughout the little abode.

A small sigh came from the bed as Arina pushed herself up, and glanced over at the angry Captain. She had been laying there for most of the day and she hadn’t planned on moving. His pacing she could handle, the yelling, was another thing altogether. The exile hadn’t weighed down on her too much, to be honest, she was enjoying not having to do so much work. Between the Division and her Clan, she had barely had any time for herself back in the Seireitei. She leaned forward and crossed her legs, placing her hands on her ankles as her hair spilled over her shoulder.

“Calm yourself, Sano.” There was no annoyance in her voice, she had said it soothingly, “It’s only an hour,” she gave him a gentle closed smile, “Enjoy the peace while you can. Once the order is called, our lives will be chaos.”

"Chaos is what I live for." Kenpachi's eyes seemed to light up like sparklers at the mere mention of chaos, "I haven't had time to test my skills in several yeras. Jinzo barely fights seriously, little snot." Sano stopped and turned his head just enough for his left eye to meet with Arina's eyes. Sano would never say but the woman had the most beautiful eyes; her eyes wouldn't stop him from raging though.

She sighed again, shifting her position so she was sitting on her knees, her hands resting on her thighs. “The peace has been kind of nice though,” her voice was a little distant as she broke eye contact with the Kenpachi. “It’s put a lot of things in perspective for me.”

She glanced back up at him again - a gentle smile replacing her usual egotistical smirk. She leant forward and crawled to the edge of the bed, stepping off and closing the distance between them as she placed a hand on his chest. “You’ve waited this long already, surely another hour isn’t anything to get so worked up over.”

Kenpachi let out a stressed sigh because in reality, Arina was correct. This exile had finally put the pieces of his life together in a way that even he had not foreseen. Arina's hand was warm on his chest and it brought a smile to his face. There was one thing in this world that could calm him and it was Arina's touch. Kepnachi placed a hand on Arina's hip as he learned forward gently placing his forehead against her own. "Alright. Alright. I'll wait. But you're mine for the rest of the hour."


Abandoned Mansion

Arina’s blue gaze wandered lazily across the other Shinigami in the room before she stepped to Sano’s side. She rested her left wrist over the hilt of her Zanpakuto while she placed the other hand on her hip, her elbow nudging the Kenpachi gently.

She frowned slightly at Xiang’s disheveled form, but didn’t bother to question it. What Xiang did outside of the Division was none of Arina’s business… nor did she really care.

“I suppose we’ll head straight out, unless you wanted a moment to go and change your clothes, Yue?”

Kanai had come to th meeting with a sigh, their commander had finally decided to do something, and it seemed like a good plan. he had been paired with Lieutenant Xiang, Kenpachi, and Captain Kawagana . He had no issue with any of them but he could smell the tension that was going on in there group and they had not even left yet. It was starting to make his head hurt, he did not know the detail about Xiang and the 11th but he knew they had bad blood. He did not care much about other Divisions and their drama, but he was not stupid and saw the problems lining up as they stood there.

"I am ready when ever you all are." the small man said after scratching his neck and rolling his eyes.

Finally the plan was at hand....and it was catching Hollow. The idea that he was catching hollow slightly pissed Sano off but it already let him get out his aggression. Teaming up with Arina would be relaxing but then he had Yue in his team. Sano and Yue were not on the best of terms due her actions many many years ago. Kanai, on the other hand, didn't bother Kenpachi at all, which was more then Yue could say.

"Alright boy and girls, I have a plan. Since Kanai and Yue are talented in Kido then you two will be catching our dear hollow. I'll act as bait. Arina, you take care of the grunts. Once we find a big one, let me take aggro. Any objections? Suggestions? Make'em known now." Kenpachi spoke in a commanding voice.

Xiang's eyebrow twitched at her captain's question.

"It's working hours, I'll manage."

She said that despite the fact they weren't in the Seireiti, or even the Soul Society. There really wasn't even a Gotei 13, yet Xiang still saw it as her job. Despite her feelings towards the Kenpachi, she didn't see anything disagreeable in his plan. She'd find plenty wrong later, she was sure. But, the job of the 2nd division was to keep shinigami in line. If they were already in line, what could she complain about?

"It sounds good. I'll find us one, Bakudō #58. Kakushitsuijaku!"

A grid lit up in front of Xiang, showing a circle with four quadrants in it. A hollows location quickly showed up.

"Let's go."

Xiang left before anyone could confirm with her, or give her orders.
Arina Kawagana - Kyōfu no Otome

Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III
~"Hatred is such a formidable facet of social behaviour...."~
Arina Kawagana - Kyōfu no Otome

Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III
~"Hatred is such a formidable facet of social behaviour...."~
This sounds interesting. I like the premise and I'm willing to try it out :)

If you need any help with the lore, I'm more than willing to chip in.

Hello Human!

I'm just doing some housekeeping, and I was wondering.

You stated you're a Ranked member, but what Rank and what Division?

Sozz, just trying to see who is where at the moment :)

@Oblivion666Can I cut him?

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