Avatar of Celsius
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 192 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Celsius 9 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current Googled how to improve internet connection and it won't load. FML.
4 yrs ago
We visit you because we would like to know you better :3
4 yrs ago
Did you know that snipe is a type of bird? BECAUSE I DIDN'T AND IT BLEW MY MIND olivermarshall.net/wp-conte…
4 yrs ago
Gay could mean very happy too, so in a way the water *do* make the frogs gay
4 yrs ago
Advanced is not labeled advanced for nothing XD


Internet connection is kinda wonky atm, so I mostly browse and reply on Mobile, or during slow hours
Sorry if my posting speed plummet to almost nil >.<

Experimental RP with no Backstory nor CS

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Ragi woke up three days ago to a body that was unable to move or even see properly. The first face that greeted her was that of a monstrous green malformed old man. Ragi should have been scared of the inhumane form that hold her in his hand while painting something on her forehead. Yet for some reason, she instead found the face to be both familiar and endearing. Like it belonged to her kin.

She had a lingering thoughts and feeling that she could not explore; like a thick fog is covering all the knowledge and memories she had prior to waking up. Or perhaps she was just imagining it. After all, she was a newborn. And a newborn is not supposed to have memories or knowledge.

Thus, leaving the difficult thought aside, Ragi returned to her sleep.


On day 3, Ragi finally managed to control her body enough to sit upright and even got on her two feet. With some effort, she flexed her hands back and forth, and to her surprise, they moved! Fist. Palm. Fist. Palm. FIST! Palm. Exhiliriated by this simple fact, Ragi decided to try and grab some rock from the ground, feeling their weight and texture, and even tried to throw it to the wall. And when she managed to make the rock fly to the general direction she wanted it to, she could not help but giggle and clap.

Apparently she was not alone. In her circle was two other green creature like her. One boy and one girl, from the look of it. But unlike Ragi who were fascinated by rocks and rock throwing, the boy was quick to leave and make a group with another goblins. Rude, she thought, but she was not too bothered by it. After all, there is this other sister she could play with.. Oh..

The sister in question too, seemed to be bored of the exciting activity that is throwing-rock-to-a-wall, and head out to the cavern's mouth. She was mumbling something that Ragi could not fully understand. Something intelligent, she reckon. And where there is intelligence, there is merit to follow the one possessing it.

"Wait up!" Ragi shouted as she quickly ran to catch up with her sister. "Name's Ragi. Why don't we, uh, do that thing you said together?" she said with a smile after she caught up with the goblin that's been.. Snacking on her own thumb? Surely, the smart one baffles Ragi to no end.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Quite the interesting take there, rejecting the blessing of element
Accepted. You may put the CS in character tab :)

Apparently I forgot to give the OK for this CS ^^;
Accepted! You may move it to the Character Tab
@Celsius hey, I was wondering if you still had a spot open? I saw you lost a player and, if it's any help, I could maybe take over that spot?

So, I have discussed with the others over discord, and I guess we will accept 1 more person after all
I have sent you a PM containing the CS and current events, once you fill it up please post it here for review, and I will plop you into the story :)

Meanwhile, I'd appreciate it if you join our discord server! Link is on zeroth post of OOC

Was not talking about smut, but rather the huge amount of players in the RP
Sorry if that was the implication
Goblin swarm army?

Goblins breeds like rabbits, and will die just as easily?

The meeting with the to-be-party-members was a mixed bag. On one hand, Roland felt that he'd been relegated to the seat of public enemy #1. Big news, I know. But on the other hand, it would seem that the adventurers were not so prideful and thickheaded not to divulge their job and skillset. At least Roland now has a name to call them with instead of human male A and human male B. A few moments of bickering, err, discussion later, the party decided to call it a night and went to their respective rooms.

Except for Roland, of course. He is a nocturnal being. To sleep at night feels very weird for him, so he decided to take a stroll around Stagcross instead. Unlike the day, the night at Stagcross could be quite beautiful. Because there were not many people living there, the land was quite pristine. Roland could easily see the moon and the stars on the clear night sky. The air, too, was delicious and sweet.

"Ah, now I feel alive again," Roland thought to himself.

Moments passed, and before he could notice it, Dawn was approaching fast. So the Dhampir decided it is time to head back to the inn and rejoined the group of adventurers with whom he's supposed to travel with. But to his surprise, he found their to-be-contractor standing by herself by the town's edge. Judging from the looks of it, she was cold and restless, too. Quite the rare sight to see a sorceress in such a miserable state.

"Can't sleep?" Roland asked as he took a seat next to Ana. "If you are worried about the folks not joining your expedition, rest easy. They won't miss this chance even if you told them to. Trust me I tried," he continued half-jokingly. Of course, he was trying to console the lady, but due to his conduct in the evening, he would not be surprised if Ana responded negatively to his words.

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" the Dhampir continued, half to distract the sorceress from her worries, and half to stop the conversation from going south. "You know, as a child I always find staring into the stars to be comforting. It made our worries and hardship.. Small by comparison, don't you think?"

Running out of ways to lift the young mage's spirit, Roland decided that talking is not his forte after all, and ended his attempt with a, "We should head back in and warm ourselves up. It won't be good if both magi failed to perform due to hunger and cold, right?"
@Celsius Criminal scum

Hey at least I stayed in character and stole others' talents as my own :p
So many people copying my talent, lol. Just so y'all know, I didn't intend Physical Conditioning to mean "naturally buff gobbo muscles." It was meant more along the lines of "a natural talent for physical training" as in, things like pushups and situps either give more efficient results, or the recovery period is faster. It's "naturally benefiting more from exercise" rather than "being naturally athletic/strong."

Y'know, I like this even better XD
But ye, I am too lazy to get original talents, so sorry for stealing yours m(_ _;;m
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