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Since I really should get to bed (q.q) I'll just quickly express my interest and throw out a character idea to see if it'd fit the RP:

A human male student who's convinced he's the protagonist of an anime for various reasons (mainly because all his memories were sealed away by a curse, and he comes to the conclusion that this curse must have been inflicted on him to contain some incredible magical power that he has by, a villain that feared what he could do. Little does he know that he actually just accidently cursed himself like an idiot while practicing his magic), and who does plenty of dumb things that inevitably come with having such a mindset.
Good to have you back.

And no need to be nervous, your post was great!

Yes, you can, thanks for your patience. I'll edit the first post to include that Yueliang will be in Class 2 and in room W12.

Hm, that reminds me that I've got some studying to do...


To be fair, you're the only person with two characters, so that's totally justified haha.
Reina, looking more than a little green, gripped tightly onto the railing of the boat. Her navy-blue hoodie was pulled up, in an attempt to hide the distress on her face from any who might see her.

She was going to die. Or, at least, be violently ill. The young woman had always been prone to motion sickness -- something that always bothered her, seeing as she couldn't read on moving vehicles due to this. To avoid the sick feeling, she had to be able to see that she was moving, along with feeling the movement.

And between the torturously long flight where all she could see was unmoving blue sky, and this boat ride where all she could see was unmoving blue water... well, it was really, really getting to her. It didn't help that she hadn't gotten a wink of sleep in over two days now, courtesy of her nerves, motion-sickness, and insomnia.

Unable to register enough movement outside the boat to quell her queasy stomach, Reina shifted her eyes back towards the deck boat as she sighed. Her gaze met her guardian's, Reaper, who was floating a foot off the ground right by her (as usual). His skeletal body, covered by a black robe could be described as creepy, thanks in no small part to his hollow, black eyes. He slightly cocked his head to the side quizzically, asking her if she'd be alright. A small, genuine smile showed on the girl's face at the spirit's display of concern. "I'll live, Grim. Thank you," she said gently, using the nickname she had given him.

It was then that she heard a small scream that made her jump. Her head snapped to another girl, who had just rounded a corner and was the obvious source of the yelp. Her eyes were locked on the unsettling Reaper, uncertainty in her eyes as she took a few timid steps to move past them, her own guardian resting on her shoulder.

Reina flinched a bit at the girl's reactions, once again being reminded that these people were all like her -- everyone on this boat had a guardian as well, and they could see other guardians. It hadn't been something Reina had had to think about before today.

Quickly, she looked at Reaper and gave him a slight nod, silently asking him to turn into his butterfly form. He, as usual, obeyed without any hesitation, and a moment later a blue and yellow butterfly landed on Reina's raised hand.

"I-I'm sorry," she said to the girl with an apologetic smile. "He's, um, not really as scary as he looks..."

The only response she got was a curt nod as the girl kept moving past her, leaving her and Reaper alone again.

Reina swallowed hard as she looked down at the butterfly on her finger, feeling far more guilty than she should about the distress they had caused the girl. "Sorry..." she whispered to no one, her voice cracking.

She really must have been tired. To have to be holding back tears after something as small as that? How pathetic of her.

Reaper crawled along her finger, moving himself just an inch closer to her face in another show of concern. Reina forced a smile for him as she wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie, fighting back a sob. After a few more moments, she had herself mostly composed.

"Sorry, Grim, but please stay as a butterfly for a while longer, okay?" she said.

Reina couldn't remember the last time she had felt so relieved -- stepping off that boat had been an excellent feeling.

The sight in front of her was also quite amazing. All the new students like her were gathered, listening to a scatter-brained teacher greet them. Along with the students, of course, were their guardians. It was such a strange thing to see all these unique creatures at once, especially since she had only ever seen a few spirits before today. A few were in their butterfly forms, as Reaper was.

Still feeling a little queasy (though the feeling was mercifully fading) she pulled down her hood and followed the teacher's directions, entering the reception building and getting her class and room numbers: Class 1 and Room E77. Spending a moment to wonder what her roommate and classmates would be like, she shifted her focus on deciding what to do.

Seeing as she only had half-an-hour, it would be best to quickly head to her room to drop her things off, and then make her way to the courtyard to wait for the Headmaster's speech.

With an anxious excitement gripping her chest, Reina stepped out of the reception building and moved to start off towards the dorms.
@Jay Kalton
Okay, cool! I like them both a lot.

Would you be able to explain the magic a little more? Specifically the mechanics/technicalities of the bit about attacks within 5 metres of her not affecting her. As there will be some Player vs Player interactions in the RP, that could basically make it impossible for certain characters to do anything to Isami and Gin. Before jumping to any conclusions, though, I want to hear more about how you imagine that part of her magic to work.

Sorry about the delay! Your characters are accepted, so you can move them to the characters tab.

The only thing you should know, though: if you wish to bring his backstory into the RP as a plot, @Obscene Symphony and I will need to know more details about it. The vagueness of it at the moment means it can fit into the world, so we can accept your characters, but when details start getting added I can see that there may be problems that arise.

So yeah, just hit us up before bringing his backstory into the IC!

Looks great, thank you!

@Obscene Symphony
Yeah, sure, that makes sense to me. I know RiverMaiden also took Darkness, but I think you two are the only ones. Which kind of threw me for a loop when I just double-checked the characters because for whatever reason I had been thinking of Illusion as Darkness.

@Jay Kalton
Awesome, I'll look it over after I get some breakfast lunch!
@Obscene Symphony
Have mercy, please, I only wish for a few more minutes of nothingness.

Just a few... more...
No worries, take the time you need. I hope all goes as well as it can.

Thank you for letting us know.
None Some of you may be wondering: "How could we get this heavily anime-inspired roleplay to have even more anime in it?"

My response to that is as follows: What a STUPID question. It's so simple, I'm baffled that you can't see the obvious answer.

I present to you all our unofficial opening and ending theme songs for the first arc of the story.

Now we can truly become one with the entertainment medium known as 'anime.'

Stella-rium (Here are the lyrics for those interested)(Also not gonna lie, I kind of gave up on this one. Couldn't find any song that was exactly what I was looking for, so I settled on this. It's good enough.)

Beautiful Days (Lyrics)

I spent way, way more time and effort on this than I should have, so I literally was forced to post them. I'm sorry. On the bright side, I now have lots of cool new music to add to my phone. And a good idea of what the themes for the second story arc will be. And the third. And fourth. Also, enjoy the lighter tone and happier lyrics of these songs. It probably won't last.

I can finally stop listening to music for a while. Sweet silence.
@Obscene Symphony
I don't believe so. I seem to recall someone editing in a mention to me and it didn't ping me.
@BlackPanther @sakurasan

Great, thank you both!
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