Avatar of Cherrywitch
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 997 (0.35 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Cherrywitch 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Will be absent this weekend!
7 yrs ago
I’m. Bored. No. Role plays. Kill. Me.
7 yrs ago
If anyone needs someone for their rp, hit me up! I’m lonely... ;-;
7 yrs ago
Wooo! Nothing like coming back from a hiatus!! I’m pumped!!
7 yrs ago
Why does all my roleplays just die at once?! Whyyy?! If anyone needs a member for their RP, hit me up please!



So, my name is Cherrywitch, but call me whatever! (Cherry, Cher, Cherry-kohai, it's pretty open.)

What's your personality?
I consider myself fairly laid back, and a lot of people like me for some reason. I'm highly sarcastic and well... Weird. I kid around a lot and love to play. I can be awkward and pretty confusing at times, but I'm very imaginative and friendly! However, I'm sort of a 'dandere.' I'm really shy, even virtually, so you kind of have to come to me first if you want to chat or something. Heh, sorry about that. ^^

What do you like?
Yes, I am a weeaboo and proud. I'm addicted to anime and especially love the comedy ones. I'm also a gamer chick, and my favorite video game is Mortal Kombat because it was the first I ever played. I also have a strange liking towards mythology, especially from Asia.

How are you roleplay-wise?
I am a fandom/fantasy role player for the most part, but will also play futuristic topics if they interest me or dark-themed modern roleplays.

I've been on other rp forums before, so I kind of know the ropes. I'd consider myself an average writer. I write at my worst about four sentences and at my best four paragraphs depending on my mood and what I'm given to respond to. My grammar could be better, but it's pretty decent in my opinion. I play both 1x1 and group, and I'm always open for new roleplays! If you're interested in me joining one, don't be afraid to ask, I won't bite... Maybe just a nibble. :3

Sadly, I can't be on too much, what with real life and all. If I do get on, it should be about 2 hours during school days and twice that on weekends.

(Yes this is my intro post. Did I forget to mention I'm incredibly lazy? Whoops.)

Most Recent Posts

@bmxbrat484 I... like, five guys? XD "Five Demons"
"There are many stores and places for entertainment. You do have to work here, still, in order to have money to spend on these things. Everything is pretty cheap with our Mon currency, cheaper than the Deeds in heaven, at least."

@AkaiJose Under the Hell? tab. And no, they can exchange whatever Earth money they have for Mon with Greed, but it's not a very high ratio. One dollar is about a half Mon, and for scale a burger in the Underworld is like 5 Mon. Hope that makes sense. ^_^" And I don't know if I should reply yet, so...

Interactions: @Tenma Tendo@Majoras End

The thought of having to workout wasn't something Thirteen was particularly fond of, and considering his scrawny small body structure it wasn't hard to tell why. Even that he would put up with but... a team?! How? How could he get to know all of these people to work as a team? His 'brother' couldn't even get Thirteen into the habit of cooperating with another person. No no no, Thirteen had already decided to completely avoid the others at all costs and work solo.

But the avoiding others part had already seemed to go straight down the tubes.

While Thirteen was in frightened shock, nose buried promptly into his scarf, he hadn't noticed a girl peering at him with the curiousness of a circus goer peeking at a freak show. He hadn't noticed her up until she crouched down before him, pushing herself into his personal bubble without warning and making her existence known to the otherwise oblivious Thirteen. Though his face didn't show it, he was very surprised and uncomfortable with her so close, and scooched his body as far back against the wall as he could get away from her and personal contact.

"Hey, are you okay? Um...Thirteen?"

Thirteen? Oh, right... Thirteen brushed his cheek with the tattoo into his scarf, not even a twitch in his facial muscles, as if they were set in stone. He just gave a simple nod, hoping that was enough to make her go away. Thirteen was never a conversationalist since he was a street rat... who would he talk to, the dumpsters? Even so, he simply just didn't like getting close to people, he didn't want his bad luck to rub off on them. Thirteen pulled his knees a little closer and avoided eye contact with Thalia, doing his very best to silently tell her to back off with his body language.
@Majoras End well according to this handy dandy site, Gabriel is the messenger and helps people with communication. To me, it sounds like Gabriel would be Heaven's version of Lust where (s)he would take care of relationships between inhibitors of Heaven and any disputes they may have.

Just what I got from it.
Nope, I'm good!
@Majoras End Sure~! I'd love to have you, but just know a lot of our players have left recently, so.
Sierra Lovehart

Sierra took another scan over the group. They were all quite the character it seems. Sierra flashed them all another bright smile. While she was processing the different appearances and names, the first woman who had noticeably given her the cold shoulder spoke.

"Excuse me, my name is Catori Ricci, I was instructed to appear here today for in-processing? Oh, I'm sorry, it's nice to meet you as well, I'm not incredibly awake right now. Would you mind letting me inside, please?" The blonde cocked a brow, turning to the gate.

"Is it not open or something? Yeesh, you'd figure they'd at least unlock it if they were expecting us. Err, I'm only an Iron level, so I don't have any special key card or anything, but lemme try this! It's worked on every other gate or door before!"

Suddenly, a determination crossed over the hazel eyes, she staring down the gate as if it were here arch nemesis. Sierra got low, into a sort of fighting stance, drawing one right leg behind her. In a flash and with a smirk on her face, her leg shot up and kicked the gate door with such power it shook loudly, as if a bomb had gone off underneath it.

Still, no dice.

Sierra pouted childishly, raising her knee to her chest to rub her foot. "Owww. What the heck is wrong with that? It's not made of brick!" She whimpered, placing her throbbing foot back onto the ground and glaring at the gate. "... There's no way I'm waiting. This is taking way too long!" And just like that, the hyperactive girl was off again, now attempting to scale the brick wall and go over onto the other side. At least she was resolute, it seemed nothing daunted her. Of course, that will only get her into more trouble in the long run...

Interactions: @Majoras End


That's all the small boy could feel as the consciousness gradually returned to the muscles in his body. His heart was pounding in his fragile chest, trembles coursing through his hands and fingers. Am I alive? Did I survive? Did I die? Even though his thoughts were frantic, his expression remained neutral as always. Even the thought of death wasn't enough to change that.

Slowly, the deep black eyes blinked once, twice, until the blur cleared and he could see he was on a hospital bed. Oh... right. This place. I came here... to be stronger. The dark eyes lowered to his hand, as he clenched it in and out of a fist. He didn't feel any different, besides a distinct throb of a headache in his temples. The boy touched them lightly, screwing up his eyes from the pain. Was this... all a scam? A coldness encased his heart, but it was quickly broken as footsteps were heard entering the room.

A female researcher gave a relaxed smile of relief at the sight of the boy up on his feet, she coming over to speak with him.

"Ah, thank goodness! We were so worried when you fainted. Are you feeling alright now?" He hesitated to meet her eye to eye, but nodded anyways. "Oh, good! We thought your body had rejected the serum. Let's take a look at y— huh?" The researcher paused as she gazed at him head on, a puzzled look crossing her face.

"I-...Is something wrong?" The quiet thing stuttered out in his gentle, raspy voice.
"No, it's just... well, here." The researcher dug into her coat pocket to fish out a small mirror, handing it to the dark haired boy who was careful not to touch her as he accepted it. With a flip of the top, he gazed into the mirror curiously. Same blank face. Same girlish cat eyes. Same full lips. Wait, what was that? Under his left eye, there was a fairly large marking. It almost appeared to be a tattoo, the Roman numerals "XIII"... the number 13.

To the boy's surprise, he didn't shudder just from seeing the number. So, he was cured? The researcher seemed comforted that he wasn't put off by the strange mark, and delicately retrieved her mirror. "Well, its good to see the serum worked, at least your body accepted it. Your head might hurt for a while, considering we had to inject it in the vein there. Can you stand?"

The boy pushed himself onto his feet, fumbling for the scarf around his neck as he stroked it to calm himself. "Since you didn't have a name, we are going to refer to you as "Thirteen" now, is that alright?" A nod. "Good! Well, let's bring you to the waiting room to meet the others."
"Of course... you're not the only one participating in PHOBIA. This way."

Thirteen, as he was now called, trudged along behind her so that the researcher wouldn't try and put her arm on his shoulders as some would do in an attempt to comfort him. That only made him more anxious.

They entered the room, and with a quiet discussion the researcher left. He was alone. Thirteen's dark eyes trailed over the others here. Some were quite frightening in appearance, monstrous even. Was that from their experiments? Thirteen touched the mark under his eye lightly. He got off easy...

The small boy put himself in the corner, quietly praying no one noticed him enter late. He didn't like talking with people. Thirteen entered just in time to hear the doctor's introduction. He curled himself up tighter, suddenly wondering just what kind of mess he had gotten himself into.
@Majoras End oh, so they're still in the waiting room?

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