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do you ever just feel so mentally drained that even opening your mouth requires ridiculous amounts of effort



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  • She/Her
  • 21
  • Eternally tired
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I'm considering joining! This concept is super cool and I have so many character ideas buzzing through my mind already
Interested for sure!
@Kinjaav They won't have much evidence against Aava being the one controlling the water, though. She only tried to use the water a few times in defence, but her ability doesn't link her to the water since it is almost psychic controlling. So as far as the cameras see, the water is just going crazy in the air for no reason lol
Aava also never threw a rock at anyone xD
Wasn’t expecting that tbh... throws me for an interesting loop because I had expected the cops to chase him alone. You guys always throw me such creative curveballs!! Lol!
Might not be able to post again until later this evening unless I can finish something quickly — I should probably sleep at some point.

Keeps things interesting, subverting the expectations! ;)


Aava had little to no clue what was going on. Things were happening in a blur: there was a new person there, shouting and pointing something at them. Whatever it was, both Evren and the monster creature seemed to fear it. Aava looked at Evren, confused.
Sit? Why?
Aava observed as Evren demonstrated the position she wanted Aava to take. The näkki didn't follow, staring at Evren confusedly, until the man spoke again. 'Like me. Just like me.'
Aava nodded at her friend, mimicking the position slowly. Her breathing became more shallow as the sense of danger was settling into her - it seemed that they had gone from one threat to another. Aava trusted her friend to know what was happening even when things didn't mostly make sense to her.
In the distance there were strange noises. Aava was startled by them, looking at Evren with confusion and fear in her large eyes. She felt so... Exposed, sitting there without water or anything to cover her. On top of that she had no idea what was happening.
Glancing back at the woman with the weird object pointed at them, Aava swallowed and looked at herself from the shaky reflection of a puddle she'd created on the ground. She looked... Very human, actually. Her visage was more fleshed out and soft unlike her earlier hollow, bony appearance. Only her sharp teeth and weird hair remained to remaind her she was indeed not one of the land dwellers. The water and hefty meal from before had certainly helped her gain more of a healthy appearance, and it would certainly help if she was to be in danger amongst the humans.


What is that thing?
Aavawas only getting up from the ground. When she looked back at the direction the rock had hit her from, she did not see a man, but an animal. A big, threatening animal that was charging at them. Aava looked up at her friend who was currently shielding her to the best of his ability. This seemed... Wrong. Aava couldn't quite place it, but a strong sense of protectiveness overcame her, and she reacted without even meaning to.
As the wolf was charging at them, the water that had previously splashed on the ground now begun moving, trickling into lines that began streaming in Aava's direction. They easily surpassed the wolf, raising up from the ground to form a barrage of watery slaps right on the creature's face. Unfortunately it was too quick for Aava to try and drown it in a water bubble, but that was the best she could do.
"Evren... Evren, weak, run.." Aava insisted pushing her friend.

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: Beach house
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

As they paused for breath, Raven made sure to tell Molly they were going at a pace she set. The blonde gave a breathless nod, cheeks flushed and lips tingling pleasantly. Molly would've lied if she said she wasn't nervous and on uncharted territory, but she was even more excited.
"I've dreamed of this moment for as long as I can remember," Molly mused with a toothy smile, "no way in hell I'm gettin' cold feet now," she finished, pulling Raven's face against hers again as if to prove her point.
Molly's uncertainity wasn't about to get the better of her - sure - but her state of wakeness was certainly competing for that position. As their lips parted and Molly took a deep inhale to catch her breath, the inhale turned into a hefty yawn. Molly tried to stifle it before it was too noticable, but she might've failed horribly. The curly haired blonde giggled softly.
"Talk about a turn-off..." she muttered just as she felt another yawn coming, forcing it down now that she really wanted to be doing something entirely other than sleeping.

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: Beach house
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

Molly all but squeaked as Raven turned her attention to the blonde in a rush, pulling her into a toe-curling kiss. After the initial surprise Molly responded in kind, an appreciative hum drawing out from the back of her throat as their lips danced. There was no time for breath, apparently, and Molly was quite okay with that. She felt as if electricity was coursing through her entire body, buzzing and tingling pleasantly on her skin, her scalp, her lips... There was a definitive warm feeling pooling at the pit of Molly's stomach, one she was almost taken aback by.
As the girls parted for breath, Raven backed into the bed, leaving Molly standing dumbstruck, breathless, and much colder without the shorter girl's body to warm her. Molly's heart was beating like crazy. She was afraid it might burst through her chest if she didn't keep it together.
"I..." Molly began in response to Raven's comment, still breathless from the kiss that had made her whole head spin, "I don't a see problem," she finished in another smiley breath, gaze quickly scanning the room in its entirety before following Raven onto the bed. The drug stuff wasn't something Molly really endorsed, but from their conversation it had seemed that Raven knew what she was doing and that she had it under control, so the blonde just ignored it in favor of getting to know the girl lounging on the bed better. As Molly plopped down on the bed she smiled at Raven before supporting her weight on her forearms and reaching to kiss the other girl again. This is something you could get easily addicted to as well, Molly thought as their lips met.

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: Beach house
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

Molly kept picking on her bottom lip with her teeth as she nodded.
"That'd be... more than okay. Yeah," Molly supplied with a soft smile, her thumb moving to caress Raven's knuckles as she did so. Pulling Raven by the hand, Molly led the them up the wooden stairs. Some giggling and a loud laughter could be heard from downstairs, followed by a yelp and more laughing. Maybe the people who were still awake were playing truth or dare. It seemed that way, anyway.
When they reached the bedrooms, Molly realised that she didn't actually know which was Raven's. The blonde halted and let Raven lead them into the right room.
As the two entered, Molly was first met with a scent that was in all of the rooms of the beach house. Still, under that there was a more refined scent that Molly could only describe as Raven's. The rooms were theirs for the summer, so it was part of the deal that there would be some stuff and clothes that were Raven's. Molly was pleased to find that while their styles weren't exactly the same, Raven's room felt very cozy regardless. Molly let Raven enter first, following her after and closing the door behind them with a soft click. Once again, they were alone.

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: On the move
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996
Text colour: #adff9f

The walk back was filled with a comfortable silence between the two girls. Molly was too tired to come up with anything to talk, and as they walked she realised that she actually preferred the silence for a change. The sand crunched beneath their feet, leaving behind a trail of uneven footprints. Molly was tired and definitely intoxicated, a combination which made her lose interest in whether people were paying attention to her and Raven's entwined fingers. It seemed no one cared, though, and had Molly been more alert, she would've been relieved that was the case.
When the pair reached the beach house, there were still lights on in the lounge. 'Makes sense,' Molly thought. It might've been late - or early, if you wanted to put it that way - but people had been partying tonight. The celebration was bound to continue beyond just the beach party. However, Molly was too tired to join them. She looked at Raven as they reached the porch, opening the door as quietly as she could. Noises of conversation could be heard from inside, and Molly kind of wanted to avoid being detected altogether.
"Wanna go upstairs? I think I'm too tired to join them," Molly asked Raven - who she was still holding hands with - with a voice lowered barely above a whisper. Molly glanced back at the direction where the noises where coming from, biting the inside of her cheek nervously. It wasn't that she didn't want to be spotted with Raven. She didn't really mind if it came down to that. She just didn't feel up to confronting any of her old classmates or friends now... now that she had had the best evening in a long time. Seeing them always reminded Molly of the façade she had to hold, the fake self she was around the popular kids. Molly was tall, blonde, sociable, and objectively rather pretty. She didn't exactly dress gay or anything either. So why would anyone even suspect she might be a lesbian? That's right... coming out felt like a rather big step for Molly - one she wasn't ready to take just yet. And if she was honest, she just wanted to end the night just as pleasantly as it had started. And it didn't include any of the old familiar faces in the beach house... well, any except one.
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