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Lorie's attention was sparked the moment the woman - Sarah, as she'd introduced herself as - mentioned registering as a trainer and getting a pokedex. Maybe her eyes brightened for a moment, but then she got gloomy once more. You didn't get to be optimistic in this world. It never got you anywhere.
"I told you, I have a pokedex, I just forgot it home," Lorie almost snapped back defensively, although she seemed to deflate after that, looking at her feet with a stern expression. Was it really that obvious? Did she look like a bum? After a few steadying breaths, Lorie moved her pained gaze to stare at anywhere but Sarah's eyes. "Even if they had a pokedex... I doubt they'd just let an off-islander have one. Let alone register as a trainer," she mumbled with a grave voice. Ever the pessimist.
Sneasel retreated from clinging to Lorie's leg - it knew that comforting its human companion in public wouldn't be seen as appropriate by the purple haired girl. Showing vulnerablity was one of the things Lorie had learned not to show. Still, Sneasel looked a its trainer with a disheartened expression on its face.
"I'm Lorie. I didn't come here for the League - just... passing by, I guess. Unless winning that league gets you rich, then I might be interested," Lorie mused.
@Kinjaav Probably not. Nessa isn't in contact with any other vampires, she isn't a part of a community or anything. The only vampires she sees are the people she deals blood to, and that is neither Evren nor Lucifer.
@Kinjaav I mean I like just seeing where the situation escalates tbh, not planning too much ahead. It could even result in a fight between Hayato and Nessa, we don't know yet.

I'm pretty sure there won't be a solution where Nessa will be inclined to help Hayato, especially since she can see his evidence for singling her out isn't clear yet.

Vanessa stood there unflinching, staring at the man with pursed lips. A deal, huh? Nessa didn't know this man, he could be just trying to bait her into admitting something. She wasn't born yesterday, she knew not to give herself off so easily. Especially when the man's evidence was flimsier than flimsy.
"I'm telling you," Nessa spoke through gritted teeth, "you've got the wrong person, sir."
It felt clear this man didn't speak English as his first language. Was he someone hired by the cops? Was he actually being blackmailed by them? It didn't matter; Nessa wasn't interested in helping, not if she had any other options.
"What makes you think I'm the person you're after, anyway?" Nessa asked. She wanted to know what the man knew about her, and why he had chosen to single out her specifically. What made her look like the person he was looking for? Nessa knew for a fact no one had identified her appearance. So why would this man be so sure it was her?

Aava got up with Evren's help, her expression sour and bitter.
"(You are not blind, my friend, yet you can't see what is right before your eyes,)" Aava replied, disappointed. "(Man of the shadows better stay away, for he is blinded too. I loathe him, I do,)" she continued, smearing the beads of blood off her palms. Her heart still settling from the madness and anger that had overtaken her, Aava turned away from Evren and went back to examining the shelves, seemingly ignoring his proposal. The water that had ended up on the floor was slowly circling Aava's feet, absorbing into her skin like to a sponge, softening the Näkki's bony features and effectively creating a soft human disguise.
"I do not like this place," Aava concluded with a thick, Finnish accent, following the claustrophobic Evren outside. As she exited the rattled boutique, Aava glanced back one more time. What a strange establishment.
On the street Aava noticed for what seemed like the first time that something in their surroundings was fundamentally different. It was as if the air wasn't as pure and clean. It had the faintest smell of pollution to it. It was also more humid than Aava was used to, it was not the way she remembered the land. How far away from her lake was she?
"(My lake is there, yes? Home, lake. I wish to go home with you,)" Aava mused.
On the yard of a local hotel close to the marina of Mesperit City was a green haired boy with three pokemon before him.
"Okay guys, we're here to train a new contest number, yeah?" the boy spoke with a hopeful smile on his face. The Dunsparce before him was drowzing off peacefully in the sunlight while the two other pokemon - Skiploom and Mantine - were doing their things also. The Skiploom was floating in the air, distracted but happy. The Mantine, who happened to be Toshi's team's newest member, made a show of not paying attention to what Toshi was saying, simply swimming along in the hotel fountain.
Toshi sighed, refusing to give up. He had a clear plan, and he really wanted this number to work.
"Toto, Skip, just like we practiced, remember? Let's show Mantine how to do this," the boy nudged encouragingly, trying to get everyone pumped up. The Skiploom turned its attention to Toshi, happily floating to its trainer.
"Skiiiip," it sung, seeming motivated. Dunsparce only gave a lazy but acknowledging "spaarce" in response.
"First up! Toto, use Mud Slap on the ground!" Toshi commanded with a determined grin on his face, excited to get this to work. The pink yellow earth snake hopped around, splattering soft mud all over the yard. "Awesome! Next up, Skip: sprinkle the ground with Bulled Seed, then use Sunny Day!"
As soon as Skip used Sunny Day, the seeds it had planted into the soft mud began growing, a beautiful fresh green raising from the ground. Toshi grinned even wider, excited. This was going so well!
"And last, but not the least... Mantine dear, use Water Pulse to help them grow even faster!" Toshi exclaimed, turning to face the Mantine, eyes sparkling with hope. The young trainer had certainly gotten the note that Mantine wasn't very fond of him or his team yet, but Toshi thought a group exercise like this would definitely help Mantine feel more united. Maybe it would even see the beauty pokemon moves together could cause.

Or... maybe not.
"Aaagh! I said Water Pulse, not Icy Wind!" Toshi shrieked as a chilling blast of icy wind hit them, freezing the ground and effectively killing all the little saplings that had begun to grow.
Shivering and gathering Skiploom in his arms to shield it from the super effective ice move, Toshi looked around in hopes that no one had seen this spectacular failure.
I have a second character if that's okay ovo

Character form:
Username: Cio
Name: Toshi
Age: 17
Native or visitor: Visitor from Goldenrod City, Johto

Toshi is a boy with a bright smile and a messy leaf green head of hair. He has soft facial features and a slim build. Toshi's brown, round eyes are paired with a button nose dusted with freckles. He is very fashion-forward and likes to match with his pokemon.

Toshi is an optimist with a young heart and a head full of dreams. He is very ambitious, but kind and caring. He is an ambrivert, easily slipping into social chatter but feeling content when alone with his pokemon. Although Toshi is very encouraging, he is also a bit too much of a romantic, thinking everything will go in his ideal ways. The green haired trainer often thinks everyone wants to make friends, and doesn't stop to consider that maybe he is just a tad naive. Someone could describe Toshi as "girly" from the way he dresses and behaves, but this has never been something he has been ashamed of. In the end, Toshi is quite down to earth.

Toshi grew up in Goldenrod City, Johto. He had quite an ordinary childhood, normal parents and three older siblings. Toshi was never into pokemon battling, but he loved pokemon and admired their display of skill. From a young age he has wanted to become a pokemon coordinator despite all of his siblings aiming to become gym leaders.
Toshi gained his first pokemon friend at a young age. He'd always been quite the nature's child, exploring and wandering off here and there around the Johto region, to her parents' horror. When Toshi was six years old, he got lost in the Dark Cave - a pitch black cave in Johto. There he fell and scraped his knee in the dark, beginning to cry in panic as he realised he didn't know the way out. His saviour turned out to be none other than a Dunsparce living in the cave. Toshi had happened to wake the poor thing up with his crying, and the kind yet relaxed Dunsparce calmed Toshi down, guiding him out of the cave. As they exited, Toshi noticed this Dunsparce wasn't the colour he'd seen in his pokemon academy books, and the two became good friends for years to come.
Toshi made his way to Rorie islands after he won in a raffle and got tickets to a vacation there. Along the way to Rorie island, Toshi's party grew with one as he caught a Mantine during his travel across the sea. The Mantine, however, seems to not like Toshi very much, and doesn't really listen to his instructions.

Other: Toshi is an aspiring pokemon coordinator.
Lorie observed, disappointed, as a trainer cried out and reunited with his Umbreon. Glancing at the woman by her side, Lorie nodded at her comment. So, this was indeed an unusual Umbreon. Sighing, Lorie abandoned the idea of trying to catch a rare pokemon like that - if it already had an owner, it wouldn't probably work.
"That dude should take better care of his pokemon," Lorie deadpanned with a frown, looking at her feet as Sneasel rushed back to them. She wasn't trying to be exactly quiet, so the boy could've even heard her. She didn't care.
"Snee," it sighed, scratching its head with its clawed hand.
The woman next to Lorie apologised for the inconvinience and offered to help Lorie with anything concerning the island. Looking at the woman from under her purple fringe, Lorie nodded, mute. A native could be pretty useful right now. Lorie knew next to nothing about this place, so striking up a friendly conversation with this woman could prove to be fruitful.
"I never got your name," Lorie answered. Not that she cared or anything, but having a name to call this woman would be somewhat useful. Besides, that was a friendly starter, right? Being social was so... odd. "What's there to... you know, actually to do in this place?" the purple haired trainer continued as Sneasel scratched behind its long ear and groomed itself like a cat.

Lorie listened to the woman as she explained about Rapidash, the evolution of a pokemon called Ponyta. Even though her expression remained unchanged, a spark of interest could be detected in her eyes. Hearing about pokemon was interesting, and Lorie appreciated the woman for not asking probing questions. It felt... Safe, almost. As safe as one could feel with a stranger.
As the two approached the Umbreon, the woman added that this was an unusual coloration for an Umbreon. Lorie frowned, unsure what that meant, but taking the woman's word for it. Unusual, huh? Like, special? Lorie held her breath in anticipation, watching as Sneasel snuck closer like a shadow without a noise.

The woman startled Lorie as she nudged her, making Lorie flinch by the contact. However, Lorie was quick to look up to see what the woman wanted her to see. A big, gray bird. It was majestic.
"Huh..." Lorie hummed as she stared the bird, eyes full of wonder and child-like curiosity.
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