Avatar of Clever Hans
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    1. Clever Hans 7 yrs ago
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Current When the foxlight shines/Take no heed to its design/Even if the pieces change/I know the journey still remains
1 yr ago
When the foxlight shines Take no heed to its design Even if the pieces change I know the journey still remains
1 yr ago
When the foxlight shinesTake no heed to its design Even if the pieces change I know the journey still remains
6 yrs ago
Sorry, squire, I scratched the record...
7 yrs ago
Being hopeful...


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I'm game, though what is the power origin then? Is it an inborn human gene that skated under the radar till now? You mentioned it wasn't supernatural, mutant, or aliens.

Literally no one has a clue. :) And my apologies, because I did not make myself very clear: by "No mutants, no aliens, no ancient mythological beings," I meant that at the beginning of the game, there's no record of genetic deviation that would cause super-powers, there has been no documented contact of Earth by aliens, and no mythological beings are known to be walking around.

For reasons of plot:

I would not allow a "mutant" character, in the sense that the character has some sort of genetic alteration that has been pinpointed as the source of her powers.

A character could be an alien, but he'd either have to keep that fact a secret, or deal with the considerable repercussions of being the first alien known to Earth.

I would not allow a character to be some sort of mythological creature with a clear memory of ancient events and relationships with other mythological beings. However, if someone transformed into, say, a quetzalcoatl, and concluded without corraborative evidence that he was actually the incarnation of the legend, I could work with that. :)
I love the idea!

What time period is the world set in? Past? Present? Near Future? Or Distant future?

It would most likely be in the present.
Taking this a step further (not making any promises yet :D )... I'm thinking this would take place on an Earth where super powers are a very recent phenomenon (< 6 months), and super beings are rare (but becoming more common). No mutants, no aliens, no ancient mythological beings. Essentially, one day you were J.Q. Public. The next, you could fly, or lift a boxcar, or mind-control dogs or whatever. As they always seem to, circumstances would draw the team together, probably by way of me giving each player a writing prompt to write themselves into the beginning of the first episode.

Character generation: I have a modified version of the V&V tables, and I'd have players taking turns posting dice rolls to determine powers (and a weakness). this way, players can suggest ideas to tie disparate power elements together (plus its fun to see what other players get!). Players would make 5 rolls (plus one weakness roll), dropping one at the end of the process. The weakness that is rolled can be removed at the cost of dropping another power. Once all the rolls are made, I'd likely allow each player to pick a power to complete their concept.

Does that tickle fancies? Or cause fancies to cease smiling? :D
Considering it is Silver Age, what would be the model used? Are we going classic superhero stuff like with DC or going with the flawed and often low self-esteem of Marvel's entries to the era?

Good question. Structurally, it'd be more DC, with strong character archetypes. Emotionally, it'd be more Marvel. There'd also likely be some Astro City influence as well.
Not sure if this is still happening or not but i'd love to join if it is.

Quite possibly happening. :)
This looks awesome. Definitely has my interest.
Might be Free or Casual, but I'm just checking interest on a general idea for the moment.

I've always enjoyed the concept of old school Villains and Vigilantes - if you don't know it, it's one of the first supers RPGs, released in the early 1980's. The system is pretty clunky, but the concept behind the game is that players play themselves, with super powers. And like it would be in real life, you don't pick your powers; instead you roll on various tables to build up a power list.

Clearly, the "play yourself" notion wouldn't work out in the PbP medium, but I continue to be intrigued by the random powers concept. I played in several V&V campaigns, and there was never, ever a time when even the most bizarre, rando list of powers couldn't be pulled into some kind of cohesive concept - for example, I once rolled up a robot body, a special weapon, and plant-control powers. WTF, right? Well, that became Veg-o-Matic, the brain-in-a-bot plant-controller with a thousand compartments in his body for seeds of all kinds and a catherine wheel of blades that extended and whirled from one arm! :D

This game would be very Silver Age, and players would have to be willing to OWN the powers they wound up with, and make it fun.

Like I said, just an idea for now... but what do you think?
<Snipped quote by NuttsnBolts>

Ultimately, limitations restrict imagination but encourage reasoning. Another way to say it might be that limitations restrict the right brain but encourage the left brain. Whether that's a bad thing or not depends entirely on the context.

I feel that in the human brain, creativity is a mixture of reasoning and creativity.
I think there's some confusion among terms. To have ideas limited by setting, plot etc. doesn't necessarily mean that creativity is limited. Also, do you equate creativity with ingenuity? When faced with a creative framework, an artist has to work harder to accomplish her goals. Does the situation therefore limit or encourage creativity? Or are limitations and lack of limitations two different kinds of stimuli that both engender creativity in different ways?
I am also intrigued, but struggling to think of characters I'd like to play. It's weird, because usually it comes right to me.
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