Avatar of ClocktowerEchos
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 7442 (2.21 / day)
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    1. ClocktowerEchos 9 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current I was gone for a lot longer than I thought >.>"
2 yrs ago
Sorry for my absence! A Volunteering position suddenly turned into a Volunteer Leadership position I was not expecting at all so things have been hectic.
2 yrs ago
Look at you posers, having to bang dragons or sell your soul for magic when you could just play a lute for some. Anyways, here's Wonderwall. - Bards
2 yrs ago
Sometimes we live in a society. Other times, a society lives in us. Occasionally, society.
2 yrs ago
I am fucking screaming. Why are there so many fucking MLMs posing as actual marketing/advertising agencies. Just give me an actual fucking job reeeeeeeee



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Welcome to the Guild erryun!
@Mercenary Lord Go for it then but would he have 2-3 more summons after this or will he have 1-2 summons after this? Clearing it up since my brain can't figure out which one, my bad.
@Mercenary Lord You can defiantly use it against the biker horde but you won't get the big guy. Also, you sure you want to use what precious little you have this early? Shouldn't you be focused on trying to control the cart you've just been given responsibility for? :p
@KeyguypersonIs there any specific date which IC starts or should we have it be in vague month terms?
“Who the fuck are you?” Lewis shouted as a haggard jackass jumped on the cart and tried to command him, “Don’t give me orders! I’m the one calling the shots here!”

With everyone on board (and an extra guess), the cart surged forward as Lewis floored the gas, leaving a trail of dust and exhaust, choking the a warrior who managed to crawl out of the bar fight. Shouting into his Wind Talker (some black box that allowed people to talk through the wind spirits provided the other person had one), he reported, “B-Bastrd getting a-away…. Ch-chase!”

Behind him a storm of hooves and wheels arrived. Mounted atop mutated steeds with mercenary Autoboyz in support, the horde chased after Lewis’s stolen cart. They split and made way for the largest of them to come in: a turbo-engined Steam Roller lovingly called “Waffle Iron”. Its grinder teeth stained an eternal red from the gore it sought.

Flashing a look behind him, Lewis cursed as he picked up the pistol dropped in his lap and threw a brick on the gas, “Topdweller! You drive!”

Leaving the man who never touched a cart in his life before in control of a rapidly accelerating vehicle was probably a terrible idea. But this wasn’t the worse. Lewis hoped the man had fast reflexes and learned even faster. He himself was getting ready to defend the cart.

Lasblaster in hand, he swung around and dangerously held on to the side of the cart. A pattering of arrows flew down around the cart, missing everyone on board but signaling that there were mounted archers tailing them. It also meant that mounted gunmen were likely which didn’t bode well in Lewis’s mind. Ideally the mounted gunners would be just as clueless as how to operate a gun like their idiot cousin in the bar.

Raising his gun as the cart began to shake and sweeter, throwing off his aim, “Hey! Keep the thing steady! They’re closing in!”

Right on cue, a motorized tricycle burst its way out of a side aisle, its driver jabbing at the exposed Bargain Hunter’s side. With a blast of his weapon, Lewis shot the man off his mount, causing him to land and slide along the floor with a sickening crunch and squelch.

Another wave of riders came in as an echoing thunder revved up and a voice shouted, “YOU SHOPLIFTERS CAN’T ESCAPE ME, WALLORD SKTROK! I SHALL HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A SPIKE AND TURN YOUR RIB CAGE AS MY GROAN SHEILD.”

Mildly disgusted, Lewis turned to the occupants of his vehicle that swerved wildly, “I hope you lot have something to hit them with! They’re coming in fast!” Turning the the Top-Dweller now desperately trying to hold the cart straight, “And you! Keep doing what you’re doing and don’t crash and kill us all!”

- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -

So, shit is happening and we're on the run now gents!
@Mercenary Lord I used my GM powers and have more or less forced your character into driving the cart now because I personally thought it would be hilarious. If you would prefer not to be in that role, I can change it out for someone else.
In general, the cart is now being surrounded by various mounted warriors on a whole lotta different mounts for you to try and pick off. Good Luck!
Clocku the GM and Illustrious Illuminator
@Jpp188 Wait, I thought that Mexico and Canada remain the same as they do irl by whats said in @Keyguyperson's OP.
<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>

The idea for me was two have two bases, one in Arizona and one in Alaska with a potential Russian Connection coming through sometime in the roleplay, but I don't mind setting up a chapter in that area as one of the three chapters I will be starting out with.

Going off of what @The Spectre said, having two bases with a massive amount of land between them doesn't seem like a wise idea. That's a lot of land which you can't control thorugh which you must travel and communicate by meaning its easy for someone to screw with you. Plus, if the base in AZ falls or is under attack, good luck trying to get any help from Alaska down in time. How would your people even form their faction though with such a distance? Did you repeatly send diplomats or something over wild air space or something? There's a reason why nations in history tend not to have holdings in distant far off lands unless they were attempting to colonize.
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