Avatar of ClocktowerEchos
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 7442 (2.20 / day)
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    1. ClocktowerEchos 9 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current I was gone for a lot longer than I thought >.>"
2 yrs ago
Sorry for my absence! A Volunteering position suddenly turned into a Volunteer Leadership position I was not expecting at all so things have been hectic.
2 yrs ago
Look at you posers, having to bang dragons or sell your soul for magic when you could just play a lute for some. Anyways, here's Wonderwall. - Bards
2 yrs ago
Sometimes we live in a society. Other times, a society lives in us. Occasionally, society.
2 yrs ago
I am fucking screaming. Why are there so many fucking MLMs posing as actual marketing/advertising agencies. Just give me an actual fucking job reeeeeeeee



Most Recent Posts

@Dinh AaronMk Throwing this in.

Vaguely curious time permitting
@Flagg Afraid I will have to step away from this for a time being. Best of Luck!
@Dinh AaronMk So question: Are all books and texts and the like completely destroyed? Is it possible that there's still a private collection in some wealthy mansion or kept in the library of a university for keepsakes or "trophies"?
And so after a bit of a hiatus, here be some CS for the merc regiment and leader, will be putting up examples soon.

That's fine so long as you agree RNGesus diesn't have an organ gun misfire and splatter my Dwarfs across the scenery.

Provided your dwarves don't stand in front of the barrel or attempt to use themselves as ammunition, it shouldn't be that much of an issue. Welcome aboard!
<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>
Alright can I have them as four organ gun crews lead by an Engineer?

Each would have a rune of master-crafting and a rune of burning.

The organ guns sound good, just write some good backstory. I'm more iffy on the rune though.
@BangoSkank That's fine! Any ideas?
<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>
In that case can I have them as an artillery or thunderer unit or something, because without gromril you'll melt your face off.

That would be more than acceptable!
@Andreyich I know that Kislev Winged Lancers have actual wings. What I said was going back to my thing on military units vs merc units and how that unless they were defectors they probably won't be having the full regalia.

As for the dwarves, I guess they could be a bunch of really independent young (by dwarven standards) beardlings from wealthy families who used their family's wealth to procure heavy armor and guns. I'm still unsure on full gromril though so how about this; your commander can have full gromril while the main bulk just has really finely crafted dwarven steel armor. Gromril is rare and is either reserved for the elite veteran units or has family herilooms and I'm not sure how much dwarven families would be willing to just give away such a valuable thing to a child who says he wants to find what most believe (including dwarves) to be a tavern story.
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