Avatar of Cojemo
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    1. Cojemo 8 yrs ago


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I'm definitely looking forward to the Scathach and Cu interactions, and I guess Diarmuid as well considering. There's a lot of good interactions that are possible with this cast, it's great!

This was unexpected. Emerging from the bright explosion of light emitted from the amateurish summoning came a figure of elegance, draped in dark purple with long flowing hair. Her red eyes slowly opened, staring directly at the one who had called upon her. Scatach, gatekeeper of the Land of Shadows. This had never happened before, her presence being summoned from the Throne of Heroes. In theory it should have been impossible. Unable to die, she should not have been qualified as a heroic spirit, yet here she was, surrounded by warriors of the past. What had changed? Why was pulled from the Land of Shadows? Even the warrior queen herself could not answer such a question at the present moment, though this didn't mean she was left completely in the dark. Scathach could sense that there was an anomaly created somewhere, allowing for this oddity to occur. Lifting the red spear she grasped in her hand to rest on her shoulder, Scathach lightly smiled.

Yes, the warrior who had lived for thousands of years unable to die was thankful for this opportunity. Finally, she'd have a chance to tes her might against many more, though whether they could provide what she yearned for was a different question entirely. After all, Scathach knew better than anyone that she was a heroic spirit with unbelievable talent. Did there exist anyone in history who could put an end to her curse?

Well she'd have to find that out at a later date, as for now she was faced with addressing the one who had defied fate itself. "You have summoned me from my position of Guardian of The Land of Shadows, and for that I thank you. I am Scathach the Warrior Queen. You are the one I shall call Master, and thus the one that has defied the Throne of Heroes, correct?" With soft but strong eyes, Lancer examined the girl who she stood before her. She was, to be blunt, a child. Inexperienced, clumsy, and rash, Scathach could tell that her summoning was not one done purposefully. This girl still had a lot of work to do before even being called competent, though there was something there. With her keen eyes the Warrior Queen could see a small glimmer of potential within her master that, if tapped into, would make her a Master more than worthy of the title. "I suspect this will work just fine."


Jack The Ripper

If appearances were any indication, then what had answered the call should not even be considered a Heroic Spirit. Small in stature and childish in expression, Jack's eyes wandered and observed her surrounding curiously. there were so many people, and other people like her. She knew why she was their, but the whole situation still brought a sens eof wonderment to Jack. With very little clothing, the one who represented the class of Assassin appeared like a harmless child who'd gotten lost, though this couldn't be farther from the truth. A killer without hesitation, Jack was a formidable Servant, and one that would serve her Master well.

In fact, due to her summoner being who it was, they may as well have won the lottery. The second Jack laid eyes on Ghyslaine, the small girl gazed at her with fascination and admiration. Her Master? Her Mother? Had she finally found who she was looking for? For her entuire life she longed to feel the warmth of where she originated, to feel the love of the one who birthed her. Was this woman her? A smile quickly formed along Assassin's lips, her hand reaching out towards Ghyslaine for a brief moment before being quickly pulled back by the shy girl.

For a while, Jack simply stood there, staring into the eyes of her Mother. In truth, the Assassin was at a loss for what she was to do. Like, she'd been granted the knowledge necessary for her purpose, but still. She was just so overwhelmed with happiness that ot was difficult to compose herself. Finally, Jack slipped her two knives into their holsters and spoke. "We're uh, Jack the Ripper. We'll fight for and kill for you." It had been decided. This women that stood before her was now her mother. There was nothing that'd stand in the way of her fulfilling her mothers wish. No matter how many she had to kill, no matter who she had to tear to shreds, Jack would make sure her mother was safe, Not only to fulfill Ghyslaine's wish, but her own. "In turn, you'll take care of us, right Mother?"

@Raineh Daze
Yay I posted! I'll get up Scathy and Jack right away, just wanted to get Felix in there first.
Felix Wade

The nerve of this girl. Who was she to call HIM unintelligent when he was clearly the only person to know what was going on. If there was one thing Felix despised it was idiots who thought themselves better than everyone else. After all, that wasn't him. He knew how superior he was. This girl, however, was obviously deluded and couldn't even conjure up a half decent insult let alone a powerful Servant. Not only that, but she seemed to refuse to accept her defeat gracefully and instead opted to behave childishly. Of course, Felix knew when to drop a conversation, and this seemed like exactly that time. So, instead of firing back with his logic, the magus instead simply smirked at the girl and picked up his bag, feeling quite proud of himself.

He'd see how haughty she was once he'd used his catalyst.

However, before he could leave the buffoon's presence and get to summoning his trump card, A girl by the name of Seyrun interjected herself into the situation, opting to help clean up the mess he'd admittedly caused. Yes, in truth Felix knew that he should probably assist the girls, because in truth it was his temper that'd scattered the clothes on the ground in the first place. He paused, staring at the various undergarments for a moment, before turning his back and making his way towards his circle. Under normal circumstances Felix would have no problem fixing his mistake, but in this case it'd require him to suck up his pride and admit he was wrong to that... slow witted idiot. And, as one may have guessed, there was no way in hell that was going to happen.

Still, despite his foul mood, he couldn't help but chuckle at the comments from the younger girl towards the situation. "Panties guy? Is that my name now? I'd prefer Panties Man actually, sounds like a much better super hero name." He joked back with his poor attempt at humor. Such comments coming from a child always warmed the stern Magus' heart, as they never failed to bring back memories of his sister. She was his motivation, the main reason why he did what he did. Having a reminder of her definitely helped push him forward. Of course, Felix had opted to ignore the comment that had come from Seyrun herself. He knew full well how to treat a woman! Just like any other person of course. Shinobu, though, barely classified as a person so as far as he was concerned everything was fine.

By the time Felix had unpacked his bag and taken out the metal box containing his catalyst, he could already see a few other had summoned their servants. However, another thing he noted was that there were quite a few females in attendance, a fact that made him smirk. Opening the box, Felix removed what looked like the tusk of a boar and placed it in his summoning circle. "Nice Servants there fellas, but you haven't seen anything yet." Felix said aloud to the whole room. "Oh, and laides, I suggest you shield your eyes."

"You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!

With the final words of his chant, Felix's summoning circle grew brighter, and a flash of light caused him to shield his eyes. The man smirked, knowing that his planning and preparations would pay off right now. He knew for a fact he didn't have the strongest Servant; despite his resources there was no way he could obtain such a catalyst. However, in his mind the choice he'd made was the most tactically sound, and in a few moments everyone around would be met with the sight that would prove he was the most eligible to be a Master.

Welp, I'm super sorry to my Servants, Masters, and those I was interacting with but I just haven't felt good all day and I don't think I'll be able to get out a post that I'd like for a bit. After some sleep I should be fine for tomorrow though. Again, sorry for making people wait!
ayy wher my scathy at

Haven't gotten around to posting today. I'll get scathy to you don't worry! I'll also get to Felix.
Well his jobbing powers ARE extremely powerful. He'll job to everyone despite his apparent superiority.
@PKMNB0Y I dunno, I honestly believe Gil could handle much more than 3 even with his overconfidence. Yeah there's been times where he couldn't, but I always look at those situations as oddities. I could be wrong though.
@PKMNB0Y I think there's definitely a few Servants who could take on 9 other Servants at once, but yeah that's definitely a good idea.
Felix Wade

He was the one to blame? Oh boy, it hadn't even been a minute and Felix already knew this girl would be a pain to deal with. Throwing a temper tantrum and hurling insults like a spoiled child, all because she couldn't accept she was wrong? It was obvious that, like many others at this facility, she did not deserve to even be in the presence of a summoning circle. Like, who acted like that over something as trivial as mistakenly taking someone else's bag? Well, Felix obviously, but he was already upset at himself for losing his temper like he did. Besides, he had an excuse, unlike this...person. He normally was exceptional at keeping his composure and remaining calms, but having all the stress of the situation culminate with his hard work possibly being lost made him lose his cool for a bit. It wasn't a mistake that would happen again, unlike with this person. At least, he assumed that was the case.

So, with how idiotic Felix deemed his current situation, he'd surely just apologize and move on, right? If someone actually thought that was the case, then they did not know Felix in the slightest. As far as he was concerned his pride had been directly challenged, and even though his logical mind was smart enough to realize the correct course of action, his ego would not allow him to back down and let some dull headed moron feel superior. Looking at the underwear he held in his hand then back at its owner, Felix smirked, then proceeded to toss them back to their owner.

"Well, if you think I'm the type of person who'd even want to waste their time on something as trivial and illogical as a girlfriend then maybe you are as dim-witted as you look. I prefer to focus my efforts on more important things like, oh I dunno, actually doing something of importance. I have a long list of accomplishments and evidence that puts my worth well and above whatever yours may be, so if you wanted to argue who deserves to be here more then I'd be more than happy to prove you wrong."

Felix had molded his entire existence to being a person of pure logic, so having someone question this obviously meant a nerve or two would be struck. As far as he was concerned, there was no logical way that he could be in the wrong here. It's not like picking fights was something he enjoyed doing, but in certain cases it was simply unavoidable. Keeping as many possible allies and managing his partners like chess pieces would only increase his chances of success, but when he had a pawn that seemed to stupid to make the correct move, discarding it didn't really bother him too much. Still smirking, he continued.

"But, let's not get too off topic here. Wouldn't want you to get confused, right? You stole my bag, and yet you think I'm the one to blame? Well, I'm going to guide you through this so you can realize why I'm actually the smartest person here while you just aren't even close to me. My bag was left in the second floor lobby next to a table. A table, mind you, with this book on it, also belonging to me." He pulled out the mythology book he'd been reading earlier and waved it in front of the girls face, purposefully treating her like a child in order to prove a point. "When I'd returned, there was no bag there, and instead I had found yours on the complete opposite side of the room. So, combining that with the fact that you arrived here before me, and we have a situation where you somehow mistook my bag for yours, even though there was enough evidence to help you to not make such a mistake."

"So how about you admit you're wrong, and instead of speaking like a spoiled brat who'd gotten their internet privileges revoked you just hand me my bag. As I said before I really don't like wasting my time with things that are inherently illogical, so the sooner I can get this conversation over with the better."
As far as he was concerned, his little performance there had just made up for his previous outburst. Boy did that make him sound cool. Not like he wasn't, but still. Either way, he'd hoped that his partners would be a bit smarter than this, but in the end it didn't matter. Felix was used to working through a handicap, and if he needed to carry whatever operation they were assigned to on his back all by himself then that's exactly what he'd do. After all, it was his responsibility to do so, and there wasn't a chance in hell he'd let a loudmouthed idiot like this girl screw with that.

"Oh, and you might want to clean up this mess of yours. After all, it may be a bit embarrassing to have everyone staring at your underwear."

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