Avatar of Compulsive86
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 169 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Compulsive86 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I spent the past ten minutes looking at baby cow pictures. My only joy
6 yrs ago
what's wrong with strippers? I'm sure they're very nice when you get to know them >.<
6 yrs ago
the difference between sand and glitter is that while both never seem to leave, at least with glitter you can tell people you were practicing magic
1 like
6 yrs ago
Five roleplays to reply to, *cracks knuckles* this might take a bit
6 yrs ago
Holy shit it's coming to life. Where is lighting when you need it?



WARNING WARNING GERBIL ALERT: This human has the attention span of (and may very well actually be) a gerbil. While they will try to respond as frequently as possible it is NOT unusual for them to go away at random times for random periods. This is not ghosting, this is gerbiling

Hello there my friends! I really like writing but I mostly do poetry so I feel like roleplaying will really help me write stories. That being said though, my writing style can tend to be kind of poetic at times; not all the times, but occasionally. I love all sorts of roleplays and I'm opened to most kinds of roleplays. My usual amount of per post is around 3-4 small paragraphs, at most six small paragraphs. Besides that I am a gendefluid individual (I like to consider myself above gender) who uses they/them pronouns. I am on the autism spectrum and just adore adding that into my roleplays. I adore anime and anything Asian really; just recently I started watching a Thai drama called "Grey Rainbow".

My favorite generes are:
B.D.S.M (I am a tad bit freaky, but aren't we all?)
My interest check: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/173527-1x1-roleplaying-ideas-general-mxm-and-fxf/ooc

Some things I will not roleplay are:
Anything straight, because I am not straight XD

I mostly do 1x1 roleplays but I would like to do more group roleplays.

Roleplays I'm in:
PROFESSOR PERRY’S LABYRINTH OF DOOM 🗡 roleplayerguild.com/topics/173683-pro…
The Waves Hold Secrets: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/173580-the-waves-hold-secrets/ooc
MHA- https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/173700-my-hero-academia-of-gods-and-men/char
Family roleplay: roleplayerguild.com/topics/173932-dys…
Super heroes OMG: roleplayerguild.com/topics/173886-her…

Waiting to be accepted https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/173720-dawne-a-japanese-school-life-rp/ooc

Waiting to come to life:
Magic- roleplayerguild.com/topics/173563-jus…
Maids- roleplayerguild.com/topics/173174-mai…

Like, two 1x1 roleplays have actually started? And, I'm conversing with a few other people.
(you guys don't need to know this, it's just so that I don't forget)

Most Recent Posts

@Ayla here we are!
No image just words:
Fritz’s hair is an extremely dark brunette color that in the front and front sides that goes right below his ears while the back reaches down to his ankles. He usually wears it up in a high ponytail so it only reaches the end of his butt. Next, he has very pale skin (Due to the fact he always wears long sleeve clothing the sun can not tan him). Finally, he has dark green eyes. He wears rectangular thin rimmed glasses and long elegant fingers. His nails are painted black but you wouldn’t know since he is prone to wearing black leather gloves. He has an oval face with a sharp chin. His eyes are also slightly bigger than the average person. He is relatively gangling, not because he is tall but rather because he is thin and quite awkward with his movements and how he carries himself.

Name: Frederick .John.Hawthorne (nickname Fritz)

Age 15

Height 5 feet four inches

Weight 105lb

School: entering second year of highschool

Personality: Fritz, to summarize, is an anti-social philosopher. He is an introverted individual who prefers his own company over anybody else so you will hardly ever see him interacting with others unless forced. With all the time by himself he naturally gets a lot of time to think about anything and everything. He is not one for poetic words, tending to be straight and to the point when he is forced to engage in conversation; he is a great listener however, and while his word may be blunt but they always hold some truth to them.

Bio: The second born out of three children Fritz has always been the weird one of the group. Before the death of his mother she was the main one to get advocate for him getting support in and outside of school. With her help he got the therapy he needed and was able to become somewhat functional. (He’s still pretty weird though) After his mother’s death though he is at a loss. He had never talked to his older sister about his problems and he can’t really picture her taking care of him and their younger sibling.
Ladies, gents, and other entities! May I present to you, the one, the only, PIERROT!

@Compulsive86Alright, since he was staying off the radar it should be fine. Metahumans could appear before 2019, they were just very, incredibly rare and rather weak. Since your character fits both of those, I think it should be fine to accept him. :P

*begins to dance* YAY
Good evening ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between; tonight I am here to both welcome and prepare you for the spectacles that are about to unfold. Tonight you shall experience a series of performances that are meant to inspire, excite, and amuse. Our queens, divas, and princesses of the night are echanting beings who wish to dazzle you with song, dance, and comedy. But most importantly, our ladies are here to present a very important message.

In this room, in this club, our performers are who are who they are and no one can tell them differently. We are beautiful, unique, and perfect in every single way; and we hope that you, the audience, feels that once you enter this club, that you are beautiful, unique, and perfect in every single way. May you realize that YOU are who YOU are no matter what the world has to say.

So without further adieu, I present to you,

Welcome to Paradis Tombe! An elite drag club were top performers from all around the world gather to strut their stuff. Watch as the queens, kings, and the rest of the staff become a family of choice.
Of course, not everything is sunshine and rainbows (well, yes rainbows but not in that sense). The outside world is cruel and the people are worse than you could ever imagine. If the club is paradise then the outside world is purgatory.
And while they may become family, family still fights; especially a family centered in show business.

Characters needed:
Bodyguard: Damien Hjálmtýsson
Bartender: Anastasia "Anna or Annie" Volkov
Owner/Drag queen: Carter Young
Drag queen:
Drag queen:
Drag queen:
Drag King:
Drag King: reserved for @dragonbutts
Musician: Elliot White

1:This will be a free to casual roleplay so at minimum I will ask for three smallish paragraphs per post

2:No being rude to each other in OOC, we are loving and accepting here

3:Remember that communication is key, please feel free to discuss plot in the OOC

4:Romantic relationships are fine but if they get 18+ then move over to the pms please

5:Cruelty against the LGBTQ+ community will be a part of the plot but it will not be tolerated outside the
roleplay. If people are being rude in any way they will not be allowed to roleplay.

6:Violence might also occur, this is fine but do not make it too gruesome.

7:All forms of gender identity and gender expression are welcome to be explored in this roleplay.

8:All forms of sexuaility are allowed as well.

9:Finally, HAVE FUN!

Stage Name:
Full Name:
Age (18 minimum):
Talent: (only needed for performers)
Theme: (example: Country girl, dumb blonde etc, performers only)
History (optional):
In Hello 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
A warm welcome for you!!
I'll be waiting! If you need help with anything let me know.
You know it!
Sounds even better.@Ayla

Would you like to be the older sister?
So something like this.@Ayla

Single parent with two kids
Two kids try to get parent with someone

enter random person who the kids want to get there parent with.

Throw in some romance for the kids.

Drama, maybe a medical crisis. I have no idea what I'm saying anymore
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