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Would you like three, or one character sheet?
What I've thought of so far, so there's two daughters, an elder, and a younger. The Elder will be my main, and she's going to be on the verge of womanhood, a good ol' coming of age story for her then. The younger will probably be from 8-10. Obviously, this isn't very typical, so the officer is probably a higher up, with noble blood and influence, and he's been playing the game for a while, so this sorta' thing can happen.

Her thing is ever since her sister was born, she's been with her father, at different battlefields and war-crap. That's because, dundundun, her mother died at her sisters birth, cliche, but it gets interesting. Older-girl and Father both have brown hair, mother had brown hair, all very uniform, and mundane. However, younger sister has red hair, blue eyes, a spot of color. There's rumors, given that she was born while the father was away, being an officer, that the Mother was untrue and she isn't truly his daughter. The Officer-man denies it, at least publically, and cares for the younger daughter just as he does the others, but there's still rumors. He knows the redhead isn't his, it's just not possible, he was away, and could not have impregnated his wife. But he sees her sin being paid for when she dies in childbirth, and saves his own reputation and the reputation of this little girl, by acknowledging her as his.

This makes him very untrusting of people outside the army, and so after his wife dies, he keeps his daughters, true and adopted, with him.

The elder daughter, though, is freaking tired of war, she wants to go to Court, like other noble ladies and get away from all the freakin' smelly ass soldier men.

Officer man is totally against that.

So the girls don't really have a role, they're sorta' along for the ride, kept protected because their father's an high-up officer, and they probably know a lot of the other officers/soldiers that have been around for a while. Kinda' like mascots XD, especially the little one.
While I was brainstorming, I knew I wanted to play a woman, which really limits the types of characters I can play. However, I wanted to discuss with Partisan if perhaps it'd be okay if I played the daughters of one of the officers. I could play an officer too, I have no trouble multi-charactering or playing male characters, I just prefer my main, at least, to be a female.
Hi Everyone!

I've just read through all the IC posts, and I'm hella' interested in getting involved!
Alright so I had two essays to write last weekend, so I couldn't get a post, and now, I've got the time, but I'm sick and all doped up on medicine. I'll try to get one though!
Finally was able to post again! Woohoo! Ambition!
Within the Kamer van Macht; Evening, Veere, north-eastern Frisstreek

“What? No! Absolutely not!” Lady Sara’s voice echoed through the Kamer; in the distance, the walls repeated her words in disbelief, until they softly dwindled away into nothing.

Across the great table, two terrible forces had united, Lord Henri Prins, and the Vorst Basilious. Sara’s eyes rolled from the two men, wide and furious, searching for an ally of her own; Odes. But the old man was not present, and she was left alone with his heirs grin, though five years her elder, Basilious still managed to play the part of a pubescent boy, all cock and glamour. One hand balanced on the table, looking up with an amusement in his grey eyes, reflecting the enraged Lady as she stood from her chair.

“You think me a fool, you bastards? Hm? You think you can just ship me away so you can run this country into the ground? I will not, I refuse!”

She shouted across at them, the youngest gaining a look of apprehension, he’d not expected such a vocal protest from the Lady; Basilious never lost his grin, speaking coolly now, his ice against her fire, which only served to infuriate her further, “M’lady.” His voice slithered with a patronizing calm, for she was obviously the irrational one, she was the woman. “ You must understand, I would go myself;” The hand drumming on the table came against his breast, “Alas, I am not yet a Lord, and it would only serve to insult the Gu-shedal. My father, he is too sick to travel, and when he should pass into the next world, it will be in his own bed.” Basilious’ voice rose with force, looking at Sara, and even Henri for a challenge, but there was none. Though neither might not care for him, they all fostered respect for his father.

“Then Lord Henri will go,” Sara began, but was interrupted by a gentle chuckle from Basilious’.

“Lord Henri is facing a great feat of his own; his thirtieth birthday, and a Prins Lord has not down that in, hm, It would be near eighty years now, wouldn’t it? My poor father saw the last lively Prins.”

That brought a surge of annoyance to Henri’s face, who said nothing, but Sara breathlessly, unbelievingly, laughed, “ All peasant superstitions; spells and curses. Henri is healthy, and fit to go.”

“And should he die, a healthy, fit, man of twenty-nine, of still unexplained causes-”

“Lord Eckel had died of dysentery after falling from his horse into its own manure. If the man had not had continued his hunting trip, he’d be alive still today.” Sara said fiercely, Henri sitting silent, looking down at his hands.

“And Lord Eckel’s father?”

“He broke his neck, drunkenly scaling a tower, and midway up, deciding he wanted to be down. If the Prins have any disease; it is their own drunken stupidity”

Basilious gave a shrug to her, “Still, Lord Henri and I have made our decision, you will be the acting hand for Frisstreek, you have more experience than Henri, you have met more leaders than he has. It’s only fitting for you to represent us.”

“It is only fitting that I should be gone so you might plan treason in my wake! Enough! I will not go. Where is Lord Odes?”

“My father,” Basilious would say with an edge, “is resting, we have already discussed it with him, and he agrees with us. You must go, Lady Sara.”

Sara looked toward Henri, “And you will allow this, Henri? A bold faced attempt at sedition, you know, when I am gone, he” Her eyes turned accusingly toward Basilious, “He will only gather more power. Can you not see that? Are you as stupid and drunken as your forefathers? He will take every advantage dwarf you with what power will gain. Without me here, there will no Lords, only a King and his Fool. Listen to me, you might think yourself clever in doing this, but you will undo us both!”

Her warnings, however, went unheard, Henri turning his face half away from her, and speaking lowly, “I have cast my vote, Lady Sara.”

Sara’s eyes flashed between the two, “Fine! Let it be then, let him rule. I’ve never cared for it anyway!” Already standing, it was the Lady’s turn to march enraged from the Kamer, slamming the door behind her, and startling the two guards at its sides. Both snapped into position at the glimpse of the Lady, but in a moment, she was gone.

In the Kamer, Basilious let out a high laughter, Henri staring down at the table, and thinking back to what she had told him, There will be no Lords, only a King and his Fool. Henri would not be made a fool, a pawn in the hand of any man, Basilious, or otherwise. Without a word, he stood, and left Basilious to his celebration.

Without Sara, there would be nothing but peace for him. It would be his turn to gain notoriety, to live up to the Prins name, before it was known for young-blooded, dead, drunken fools. He would be known for the hero who brought Fristreek into an age of glory. The common folk and the nobility alike would rejoice at his name, Lord Henri Prins, and in his shimmering glory, the memory of Lord Odes, of Lady Sara, and the Vorst Basilious would fade away, weak shadows in a world of light.
Feigling said
I just want to extend my thanks to Corin for editing the map when my facilities are... limited at best.On a side note, I think I'm almost finished. History is low priority - and I'm sure you can guess the meat of it - and everything else is cleanup. So, I'm going to let you all get revenge and judge my nation as harsh as I judged yours!

No problem Feigling! Maps are easy peasy. Today I edited the face of a man-child onto the body of a midget dressed as a baby, so, I guess I go pretty hard at art.

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