Avatar of CrazyShadowy
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 674 (0.23 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. CrazyShadowy 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. ~ Jimmy Dean
7 yrs ago
For the curious, this is my computer setup. I have some upgrades planned but this is what it currently is. pcpartpicker.com/list/b9mhTH
7 yrs ago
Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you. ~ Les Brown
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Finally was able to pickup a copy of Pokemon Moon today, get to start that once I get home!


Heya! I'm Shadow. He is a shadowy figure, with a black cape, eerie black-and-white hair. I love gaming and roleplaying and I'm a DM for a D&D group as well. I freaking love it! This first paragraph or so will be my likes and interests, if you don't want to read it, feel free to keep scrolling.

So, I'm a huge geek and nerd. Call me what you will, I call myself a computer geek and gaming nerd. Gaming is my thing, it's what I always do and my huge amount of free time allows that. I use Linux as well, don't ask why as I don't care for getting into that. TL;DR of that I prefer Linux and I hate the way M$ is going. I'm a huge geek for Star Wars, it is my most favoritest thing ever! I'm also a huge fan of and I quote space core, "Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!" I enjoy spray painting, I've made some cool stuff with it. I enjoy anime and manga, my favorite anime is "The Devil is a Part Timer." Favorite game currently is Stardew Valley. I really love weapons of all kinds, I have 4 knives a katana and dagger and a pack of throwing knives in my room. I plan to get more. Running is enjoyable. I freaking love music, as I'm writing this I have Red Hot Chili Peppers playing. My genre's usually tend to be rock or metal, sometimes I'll go away from those. Not insanely often though. Flying planes is amazing, I've done it about 6 times. I'd love to try for a private pilot license. I won't apologize for this being all over the place, that's how I am and I won't apologize for being myself!

I am big into computers, I've built mine, taken it apart and rebuilt it numerous times. I plan to do that again once I get a new case. Computers are my thing, I have numerous builds planned out, I just need to get the money for the parts to build them. This has given him a reputation for callousness and greed. I've done a custom paint job on one of my side panels, doing spray paint means I can do that, heh.

I made that.

If you meet me in person, I have a tough shell. I enjoy having a tough and scary or intimidating exterior. It's come in handy. Once you get to know me you'll know I'm not like that. I'm a sweet guy, very caring and while I am shy and introverted. I do come out of that and meet people. I do tend to talk more the more we know each other.

I freaking love tea, tea is love, tea is life. Tea is my favorite drink ever, it's the best thing known to mankind. I'd drink nothing but tea for the rest of my life if I could. He frequently reattaches and transplants limbs. So many differnt kinds and flavors, it's crazy with how much there is, then making your own. The limits are endless when it comes to tea! If you want me to love you forever, you should totally get me tea!

Interests for Roleplays.

Slice of Life.




Magical lore.

Dungeons and Dragons type things.

Here's the list of roleplays I'm currently in.
Event Horizon.
The Lost.
Mother4: Earthbound2.*
Azure's Gate
Chaos in Kalos.
1x1 with @Shadow007
1x1 with @AdamantiumWolf
1x1 with @kittyluna45

Roleplays I mangage

* Shadow007 is my Pinoco
* May no longer exist but it still does in my heart, Thrall will live on in my text document of him.
* @HaleyTheRandom Is my slightly annoying, short and beats me with pepperoni sister.


Keyboard Cat

Sleepy Cat

Most Recent Posts

I see you have an IC post, thanks!
I perfectly agree with Heap on that!
@Shoryu Magami
Glad to finally be here to be honest with you.
Alrighty, second ping for ye but it has reason. As you can see, we've gotten another IC post up and I was hoping you'd still be willing. You said you would if somebody else would, hence why I'm asking.
Okay people, we got a new player in. Hoping that'll help boost moral, I know some of you have been busy with work or school or out of town like Vampire. Hopefully, as I said, this could boost the moral and get this more active, I'm still going to look around for some more players, some have shown interest to me before but couldn't make it in. I'll be offering them a chance once again.

Welcome aboard!
Aye, I just have weird ways of saying it.
Mkay, you know I've been happy to hear another person is wanting to join. Been on my mind all day and since I first showed this to ya yesterday. The reasoning for him getting in, worse than some but not worse than others. I mean, yeah it'll land him in but not in Solitary like two of the other characters. Atleast you didn't say anything else about the password as one did, I don't care if it's technically a pie @Shadow007 IT'S CHEESECAKE TO ME!

*coughs* Well, with that aside. Welcome to the hell that is Asbasta!
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