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Name: Jason Green

Nickname: Blitz

Age: 19

Nationality: Canada

Appearance: Lean and lanky build. Even, average looking face. Blue eyes, reddish-brown shaggy hair.

Fighting Style: Kickboxing

Record: 0-1 Pro 5-1 Amateur

Weight Class: Lightweight (155lbs)

Height/Reach: 5'9 / 70"

Background: Being the legendary Dan Green's son hasn't been easy. Jason's always felt that he needs to live up to his father's legacy from the first second he began training. After losing a close decision in his first amateur fight, he turned it up a notch, scoring 5 knockouts in quick succession, a run that led to a rushed professional debut, which he lost due to a lack of preparedness (and a wicked right hook). While rehabbing his injuries, Jason and Dan decided that it was for the best for Jason to enroll in the MMA Academy.

Green's MMA Academy

When UFC Hall of Famer Dan Green was asked what he wanted to do in retirement, the former 2-division champion had an interesting answer. Sure, the vast majority of retired fighters continue on in the sport in some way, through coaching or promoting. Dan wanted to take things one step beyond that. He wanted to fundamentally change the sport forever. To that end, he founded the MMA Academy and went looking for young fighters to train. Doesn't matter if you're an up-and-coming amateur or a rookie pro fresh from their first fight, if you've been invited to the academy, he sees a future champion in you. He also gathered together a staff of the best trainers he could find, a veritable who's who of the various aspects of the MMA world. Cut off from the rest of the world, Green and his staff intend to turn these young prodigies into living weapons who live and breathe for one purpose only: To fight. Think you have what it takes? Step into the cage.

Welcome everyone! This idea has been in my head for quite a while now, and I'm very excited to finally bring it to life. Any questions about the game or MMA in general can be directed to me via post or PM. We're always going to be accepting new players, so come on in, throw together an application and let's have some fun!

I'm still working on a few ideas for how we'll handle player vs player fights, if the need for them ever arises. As soon as i figure it out, I'll let you all know!

Character Form
Nickname: (If any)
Fighting Style: (What do they primarily train?)
Record: (Professional or Amateur)
Weight Class: (See Below If Unsure)

1. Don't be an ass; respect each other
2. Have fun!

NPCs (Staff of the MMA Academy)
Dan Green- 42 years old. Former UFC Light Heavyweight and Heavyweight Champion. UFC Hall of Famer. Record: 36-8. Primary Focus: Boxing and Fight Theory.

Alexander Slade- 37 years old. Former UFC Middleweight Champion. The Ultimate Fighter winner.
Record: 29-10. Primary Focus: MMA Technique and Alternative Striking.

Alvey Kulina- 43 years old. PRIDE FC Middleweight and Openweight Tournament Winner. Record 30-6.
Primary Focus: Kickboxing and Weight Management.

Amanda Hart- 33 years old. Former Invicta FC Flyweight Champion. Former UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion Record 18-4. Primary Focus: Wrestling and Judo.

Riccardo Souza- 31 years old. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt. Former UFC Welterweight Title Contender.
Record: 28-7. Primary Focus: Jiu-Jitsu and Ground work.

Andre Braga- 30 years old. Current UFC Fighter. Former Interim Welterweight Champion. Record: 24-5.
Primary Focus: Muay Thai Striking. Clinch and Cage work.
Name: Trip Daggett

Alias: Brawler

Gender: Male

Age: 21


Occupation: Semi-Professional Boxer. Teaches classes part-time at the gym he trains at.

Personality: Despite tremendous pain in his past, he tries to stay a generally upbeat fellow. He's a kind and loyal friend who wears his heart on his sleeve, and above all else, he's a joker at heart, with a wicked sense of humor.

Backstory: Trip can't remember a time when his parents were together. His father was a struggling boxer, his mother a cashier at a drug store. They just weren't compatible in the end, no big deal. They lived on opposite sides of Long Beach and had split custody all through Trip's childhood. He fell in love with the sweet science of fighting at a young age, even as his mother tried to instill her deeply-held religious beliefs into him and cursed on his father's name for leading young Trip onto "a dark path". At the age of 14, shortly after his father had finally enlisted him in legitimate boxing lessons, the senior Daggett was shot and killed by persons unknown. When he came of age, Trip inherited all of his father's belongings, and made the decision to fight professionally, in memory of his father.

Skills/Weapons: Classically trained boxer. He uses a pair of MMA gloves for their versatility.

@ineffable@DreadPirate@Zero Hex@Xandrya@1Hawkeyes

The OOC and first IC post will be up tomorrow! I had planned on getting it live tonight before bed (and still might, if I get another surge f energy) but after staying up way too late last night and the long day at work that followed, I'm completely zapped. So, let's see here.... if my math is right, I'll be home from work tomorrow in about 19 hours time, so let's say if this post here is more than 21 hours old that I'm late and you all have permission to break out the torches and pitchforks!
@1Hawkeyes Still putting together his backstory, but I figured I'd get this much in now!

Name: Trip Daggett
Alias: Brawler
Gender: Male
Age: 21

Personality: Despite tremendous pain in his past, he tries to stay a generally upbeat fellow. He's a kind and loyal friend who wears his heart on his sleeve, and above all else, he's a joker at heart, with a wicked sense of humor.
Skills/Weapons: Classically trained boxer. He uses a pair of MMA gloves for their versatility.
@Zero Hex It is a gym/fight team situation with a couple of slight twists. School seemed like an appropriate tag given the situation. It'll hopefully make more sense in the first IC post, where the founder makes his speech explaining how the "school" came to be.
I'm in!
An idea that's been kicking around in my head for some time, the premise is pretty simple: A slice of life/school rp starring martial artists, combat sports enthusiasts, and amateur MMA fighters. They'll be honing their craft under the tutelage of a group of retired professional fighters. Training with the ex-pros as well as each other in the name of one day becoming pro fighters in their own right. Sparks will fly, in the form of both rivalries and romances, as bonds are forged (and broken) in the heat of battle.

Would like to have 4 others to start, no planned limits on a maximum amount of players.

"Vitals seem good" Stryker noted aloud as he observed the monitors next to Matija and Benny's beds in the med bay "How's brain activity looking? I know there's no way to expect them up and about for quite a while, given the fact that one of em nearly had her head caved in and the other suffered electrical shocks that would've dry-roasted a weaker man, but any prognosis on when they might come back to us?"

A knock on the door interrupted the conversation. Stryker was a few paces closer so he walked across and hit the lock off for the door to slid open and reveal Rento, to which Stryker jumped back slightly.

"Whoa.... sorry wasn't expecting to see you up and about, finally back online huh?"

[OOC: And now, we interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you a special presentation by myself and Xandrya

New Relationships & Old Issues

A Collab by Crossfire and @Xandrya

"Hmm, that sounds like a good idea." Amy straightened up and slowly walked inside the armory, finding the work station she'd remembered from the last time she was in there. She couldn't help but be impressed with Grayson's dedication towards her gear, especially since he'd lost some sleep over it. "Is it too much to ask if you could possibly turn my visor into a pair of glasses?" Amy teased, leaning forward on the work station as she tucked a hand under her chin for support.

"Funny ya mention that" Grayson said as he reached across for a screwdriver to resume work "I was thinkin' next time we hit port I'd try and wrangle up some supplies and try to make just that, a nice lightweight version for ya to wear casually. Long term, I'm wondering if the tech is out there that'd allow ya to see details, even in quick flashes. Perhaps reverse-engineering a Lasar Imaging Pulse beacon, or somethin' like that"

Amy stood straight, walking over to where she assumed Grayson would be. "Wow, that'd be great. I--well, I mean, I was only kidding but if this is possible then why not, right?" She stopped for a moment, a thought nagging at her. "Grayson, why are you being so nice to me? I definitely don't want to interrupt your work if you have more pressing matters to attend to, especially with the next mission coming up and all." Amy was sure he'd give her one of two answers, but she wanted to hear it from Grayson himself.

He stopped at her words, parsing his mind for the right reply.
'Bullshitting might work' a voice in his head chimed.
"Well, I, uh, it's my job innit? Keep the crew in top fightin' order" Yeah, this might work "I prioritized your kit because it took the most damage last outing. Everyone else's is easy to sort out in an hour or less"

"Ah, I see..."

Her expression was hard to read, but he had a sense that she wasn't buying it.
"And, uh, you know, besides all that official shit, I think I mentioned before that I always work at 110% when it's for myself or a friend"

"Well, glad to know I've moved up the chain to friend status now. Promise I won't abuse my privileges," Amy smiled, amused at the fact that Grayson was struggling to get the right words out.

'Laid it on too thick mate' the voice said.
"I suppose" he said carefully, measuring every word "There's a little more to it than that, but if I'm gonna tell you this story, I need ya to do somethin' first. On ya right, about six inches down from the top of the counter, there's a drawer handle. Pull it open and right away you should feel a hard plastic case, grab it will ya?"

Amy followed his instructions, her fingers slowly tracing down to where the handle should be. Once she reached it, she pulled open the drawer and immediately found what Grayson was asking for. "Here you go, mystery man." She took a few steps forward to hand him whatever was in the case.

"Thanks lass" Grayson said. The case held a small, handheld welding tool he needed to finish up his work. Plus, the few seconds it took her to get it and for him to set it up allowed him to steel himself for what he was about to do.
"It's like this" he began "Until SAL and I got stuck together, I was always alone. Don't even remember the how or why of it, or anything before then. I jus' woke up one mornin' and that was the situation. Wasn't long after that the uh.. voices started up. Feels sometimes like a dozen people are livin' in my head. I was in a bad way for a long time, a psychotic little bastard. Eventually though, came a time when I was able to feel normal, get it all under control"
He sighed and laid down the welding tool. His throat was suddenly dry as a desert, as if his body was trying to stop him from speaking. A half-empty bottle of water sat nearby his work station, he downed the rest of it in a single gulp and coughed for a second before looking right at Amy.
"It all started with a woman. We worked together for a time, but more to the point, we were together. She had a contact who was able to get me a prototype drug that calms down my mind, keeps the voices quiet. After awhile, I sort of realized that just being around her was enough to quiet them. She.... brought out the best of me."
He started to feel choked up again, unable to continue for a minute. He reached up and touched at his face, just below his cybernetic eye, tracing the invisible line where the real skin ended and the synthetic began. 'All or nothing' he thought.
"Her name was Julia, and in all my time in this world, I'd never met a woman like her, in beauty or skill... until I met you"

Amy stood still for a moment, guessing that Grayson was studying her closely, anxiously waiting for a reply as her silence filled the room. After what must have seemed like an eternity, she finally spoke.

"I...I'm flattered, honestly. I mean, I wasn't aware that our friendship had sparked such a high level of attraction," Amy went on, leaning back against the counter, "and if I'm being completely honest, I must admit that you seem to have your business in order and you're pretty good at what you do. And I like that, you know? It's something I admire..."

As she arrived at another pause, Amy tapped her fingers on the side of the counter. "But this is all new to me, I mean dating in the workplace. I highly doubt we'll have fraternization issues, but I don't want the others to get the wrong idea. Rumors can get really vicious really fast and I definitely don't want them to think that I'm taking advantage of you just so I can have it easier during our missions here... I hope I'm making sense?"

"Of course, I realize how insane it all is" Grayson said, surprised by her acceptance of it all "I mean we've only known each other for about 2 weeks, and who knows? The way my head's been lately, it could be causing all this... making a part of me think that she's come back.... you do look an awful lot like her........"

"Wait, let me stop you right there. If we're going to be together, I want it to be because you want to be with me, not because I remind you of Julia. I'm pretty sure that any other woman in my shoes would feel the same way. If what you think you have for me isn't real, then I don't want to go any further. Otherwise, if you have legitimate feelings for me, as an individual, then yeah, we can be together.

"I'm sorry" he said "this must be uncomfortable for you. Me telling you all this, and then immediately doubting if it's real... it feels real, but again, I'm a crazy bastard, so perhaps not the best judge of character. I don't know what to say about the others either..... If you wanted to go through with any of this, maybe it'd be our little secret for awhile?"

She extended out a hand, waiting for Grayson's. "I think that'd be best for now. They don't need to get involved in our personal lives any more than we would get involved in theirs."

"Right" Grayson said, putting the finishing touches on Amy's newly-armored visor. He saw her extended hand and stood to take hold of it, before drawing her into a short and slightly awkward hug.

"So how's this for a first date plan: What say we go find Arex and finally have that chat with him over why the fuck he attacked you, and then a little later, dinner and a drink?" He smiled at her bemused look "I know, I'm a real classical romantic type. We'll be back to the trenches soon enough so might as well take advantage of a quiet night while we can."

"A date it is!" she replied, excited both for dinner and Arex's questioning.

"Well, yer gonna need this for both of it lass" he replied as he passed over her visor "I did what I could to counter-balance the extra weight of the armor plating, might be a little uncomfortable for a mo' until you get used to the extra bit of heft, but all in all ya shouldn't notice it after a few hours.... shall we?" he extended an arm out to guide Amy out of the room.
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