Avatar of cunfuzzler
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  • Old Guild Username: cunfuzzler
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    1. cunfuzzler 10 yrs ago
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@tobiax@Raddum Saturday, actually. Still not too far away, but still. Accuracy is important.

Shoot, that's great for me, I'm on a continuous cross country road trip for the next 30 hours anyways.
Looks like a buncha stuff has happened in this OOC already, but unless I'm mistaken, you're still accepting a character for the Sincerity crest no? Figured I'd throw together a CS and give it a go.

Since I skipped the Interest Check and went straight to the OOC, here is the part where I would have shown interest.

Dunno if this is still accepting or even alive, but I like the concept and it never hurts to throw up a CS.

Name: Marissa "Mary" Gilroy

Age: 29

Gender: Female


History: Born and raised in Wyoming, Mary learned to shoot before she could reliably tie her shoes. And damn if she wasn't a natural, she bagged her first buck at eight, though she quickly thereafter realized she enjoyed shooting a lot more than hunting. As such, she turned to target shooting as a pastime, something she predictably excelled at.

Academically she was an above average student with no real aspirations, but an almost infectious confidence. After high school she went to college on a partial scholarship due to her time on the shooting team, her path from there was fairly uneventful. Eventually she landed a job as a sonar tech working on a NOAA hydrographic research vessel.

It was there she met the love of her life Jared Emery, the ship's second engineer and chief handsome bastard. What followed was a several year long relationship before eventually she proposed to him in an incredibly convoluted process that involved the entire ship's crew.

Sadly that was only two weeks before the world ended, she doesn't remember much about that day, though the image of her fiance, his eyesockets empty aside from the blood dripping down his face broke First Officer Ryden's grasp and jumped into the Atlantic ocean raving about 'it' calling for him. She never saw him again.

It was two days before she made landfall near Lubec Maine, the town was seemingly abandoned so she figured noone would mind if she borrowed a vehicle. From there she stuck to the coast and headed south, she passed through more of the same, abandoned town after abandoned town few signs of life but occasionally clear signs of the opposite. It was an unnerving experience, not at all aided by her having become quite clearly delusional, it didn't take long for her to realize that. You only really need to see one long dead family member walking through the streets muttering an inhuman language before you realize your grasp of reality is failing.

Still Marry persevered and made it to her home in Portland, along the way she had pieced together what had happened. Though she wasn't sure until she saw a local paper headlined with 'APOCALYPSE' in massive letters. Wasting no time she grabbed her rifle, a bag and whatever she thought she could need before setting the place ablaze(It was what the voices asked) and hoofing it. Since then she has been keeping to the woods, avoiding population centers and roads until necessary to resupply, occasionally lending her help to others in the form of a few well placed bullets from a few hundred yards.

Personality: Mary is by all rights rather friendly and outgoing, or at least she was until she started seeing monsters that aren't there and hearing voices that ask the unspeakable. For the most part since the end Mary has become completely self contained.

Skills & Weaknesses:
Sureshot - Mary is an excellent shot from long range.
Butcher - Mary knows how to skin and quarter animals.

Touch of Madness - Mary is delusional ever since the day the world ended.
Not a fighter - As good a shot as she is, Mary is just as bad a close quarters fighter.

.280 Hunting rifle, 40 rounds.
Beretta 92, 30 rounds(2 mags).

1 Can white spray paint.
1 Hunting knife.
1 Jar of honey.
1 Jar peanut butter.
1 Box crackers.
1 US MRE Chili Mac.
1 Compressed towel
6 20 oz bottles of water.
1 Compact first aid kit(15 assorted Band-Aids, 1 pair latex gloves, 4 gauze pads, 1 roll medical tape, 4 alcohol pads, 4 antiseptic pads, 6 tongue depressors, 6 cotton swabs)

Color Code: In Technicolor! f26522

Sample Post:

Katarina felt a grin cross her lips at Batman's words. His voice was a welcome sound, as rare as human interaction was for Katarina since regaining her freedom. Though she questioned if the 'Human' part applied to him... Still, the sight of the bat was welcome, he had far more experience in this kind of situation."Aww my dear Bat..." She sashayed toward him, hiding her recent acquisition in her left hand behind her back as she approached.

She moved in close and stopped to looked at Batman for a moment. "I'd hope you of all people would know..."

She stood on the tip of one foot and leaned forward as she raised the other up behind her."It's not about how advanced the tech is..."

Katarina brought her hand up to her cheek and mock whispered to him as she caught the idol upon her heel and subsequently kicked it to the far end of the rooftop behind her. "It's how you use it."

She relaxed her posture and stepped back before nodding towards the flying mystery man. "That said. I probably wouldn't still be kicking around Gotham if I could do that."
I get the feeling that @Hysoka is not coming back...
@cunfuzzler Do you care if I go ahead and let Batman drop in and mention putting a team together? Since you were looking around and leaving an opening of sorts? I know since it's a vampire Batman and a tech'ed out Catwoman the relationship would be quite different, but just having some sort of history is enough to start a convo between them... I can grab two of you [Catwoman and Booster] in Gotham and a couple in Metropolis once Bats gets there...


Sure, go for it, it would make sense that he would at least be acquainted with her.
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