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In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Director “Piercer” Thomas Sinclair


Lex Luthor’s Office-Choosing a team [Information team)///////////////////////////////////////////////

Sinclair stared down the group of everyone around and looked around for a second, before looking at the information team, slowly. He mentally cursed his willingness to do spy work even though he'd insulted Lucas for doing the same thing.

"I'm choosing the "information" team. My expertise about the Shadow Marshall world and future Spy world of Vekta could help in some way."

@thatguyinastore ((Information Team- etc))

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jak and Daxter
Status:Annoyed, Angry
??> Lex Luthor’s Office> Finding info about bounty about Lex Luthor


After finding out about their exact location, a woman came forward asking for everyone to follow her to see Lex Luthor.

Daxter muttered “I have no idea who this guy is and probably don’t want to know but come’n Jak, let’s see where this thing takes us.

Jak frowned “You sure, Dax. Daxter promptly nodded and both followed suit toward the elevator which was huge enough to fit a lot of people in. As the elevator stopped, the room inside was grand and luxurious causing the ottsel just to stare at the room in wonder and waved at Jak “Don’t worry, Jak, go find Lex and talk, we’ll meet up in a bit.”

Jak frowned and saw Lex Luthor and a lot of figures in front of the desk. “Why did you bring us here? A.. bounty? You mean you want us to kill this Superman with no details on what he’s capable of?”

He frowned, somewhere he wasn’t sure what he and Dax was getting into but he frowned.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Director “Piercer” Thomas Sinclair


Location: Cage>Elevator to Lex Luthor’s office> Lex Luthor’s Office


“Doomguy” as the AI speaking for him called him gave some interesting information. “Armored Response Coalition” was the company and demons is what Doomguy fought against back home. Sinclair took mental notes to ask later and frowned as the same woman came forward in a different outfit, asking for everyone to follow her toward the elevator. For what it was worth, he had a different motivation at the moment. The Helghast was causing problems and they couldn’t be allowed to cause anymore.
But this comes first.

Sinclair eyed Duke “Yeah, I can watch your back as well. He stared back at Duke for a second and then at Doomguy.

“I guess we’ll find our answers soon enough.”

Sinclair kept quiet and moved toward the giant elevator that surprisingly held everyone inside without feeling squished. He waited until the doors opened and everyone started to spill out.

The bald man must have been the man of the hour. Sinclair crossed his arms and frowned, and looked over at the bald man talking to everyone. “You weren’t specific in the type of “combat experience”, so I’m assuming you meant everyone here.

Eying Lex Luthor silently, his face never changing emotions for a short time trying to make his face unreadable.

Sinclair raised an eyebrow “Superman?” He frowned, he was asking to kill a man, which wasn’t too alarming, but this man was super powerful. Way above what a Helghast normally was during the Extrasolar war.

“Details?” Sinclair was only inpatient a bit.

@thatguyinastore @Critic Ham @Chung

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Director Thomas Sinclair

Sinclair crossed his arms, staring at the man called Stanford, who held his butcher knife. He lightly raised a eyebrow, looking over "So you are a butcher and "mercenary". I see. He was still distracted between two different figures between the creature that stood with hair all on his body and goggles (Grey) and Stanford and the two odd solider types dancing like nothing was wrong, one named Doomguy and the other man having a buzzcut.

"Excuse me for a second, you two. I believe I have a "danceoff" to watch.

Sinclair moved toward Doomguy and the other man. (Duke Nukem). "You said you're Doomguy? Strange choice in name. But who am I to judge?

"Looks like you know your way around a gun. I'll handle the sneaky aspects. Name's "Piercer". Or just call me Sinclair."

@Critic Ham @Chung @thatguyinastore @Attesa @Yamperzzz
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay



[color=f7941d]"Jak! Why do we have to do this mission again? I swear we did this the last 5 times and still haven't been paid our dues!"/color] Daxter practically yelled over the swirl of sandstorms. Jak heard this the last 5 hours and couldn't help but grin at Daxter who tried his best to make a innocent look. The eco warrior sighed and said "Dax, you heard me the last 4 times I said this. We need this job. There's not much out there to occupy our time and things are getting a little..stale..

Daxter sighed, crossing his arms "Fine, Fine. Money is tight I get it, Jak. But can't we get something... Wait, Jak... did you feel that?"
Jak stopped the car and said "Felt what?" Daxter muttered "That pain..."
The eco warrior frowned and said "No, wh- Shit I feel it. What do you think it is?"

Daxter felt his arm fast droop "JAKKKK! Hey... buddy.... BUDDY!" Jak felt that same sensation as both were out.


The first thing the small ottsel did when he woke up was blink and grasp his weapon, trying not to literally scream at all the new "faces" within the cage like structure everyone was in.

Jak sat up, feeling his head "Dax, you alright?"
Daxter looked at Jak "Alright? ALRIGHT! We've been-"
Jak muttered and looked around "Kidnapped, right..."

The cage didn't break yet seeing all the fights break out but nothing else caught Jak and Daxter's eye, except for the group inside.

@thatguyinastore [OPEN!]

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
VSA Director Thomas Sinclair


Sinclair turned his head away from the cameras briefly as he looked back at the creature standing on two legs "I'm a Vektan or more specific, a human. The Shadow Marshall director scratched his head. Not every day did you have to talk to a creature about being a elite spy director of your home planet.

"It's complicated, I'm... a director of the Shadow Marshall, a elite spy agency on my home planet."

It's when he spotted a man in a green suit of armor, heavy armor. He didn't turn but looked that way for a second "Stranger, who are you anyway?"

@thatguyinastore @Attesa @Yamperzzz @Critic Ham

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
VSA Director Thomas Sinclair


Thomas Sinclair walks over in the direction of one of the stranger looking creatures he'd seen in a while. The creature had furry ears and could stand on two feet and had some sort of glasses on.

He admitted he was curious about this new creature, but his first priority was to find out exactly who was this "Lux Luthor" person was. After eying the doors and the catwalk around it, it seems like the creature (Grey) had found cameras and was talking to them.

Sinclair was cautious but looked up at the cameras. The cameras could be watching everyone's movement but perhaps this creature (Grey) was onto something. The Shadow Marshall director dusted himself off and crossed his arms.

He looked over at Grey and frowned "Who are you? What are you? I've not seen anything like you before..." before taking a cautious eye on the cameras.

@thatguyinastore @Attesa

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Name: Jak and Daxter

Alias: Mar, the Daxinator, Orange Lightning

Age: 20s and 19

Canon: Jak X

Gender: Male and Male

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Powers / Abilities / Equipment:

Eco Channeler: Can channel 6 types of eco within his body and use it as a power source.

Morph Gun: Can interchange into 16 different guns.
-Red Eco guns-
-Yellow Eco guns-
-Blue Eco guns
-Dark Eco guns

Red Weapons

Scatter Gun (red type #1) - The default shotgun mode. The Scatter Gun has a short range and a relatively slow rate of fire, but its wide blasts can take out several enemies at once. A single Scatter Gun shot costs 1 red ammo unit. Jak obtains this weapon from Damas before the first arena challenge at Spargus City.

Wave Concussor (red type #2) - The shockwave cannon mode. The Wave Concussor releases an energy shockwave that radiates forth from where Jak is standing. The longer the shot is charged, the greater its radius. An uncharged Wave Concussor shot costs 1 red ammo unit; a fully charged shot costs 5. Jak obtains this mod from Damas before the second arena challenge at Spargus City.

Plasmite RPG (red type #3) - The grenade launcher mode. The Plasmite RPG Launcher shoots out a powerful grenade that can bounce off of walls. The grenades explode after a period of time or when they come into contact with an enemy. A single Plasmite grenade costs 10 red ammo units. Jak obtains this mod from Tess after completing the second gun course challenge at Haven City.

Yellow Weapons

Blaster (yellow type #1) - The assault rifle mode. The Blaster has a long range and is excellent for hitting enemies from a distance. To rapidly fire it, Jak must first kick and then pull the trigger (either by kicking an enemy and then firing, or by performing a midair spinning kick and then firing). A single Blaster shot costs 1 yellow ammo unit. Jak obtains this mod from Damas after the first arena challenge at Spargus City.

Beam Reflexor (yellow type #2) - The enhanced assault rifle mode. The Beam Reflexor is essentially the same as the Blaster, only its shots can ricochet off of walls. These bouncing shots can be particularly lethal against enemies in narrow corridors or other confined spaces. A single Reflexor shot costs 1 yellow ammo unit, but every successful hit it makes on an enemy will cost an additional yellow ammo unit. Jak obtains this mod from Damas after the second arena challenge at Spargus City.

Gyro Burster (yellow type #3) - The drone launcher mode. The Gyro Burster is a hovering drone that sprays Blaster shots at any enemies below it. To make it hover in place, press the trigger (R1) again. A single Gyro Burster will cost 50 yellow ammo units (one ammo unit for every shot). Jak obtains this mod from Tess after completing the first gun course challenge at Haven City.
Blue Weapons

Vulcan Fury (blue type #1) - The minigun mode. The Vulcan Fury has a long range like the Blaster, but it can fire quickly without requiring Jak to kick beforehand. On the downside, it takes a little time to get its barrels spinning up to speed, and once it does, it'll chew up ammo extremely quickly. A single Vulcan Fury shot costs 1 blue ammo unit. Jak obtains this mod from Damas before the third arena challenge at Spargus City.

Arc Wielder (blue type #2) - The laser cannon mode. The Arc Wielder emits a thick, continuous stream of death. This beam can be swept from side to side to clear out entire rooms of enemies, but it cannot be fired while Jak is performing a spinning kick. Every moment the Arc Wielder is fired costs 1 blue ammo unit. Jak obtains this mod after defeating the boss at the end of the first Act.

Needle Lazer (blue type #3) - The homing laser blaster mode. The Needle Lazer emits clusters of laser bolts that can track enemies. A single Needle Lazer shot (a cluster of three bolts) costs 2 blue ammo units. Jak obtains this mod from Jinx after the destruction of the junction boxes at Haven City.
Dark (Purple) Weapons

Peace Maker (dark type #1) - The charge cannon mode. The Peace Maker fires a sphere of explosive death that can home in on enemies. And once this projectile hits its target, it will emit energy beams that can damage other enemies nearby. A single Peace Maker shot costs 1 dark ammo unit. Jak obtains this mod from Torn after the destruction of the barrier to the slums at Haven City.

Mass Inverter (dark type #2) - The antigravity generator mode. The Mass Inverter creates a field around Jak that will cause other characters and objects to float up helplessly into the air. The field itself does not harm its victims, but it leaves them open to a violent beating from Jak. A single Mass Inverter field costs 1 dark ammo unit. Jak obtains this mod from Ashelin after defeating the boss at the end of the second Act.

Super Nova (dark type #3) - The rocket launcher mode. The Super Nova launches a mini-nuclear missile that will waste everyone (except the heroes) within several meters of Jak's position. A single Super Nova nuke costs 10 dark ammo units. Jak obtains this mod from Sig after the destruction of the gate to the Metal Head Tower at Haven City.

Jak’s Precursor armor

Daxter’s Flamethrower Bug Zapper, and jet pack that allows him to move through the air.

Dark Powers

Dark Bomb (X and then Square) - An enhanced version of Jak's vertical smash attack. The Dark Bomb creates a ring of energy radiating out from his point of impact with the ground, damaging any enemies who touch it. Jak begins with this power, but he can use it only when he has enough dark eco. Using this power will also revert Jak to his normal form afterwards.

Dark Blast (Square and then X) - An enhanced version of Jak's dashing uppercut attack. The Dark Blast creates a storm of energy around his body, damaging any enemies around him. Jak begins with this power, but he can use it only when he has enough dark eco. Using this power will also revert Jak to his normal form afterwards.

Dark Invisibility (Triangle) - A cloaking ability. The Dark Invisibility prevents enemies from seeing him. Jak will earn this power when he visits the Dark Precursor shrine at the volcano, and he can use it only when he is standing in front of a Dark Precursor Idol.

Dark Strike (R1) - A projectile attack. The Dark Strike is a wave of highly destructive energy that can break down certain barriers and other obstacles. Jak will earn this power when he visits the infested gardens at Haven City.

Light Powers

Light Regeneration (L2 and Triangle) - A healing ability. The Light Regeneration restores Jak's stamina until his health meter is full or until his light eco is completely drained. Jak will earn this power when he visits the Oracles at the temple for the first time.

Light Flash Freeze (L2 and Square) - A time-distortion ability. The Light Flash Freeze slows down everything to a near (but not complete) stop, while allowing Jak to move at "normal" pace. Jak will earn this power when he visits the Oracles at the temple for the second time.

Light Shield (L2 and Circle) - A defensive ability. The Light Shield renders Jak invulnerable as long as it is activated. Jak will earn this power when he reaches the end of the catacomb subrail underneath Haven City.

Light Flight (L2 and X) - A flying ability. The Light Flight allows Jak to fly over short distances. (To fly effectively, make the initial flap at the peak of the starting jump. Wait for the wings to spread out to the sides before flapping again.) Jak will earn this power when he visits the Oracles at the temple for the third time.

Jak’s Light and Dark sides are like separate entities that live in his head and chat to him from time to time.

Personality: Jak has gone through a lot of personality changes over the years. Here is some of the examples. In his early teens, he grew up as a privileged teen in Sandover village. He was admired both by the villages and Samos. After all, what other trouble could he possibly get into? He's the golden boy of Sandover village. He could get away with skipping Samos's classes and flirt with Samos's daughter and Samos wouldn't care because he wasn't Daxter.T

That all changed when Jak and Daxter went out to Misty Island, which was forbidden to go to for a reason. Jak noticed there were lurkers and he tried to get rid of them by well being a hero. He threw the artifact at the lurker, and accidently knocked Daxter into a vial of dark eco. Daxter screamed and they both went back to Sandover only to get a huge mouthful from Samos, where Jak first got himself into huge trouble. Jak sees the lurkers as somewhat evil, since they are working for Gol and Maia and Gol and Maia are really the first evil people who had tried to take over the world, but they didn't do anything to Jak in the first place.

Jak was brave, adventurous and heroic, having a calm exterior.

During Jak and Daxter's run in with Haven City, their personality changes.

When Jak and everyone decided to pull out the time machine after every precursor orb is collected, Jak just keeps causing more and more problems for him and his friends. When they land smack dab in Haven City, Jak goes from golden boy to shit stain in two years. Not only is Jak degraded to an experiment in prison, he is tortured, humiliated and every other thing possible goes wrong. He was forced into the dark warrior program.

Because of this, Jak gains a darker personality due to a new "dark side" and now he holds a major grudge against Baron Praxis and Erol for doing all these things to him. Jak is now forced to speak. However, when Jak escapes Prison with help from his friend Daxter, Jak could give two shits less about Haven City. He just wants revenge against Baron Praxis and nothing else. He quickly finds out that he needs his new allies and the Underground to survive Haven City. Jak now enjoys things like riding zoomers, and shooting his new guns and causing trouble in the city. He is both reckless and careless to what happens). He now finds out what happens to all his friends, and what his consequences did to them. Keira, his old "girlfriend" hates him and is now crushing on the Krimzon guard Commander, Erol.

Jak's personality splits into two, both personalities occasionally splitting into each other.

Jak is now out for revenge. To get that revenge, he worked with anyone to further his own goals. His personality changes to reflect his darker side, he loves causing trouble, being reckless, taking out metalheads, and racing. However, he doesn't speak unless he needs to.

Daxter is forced to take care of himself for two years, on his own and his personality changes as well. He becomes less cowardly and able to take on more tasks by himself without Jak's help. He is still an asshole that likes flirting with women. However, he is fiercely loyal to his friends.

After Jak defeats Baron Praxis, Jak has to defeat an old enemy in disguise which is now the Metal Head Leader. Jak kills him with the help of some old friends of his (Daxter, Sig and Ashelin and Torn and Tess and Jinx)

During the time Jak was in Haven City and saved it, the people blame Jak for opening the doors and letting the metal heads into the city in the first place. He felt angry and rejected as he was banished to the wastelands by Count Veger.

While Jak was banished to the wastelands, Jak's personality calms down and he becomes a better hero over the years.

Jak tells Ashelin, the Governess of Haven City off and told her he didn't want to return to become the hero again, he's just been unappreciated, and he's done so much for people who couldn't give a shit about him.

Jak in Jak 3, is a lot more calm and mature over time listening more to what people are telling him, and questioning more people what their true intentions are, allowing himself to be used less.


When Jak was born, he was to be the new prince in Haven City. His family was in the House of Mar. His father Damus, ruled Haven City powerfully but fairly. His mother is unknown to Jak.

Once his father, Damus, the King of Haven City was banished to the wastelands, Jak was in a battle that he wasn't even supposed to be in as a kid. The City Council of Haven City, and the new leader, Baron Praxis and his commander Erol, argued over the usefulness of the new program used to try and hold off the metalheads. Jak was supposed to be one of the experiments as a kid, but was lost to the Underground at a young age, and Jak was forced to endure life as a kid in Haven City, in a dangerous situation by himself with people he hardly knew.

When young Samos, the Shadow, the boss of the underground, found him he immediately took Jak to the past to keep him in safety, and teach him the lessons he needed to grow up to be a hero over time.

Baron Praxis and Erol ruled over Haven City for a long time, trying to hold back the Metalhead attacks in the war against them and the Metalheads. Desperation set in and against the city council wishes, Baron Praxis and Erol started the Dark Warrior Program. They took innocent people and tried experiments on them to try and turn them into some sort of monster to hold back the metalhead attacks on the city. When they looked for Jak, he was missing and with the Underground, the rebellion against the Baron.

Jak grew up in a safe environment over time until he was 14 years old and met Daxter. As Jak grew, he eventually met himself as a kid when he was named Mar, took care of him until he sent himself back in the past with Keira and a young Samos therefore repeating the cycle of events.
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

VSA Director Thomas Sinclair or "Piercer"

"Piercer" looked at his arm and the new item on his arm. It looked like a new, different kind of technology but something he couldn't worry about at the very moment. He made a metal note on this " Luthor" man at the time, taking short mental guesses on why a man like this could need a group like this's help at the moment.

He eyed the catwalk balcony on the outside, and the various doors on the inside, eyeing the door. Direct observations of everyone around. A cold look appeared on Sinclair's face as he looked over at the father and daughter's tearful reunion. One man's happy reunion and another forced to end someone he thought he could trust.

Even family couldn't be trusted.

[@thatguyinthestore][Open to others]
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Director “Piercer” Thomas Sinclair


The Vektan Security Agency or the VSA was busier than usual that day. But the Director Thomas Sinclair was busy doing what he typically did on a normal day. Check the holographic news on the Vektan vs Helghast war, or check more information. Things were going average to not so bad but it was strange. But today was not a normal day.

For a normal office village, normally Sinclair would deny private meetings with anyone at the moment except for Shadow Marshalls at the time.

But he'd feel his neck and suddenly a weird bee sting hit his neck. "Piercer" itched his neck and soon after, his arm became numb along with a lot more. Sinclair didn't even have time to hit something to attract attention to him falling. Suddenly, he was out.


He woke up in a dull room, mostly in a glass cage with several others.

He felt his head and stood up, quietly. His first instinct was to look around at his surroundings, eying the glass cage around him and seeing if there was a simple exit at the moment. If not, he'd force himself to communicate with the other figures at the time.

He eyed the others silently.

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