Avatar of Darkspleen
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    1. Darkspleen 10 yrs ago
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Current I am Spartacus!
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I am Spartacus!
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Well damn. Maybe next time then.
Looks good Aristo. Add it to the character tab and get to posting ICly!
Hey guys, I was recently made aware of this RP by Oraculum's cryptic whispers, but as I see, it's kinda full. Said ghastly presence informed me that it may be possible for a player to join with a nomadic force or a refugee wave. Is that still a thing?

Well if you are still interested you can always join us in the chatzy. I'm somewhat busy today, but most days I'm fairly easy to get ahold of there.
...And I deliver.

Good to add to the character tab.
(collab with @Monkeypants)

Southern Mycae

“So tell me again, why did you decide to hire people from the outside?” A soft, feminine voice said. The room, lit by candlelight and filled with the gentle pattering of a light rain, contained a variety of mounts for weaponry and wooden dummies, adorned with gilded armors. The soft voice spoke again, “And why did you fall back to the castle?”

Across from the voice, sat Mycae’s greatest, and only female General, Joannah. “Why must you always question my motives.” Joannah said, strumming her fingers across a wooden desk. Behind her, lightning gently lit the room for moments. “These plebeians are perfect for a task such as this. Expendable. Finite usefulness. I assumed you knew me well enough Numi.”

“You treat these people like simple resources.” Numi said simply before walking over to one of the mannequins. “I guess I’ll go along with this.” She continued, “But I want to pick who we send.”

Joannah nodded, “I’ll take your picks into consideration. There is already some very promising arrivals. People from the far west.” She snickered, “There’s even a Grogar. I think.”

Numi sighed and motioned Joannah to the door. The two ladies didn’t speak as they walked through the imposing fortress. Solid stone steps made no sounds as the women made their way into a small, quiet room with a large clear window facing the east. Inside were an assortment of would-be heroes, people who Joannah had placed a call for nearly three weeks ago.

Numi gazed about the room, before locking onto a rather large figure wearing a solid suit of red armor. She shook her head ever so slightly before leaning towards Joannah, “Is this it? Where’s the knights, where’s the Grogar.”

Joannah was similarly unimpressed, “Ladies and Gentlemen. I am Lord-General Joannah, though you shall refer to me as Lord General.” She began to gently sway side to side, as if nervous, although her commanding voice showed otherwise, “I have summoned you from afar to earn a reward of three-hundred gold, assuming you can survive a simple mission.”

Before anyone could continue, a young male with an Axe strapped to his back interrupted, “What kind of mission is it?”

Joannah sighed, “I do not believe you are right for this job.” and pointed towards the door. His departure was guaranteed by two Mycaean knights, who ‘gently’ nudged him out of the room. “I am going to ask one question before I continue, and this is one for all of you.” She paused, looking all of the applicants over and settling on a girl in the center of the group. “Are you afraid of the shadows?”

“What an oddly peculiar question” The girl not quite answered. “Lord-General are we” She gestured to the other occupants in the room “to assume you do not mean this question to be taken literally?”

“So you presume I am not asking the question literally?” She brought her attention away from the young woman, towards a knight clad in all red. “I’ll give you this opportunity. If you choose to answer my question with a question, then you can all find work elsewhere.”

The voice behind the armor was loud, stalwart and clear, “We have all come here, unafraid of what perils you would pit us against.”

Joannah smirked, “So, you speak for the group?” Her attention was brought back to the young, defiant woman. “Does he speak for you?”

“I am not one to jump at shadows” The woman replied with a smirk of her own, “be they literal or metaphorical.”

Joannah stepped back and softly to Numi, “Those two, we just need one more.” her gaze went around the room before Numi nodded towards one of the men, “That squirrely one in the back, he is a mage.”

“Are you sure?” Joannah said.

Not waiting for an Answer from Numi, Joannah pointed at the man, “You, back there, step forward. Give me your name and what you would bring to this endeavor.”

“Cedric Girard” The man said as he stepped forward and swept into a semi-formal bow. “Perhaps you have heard of me?”

“THE Cedric Girard? From Cormyral? I heard that you were instrumental in the civil- ” Numi interjected.

Joannah quickly quelled the wonder that Numi had, “Well, you being a veteran of a war already puts you in my favor.” She looked to Numi again, “Is this really what you want?”

Numi’s grin spread ear to ear, “This is exactly what I want.” She turned to the others, “There’s twenty gold for each of you at the gates. For your troubles. Make sure to keep available, there could be openings in the future!”

Joannah motioned for the three picks to follow her into the next room. It was far cozier than the last, wooden paneling and a stained glass window, letting in the little rays of light that pushed through the grey clouds above. Numi walked to the window and watched the water droplets slide in random patterns down the window.
Joannah took a seat at a large desk in the middle of the room. Laying across the top were three papers, with three ink quills above each. She motioned to them, “These are contracts, basically stating you’re going to put your life on the line for Mycae. And that upon your death, your reward will go to your next of kin.” She then leaned back, and began gently tapping the arms of her chair.

The girl shrugged before taking a quill and signing one of the contracts with the name ‘Soraya Kazemi’. Cedric, with a look that somehow mixed bemusement and indifference, signed his contract as well.

“So” the girl, Soraya, began as she backed away to make room for the red knight, “what are the details of this job?”

Numi spoke up, and tapped on the glass, “You’re going there.” she said softly, looking to the dark clouds in the east.

Joannah nodded, “Yes, I need people to explore the east. In there is a, ‘Prophecy’ that has caught my attention. I cannot send my own men due to..” she cleared her throat, “Restrictions from my king.”

Numi chuckled, “And your rewards are directly from the Lord General's pocket.”

“I see” Cedric stated. “The Lioness has similar concerns and restrictions.”

“Prophecy?” Soraya asked.

“Yes. The final prophecy of that so called ‘Prophetess’.” Cedric answered. “Something about doom and gloom coming from the East.”

“Ah. You are referencing the end of the ‘Legend of the Silver Legion’ as told throughout most of the continent.” Soraya said.

“Uh… yes.” Cedric shifted his attention back to Joannah and Numi. “So the short is go out and look for massive armies, monsters, or plagues that shouldn’t be there and report back?”

Joannah looked at each one of them before drawing the contracts back towards her, “Yes.” She took a dramatic pause, perhaps on purpose, “You’re to leave immediately, so as to not miss the cover of darkness. There is rations and a cache of weaponry in a cart by the castle drawbridge. I would stock up on anything you can. Any other questions?”

“I’m ready to go” Soraya said as she glanced at Cedric and the red knight.

After a moment’s pause Cedric said “I am as well.”
The Red Knight was the first to leave, only halted by Joannah’s inquiry, “Erex, you do not talk much do you.”

“I only speak when it is necessary.” he replied clearly.

Joannah watched as the group left and turned to Numi, “I know how badly you wish to go. And you already know I forbid it.”

Numi continued to stare out the window and muttered under her breath, “Yes Master.”
@Isotope Thanks for letting me know. Take your time, just try to get your first post up by friday if at all possible. If not, due to your illness, don't stress about it.
@Poohead189 Give me just a tad more info on military. What is your military good at? If I was to sit down and write one line for what each country's military is famous for/good at what would I write for yours? Also I'd like some basic relations info. If nothing else who is your historic rival? Give me some basic info for at least a few neighbors.

Obviously the other sections are important, but you can move to the character tab before finishing them.
@Ophidian @Isotope Just a reminder guys. I'll be removing the claims of anyone who has not posted their sheet in the character tab or the OOC tomorrow night. If you are still interested in the RP please post your WIP sheets in the OOC, otherwise I'll be removing your claim to make space for other interested parties.
I am currently somewhat busy, which regrettably impairs my writing capabilities, but should be able to resume activity in two or three days at the latest. You may expect both a complete sheet and a post from me by Friday-Saturday (and may remorselessly chastise me if I delay any further).

I'll hold you to that.
@Darkspleen Not done yet, but a lot more fleshed out now.

Looks good. Add it to the character section when you are ready.
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