Avatar of Darth Squidius
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    1. Darth Squidius 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current This RP unit has a bad motivator.


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@Holy Soldier
Yeah, of course. Coincidence...
Granted. You are awarded with a pillow of gooey marsh and without much thought you resolve to eat it. You're pleasantly surprised. It tastes fine. In fact, it tastes great. The faint texture is the perfect consistency. The sweetness, the stickiness, you can't call to mind the last time something so simple gave you so much pleasure. You try to savour it for as long as you can; for two minutes, uninterrupted, gustatory bliss. The last morsel fizzles on your tongue, taken downstream by a tide of salivary liquid to rest with the rest in your gut. And then nothing. The taste leaves you. With it, a piece of your heart leaves too. You resolve that this can't be the end - you glimpsed divinity for but a moment. There had to be more to come.

So you spend much of your following years searching for new highs and thrills. You dabble in pastries and puddings, but nothing seems to satisfy you quite as well anymore. You accrue bad habit after bad habit, addiction after addiction, distance your friends, your family, until you finally lose the dream. You pick yourself up, straighten your tie and you try to make the most of the rest of your life. You give it your best shot. But you can't. You aren't young anymore - you let the prime of your life pass you by, constantly chasing your highest point, the day you experienced marshmallowey heaven. And the rest of your life pales in comparison. You die, alone, having achieved nothing of note, just another nameless victim of Time.

I wish for a pet rock!

Name: Leonard "Lenny" Romano

Age: 35

Aliases: Lenny Fiasco, The Eraser, The Cleaner

Crisp lines define the man's outward appearance in such a way that you would be forgiven in questioning whether there is any substance to him below the fabrics of his shirt. He's rarely without a yellow-coloured suit, usually two-piece, pinstriped and ironed within an inch of its life, and favours dark shirts and ties, married to each other with a pin to limit movement. His polished shoes point at the ends, with an extendable blade housed in each tip, as well as other specialist items in the raised heels. He carries a pair of black gloves in his pockets, and interestingly, has no fingerprints to speak of. His cropped black hair and clean shaven face are hidden by a full helmet when at work - the helm has the appearance of the eraser end of a pencil, with mirrored eye holes. This overlarge headpiece doubles as a way to hide his identity, as well as a kind of carry-all for some of his less labor-intensive tools.

  • Lenny is highly skilled with a firearm, carrying a silenced Walther PPQ and an air-pistol capable of firing anaesthetic darts.
  • He is gifted in forensics and chemistry and is in possession of a number of solvents and deodorants, that aid him in removing evidence from crimes. One such compound, of his own invention, can be applied to shoes to prevent prints being made.
  • He is highly observant.
  • He has an average level of athletic talent and some martial prowess. Despite his name, he is often inclined to fight dirty as strength and wit are not on his side.

"Lenny Fiasco" is the working alias of the man named Leonard Romano. The son of a wealthy Bankster, at school Romano rubbed shoulders with the offspring of some of the most prestigious members of Gotham's elite. He was a personal friend of Jordan Hill, son of the yet-to-be Mayor and a sometime classmate of Bruce Wayne, heir to the deceased Thomas and Martha Wayne. While at school he developed an interest in chemistry and a distaste for curriculum. Almost without impetus, a life of crime found him in his later teens, as he began to do odd jobs for the Gotham Mob. He continued to develop his prowess in chemistry, his talent providing him with a number of resources and tools. Eager for a fresh start, he took a new name and a costumed identity and became a private cleaner for the criminal element.

As The Eraser, Lenny is a costumed criminal specialising in the niche area of crime-scene clean up - his job is to remove the evidence of his clients' crimes before the police have a chance to scour the crime scene. In this, he is aided by his accountant and promoter, Noah Kuttler who acts as an informant, researcher and ambassador to the criminal elite, all without leaving his office. Often, the jobs he takes on are far more complicated than simple removal of prints. At this point in his career, he will have the task of assisting The Penny Plunderer when a special job is thrust upon him.

(Very basic biography outlined as a start. More than happy to beef it up and mess around with it as needed. It is however ready for your consideration.)
Granted. However in a weird twist of fate now people are sitting on you and conducting their business on your face. Odd.

I wish to be recognised for my achievements in the arts by my peers and close friends.
The current main "episode" story arc is highly inspired by a Batman: The Animated Series episode.

Ah, of course. Prophecy of Doom.

But nah, CS incoming.
Feeling a slight pull towards Eraser honestly. Got the sort of "quiet fixer" angle going for him.

<Snipped quote by Ruby>

Creeper has super powers. It was revealed in September 2008 that he is a demon of some sort.

We Creeper fans try not to talk about that whole dark period, and technically the character has been super-powered since his inception in '68. That said, if I did go The Creeper route, I'd happily bow to the GM's remit if there's to be a blanket ban on powers. Would be an interesting change of pace.
Thinking on going with The Eraser or The Creeper. Will update on where my ideas go on this.
Granted: you are transported to the nearest star to make said wish and promptly burned to a crisp.

I wish to have the wish of the next to reply.
This seems like just the shot in the arm to get me out of my current writing lull. I think I might have an interesting idea for someone low-tier.
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