Avatar of Dealdric
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    1. Dealdric 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
I like how it's an option to pm yourself.
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5 yrs ago
I need a vacation...
5 yrs ago
Is this just the week of weirdness? Or is it just me?
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5 yrs ago
My dog died.
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5 yrs ago
*Turns with uninterested look* Just give them what they want, they're like Slaanesh. They'll get bored with it quick.


who has time for that?

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She walked in front of him and allowed him to see her. She already trusted this human, he seemd...awkward to the others. She made sure he of the tenants could see her, and him only. "Name's Dirka, a Demon. Don't freak out and keep using your thoughts. Marie might not tell the group we exist so I will tell you everything later. Also, it's not telepathy, just mind reading. I can't talk with my mind, Joe. Hopefully you get my haunt, makes it easier for us to talk and for me to help you move in." she said putting her hand on his shoulder. Then she looked at the boxes behind him. "And I can already tell you will be...interesting to follow." she said with a snicker.

Dirka's eyes widened when she heard the question. She walked over to Marie and rubbed her arm. "What are we going to do?
They are going to figure out eventually, but I think if we break it to them slowly, it might prevent their panic. But we could risk it and rush it and I'll show myself, but it's your call. Plus, I'm pretty sure the Joe boy saw me already, but he seemed to take it well."
she said. She then went up to the Freya girl. "She's nice, shy from what I'm seeing and very worrisome. /the others are also misfit like if the reality shows hold any relevance." She walked to the doorway and let the Joe boy see her. She stared at him with a smile. "And Joe might be helpful, even if he did insult my looks earlier." Making sure she didn't reveal herself to any others but Joe and Marie. "Use your thought's to talk for now Joe."

Wow, you ask an afoul amount of questions. Not an insult, but you are very inquisitive.

sounds like Di might make a plan, and I doubt any greater demon would like our demon misfits.

I still have to find it, Del. Don't start planning yet. And even then, I might deal with an angel and..."

Shut up Di!

Di wiped her tears and picked up. She heard Marie mention discussing the rooms, so she had to hide her possessions. She put book marks in the books and put them on the shelf. She drank her tea and decided to leave it, maybe able to make friends with who ever got her room if she was subtle with it. She put the ring under the mattress and checked the other rooms quickly. Then she went straight to Marie and tried to hide the fact she cried. "The rooms are ready, when you're ready I'll help you up the stairs. And Charles would be proud of how you're handling the situation." and she knelt down to the shadow.


"Rue, try to at least give them a chance. First impressions may be horrible, but you can't judge a book by it's cover.
If you want, I'll make Ravus shriek like a little girl. That always cheers you up."
and she got up and started to examine the situation more thoroughly.


She saw the boys picking up after themselves. A little help couldn't hurt, right? she thought. She went over to them and shifted something closer to the boy named Joe. She then tapped his shoulder, knowing it would grab his attention, but not let him know she was there. "Here you go" she whispered to where he could hear.
@BeautyoftheDark probably, but I doubt that for the fact that she looked into it, but if it did happen, it would probably backfire
@BeautyoftheDark I doubt it is ancient things
the ring isn't

demons may use magic, but they have rules two

It's up to beeve on angels, I doubt they will make an appearance. They only appeared in the case of a greater demon or a devil in old mythology, stories, and very odd interpretations of the bible(don't ask how I know this, it's a long and depressing story)

I kinda went off of what she gave us, and some myhtology I knew off hand about demons from different cultures.

I doubt most demons would know, because she actually spent time looking.
@MissCapnCrunch bye, have wonderful time.

No, don't leave! the other demons are cruel!

Dirka made sure no one saw her dispose of the tea bags and she walked over to Marie. "I tried to get him to go hide,
but he wouldn't!"
she told Marie while giving Ravus a death glare so cold that a greater demon would shy away. She then grabbed her tea while the humans were distracted and left as quickly as possible without spilling in an attempt to not be seen. She walked up the stairs and went into the room she claimed and sat at the desk in there. She sat her tea down, then pulled the chair out and sat down with a heavy sigh. "And I thought serving Bagnok in Hell was horrible." she said. She leaned over and grabbed the ring out of the mattress and continued to look at it. On the desk, several books that Marie had found about supernatural phenomena were open. She had been reading the same passage over and over and over again. "In order for a demon to leave the property it is bound to,
it must be rebound to an artifact that one can carry. It then can not exit a 17 feet radius away from the object unless inside the original property it was bound to. The demon can no longer touch or move the object unless given permission by the owner of the now cursed relic. The owner of the relic, a.k.a the binder, now also has control over the demon whilst the artifact is on their person."
She played the words over and over in her mind while looking at the ring. It was pretty yet simple, with it resembling a snake with one amethyst eye. A single tear made of a purple substance slide down her face. She normally never cried, but she couldn't do anything else. She started wailing her demonic heart out. "I'll never be *sob* able to *sob* see the outside world *sob* past the window. Why do you torment me? Not all demons are bad! God please! I just want to see their world..." she continued to cry, to were all who were not the tenants could hear her.
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