Avatar of Dealdric
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    1. Dealdric 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
I like how it's an option to pm yourself.
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5 yrs ago
I need a vacation...
5 yrs ago
Is this just the week of weirdness? Or is it just me?
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5 yrs ago
My dog died.
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5 yrs ago
*Turns with uninterested look* Just give them what they want, they're like Slaanesh. They'll get bored with it quick.


who has time for that?

Most Recent Posts

@Mike the Bloodwolf

Go to the first post, all roles are there

Side note, for the favorite rule, I didn't really know of the original series before hand. So, yeah, just going to make a custom my favorite.



Pulling down his cowl, Bones walked through the shadows of the crowd, knowing all to well what open air meant when docked. He finally spotted his query; A young elf and a young man chatting about all sorts of mischief. He slinked through the crowd like a snake, finally reaching his Captain and mate. "Captain, yer little gamblin' debt business is semi-cleaned up. Da' posh prick groveled in fear, but 'e kept swearin' to god he didn' hav' da' coin. 'oweve'... he sneaked a pouch in-front of the young captain. "I found 'dis on 'em. Looks mor' interestin' than coin." and smacked the human assassin on the shoulder.
"What's a matta' boy? Ain't got 'da fresh 'ill? I bet 'da guard just love to see yer' work! Take 'em a bloody month an' 'ind some drunk to blame it on! Heeeee he hahhahhaahhaha HAH! he laughed with his eye twitching. He then took the skull at his belt and shook it. "What boy? Ye' smell some Spainis' malt liquor? Well, ain't 'dat a sign!" he said sprinting into the nearest alleyway.

Bones was tired of this rat's excuses. He was asked to get money from a gamble, money that was no longer in this coward's possession. As he stood in the dark alleyway, with a death-stare that the devil himself would shiver, the nobleman, whose name the mad surgeon forgot, was baling his heart out while saying he'll make it up to his mate. The sounds of the festival were loud and inviting, but seeing how if he got anywhere near the main street, he'd be on a one way ticket to hell in first class, that wasn't an option. He looked at the man, then towards the moon.
"Ye' know...I don't give two whale eyes about 'you'll hav' 'is money', 'cause he wants it now. And if ya' ain't got it with ya'...well..." he pulled out his knife with that last word. The man's eyes grew wide with horror. "No sir! I beg of you! Please! Just more time! That's all I need! Please! I don't want to die! My brother will take everything, and then were will my family be?!" His pleading did not phase the Ghaul, only enticed him to have some fun with this one. "Who's been sayin' I'm gonna kill ya'?" he said with a cruel grin. His one eye bored into the man, almost as if piecing his soul. "Thank you sir! Thank you! May god bl-AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" He looked down at his hand, bloodied with a knife holding it in the dirt. "You said you wouldn't kill me!" Bones walked up slowly to the man, cracking his knuckles. "No, but I'll beat ya' within an inch of yer' pitiful life. He he he ha ha HA HAHAH AHAHAHAHAHHAHA!"
The screams were drowned out by the howls of fun of the festival.



I've read it twice, but I mean May I make a dire avenger character for the rp? As in no weirdness. NOT asking if they're allowed.

Fine, what about a Dire avenger?

Wraith-guards aren't pyskers. They require pyskers to operate properly. They are dead eldar, in a smaller bone frame than the lords to act as support or anti infantry. They are slower than infantry, but faster than lords so they can kinda keep pace. They are quite fragile compared to other eldar constructs, but not defenseless, so some armor.

Why? Wraith-guards are, essentially, blind devastators. They need a seer to see in the first place.
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