Avatar of Dealdric
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    1. Dealdric 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
I like how it's an option to pm yourself.
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5 yrs ago
I need a vacation...
5 yrs ago
Is this just the week of weirdness? Or is it just me?
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5 yrs ago
My dog died.
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5 yrs ago
*Turns with uninterested look* Just give them what they want, they're like Slaanesh. They'll get bored with it quick.


who has time for that?

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Quaver looks at the floating cat, shocked. Then he blew up. "No show? NO SHOW!? But if there's no show, then the only point is to do things like this!" He popped his eye out and threw it at the cloak figure, watching it bounced off his back and back into his hand. He showed the eye back into it's socket then snapped his fingers and a mound of rocks opened up next to him and several creatures similar to him, only brown and wearing rat fur, popped out carrying drums and a harp to big for them. They set up around the mound and started playing a fast passed rough tune and Quaver turned to them. "The Best show of the earth, but with no audience at all. But now that Quaver's here with worth, he's bouncin' off the walls!" The brown creatures looked at Quaver, pointed and laughed. The Netherworld jester did not enjoy this.
"The Minions brown, the brutes proud! Tougher than rocks, but just as smart! Wearin' crocs, and smellin' like farts! Bwahahah ha hah!" The brown ones stopped their laughing and brought out wooden clubs. The largest one, only 4 feet tall, pointed with a raspy, light-pitched war-cry, and all of them charged at Quaver. The grey demon's ears dropped and he cursed before turning and running in a circle around the group, with the browns chasing him. "GNARL! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, CALL OFF YOUR DOGS!!!"

"I am Quaver the Entertainer! Spokesman and Ringmaster, fire-spiter and tight-roper! Clown and buffoon! A demon grey, but of mystic human make! Ha ha!" His staff fell and plunged next to him, which he promptly jumped onto and balance on, eye to eye with the man in the suit. He popped his right eye out, which now that it was, obviously crystal unlike the other, which had a pupil. He tossed it before the man, allowing it to bounce and catch it with his socket. He jumped down and leaned on his staff, then looked into the shadows.
He cupped his hands around his mouth and pointed at the suited man. "It appears like dust with lots of musk! It snaps and snarls, but sounds like scrap and family pearls! Ain't that a drab?" He turns and grins cruelly at the man, hoping his insult worked.
He quickly grabbed the broom from the other and swept the shards away with a flick, before tossing the broom behind him, watching it tumble.

A small grey creature, half the height of a full grown man fell from above, landing on it's head with a smacked in the middle of the group. It fell on it's front and groaned. It wore a green and black jester hat and same colored shorts, with white swirly paint on it's body and around it's eyes and face.
Quaver pushed himself up and quickly shook his head, the bells of his hat jingling. He opened his glowing yellow orbs that he had for eyes and picked earwax out from his long goblin-like ear. He looked around and saw his surroundings. "Well well! Quaver's head is bashed, and now he thinks he's truly smashed! But where's the bottle, oh so nice? The rum or whiskey he drank in vice?" HIs voice rasped demonically. He grinned his crude pointed teeth and looked up. There in the tent's supports was a round bottle and a black staff with a cartoon-ish skull on the top, with three green and purple feathers attached to bells coming out it's jaw. He looked at the cat. "When's the show upcoming? It would be good for the purple cat's becoming!"
The bottle tipped an fell on his head, breaking with the sound of glass. He fell over like a cartoon, onto a glass shard which gave him a yelp. He got up and pulled it out. "Looks like I have something to clean. Anybody got a broom?"
<Snipped quote by Ollumhammersong>

Awwww, sorry to hear that

Don't worry my skitarii friend...

They'll all give me blo-

They'll come back in the end!

The hissing of coolant pipes rushed around her. She had recently boarded the Indomitable Spirit, and she hoped it was because of her master and mentor. She thought she'd see him on the train but to no avail. Now, she was on the train, in the reactor room. She was assisting in the motorization and maintenance of the train's heart. She could feel the thumbing energy reverberate through the the room, even if it was contained in the core of the train.
'Dirka! Check the coolant nodes on deck two!'
The tech next to her woke from her thoughts with the blurt of code, with the cold glare of optics. She quickly nodded and jogged out of the room, climbing up the armored shaft onto the first deck. She quickly got around servitors and soldiers finishing their preparations. When she got to the ladder leading to the mid-level of the train, it was currently occupied. "Scrin! Why must I deal with this inefficiency?" She drove the thought that activated one of her augmentations, and four insectoid legs appeared from her back. They seemed to grow as they were deployed, but in reality, they were simply nanobots slightly changing their structure so the legs could preform their purpose. She rose the height of her torso and the legs clamped onto the wall with magnets. She quickly climbed upwards to the second deck and promptly sheathed her appendages.
When she got to the coolant node, she noticed a small leak. At this rate we'll never get more than a mile outside the blast... She quickly sealed the leak by placing a plate and soldering the metal together. She then turned to the maintenance panel and quickly re-established the fluid duct's pressure. "There! Issue one dealt with!" she said cheerfully in lower imperial-gothic. It was a bad habit of hers, and her adept had scolded her on several occasions for her blatant disregard of more efficient communication and behavior. It made her slightly hypocritical, but she couldn't get rid of it. And she preferred genetic modification over mechanical, never allowing more than what has been done to her body already. She could survive in harsh temperatures, jarring impacts and lift something twice her size. What else could she need?
Her mentor though, did not share such an idea. Thus her extra appendages and robotic eyes. He did allow her to change and edit them to her liking though, which she took full advantage of, making them as organic and flowing with her form as possible. The pack was not over-cumbersome and stayed between her shoulder blades, and the eyes she made actual eyes instead of something one would mistake for goggles.
'Dirka! What, by the machine God's name, are you doing!? Get down here now!'
She sighed. "I will not be held responsible if he ends up 'falling' off the train." she mused. She quickly ran down the corridor back to the main area, and saw the laz-cannon through one of the ports. By the Emperor! They really don't want us to leave! She saw the shot fire above her, and she heard screams of agony. She gritted her sharp teeth. If they were to leave, that thing needed to be taken out. She quickly jumped down into the area underneath her while activating her comm. 'Helius! They have a lazily cannon! If the PDF' don't take it out, I'm going to blow a fuse!' She quickly got back to the shaft and dropped down, caring not for her own safety. 'Well, that would do no good. Are you here yet?' She entered the room and grinned a toothy smile. "Right here, bolt-brain." They immediately got back to work, ignoring the sounds of battle above.
Ducaelia turned to him with a slight flare of red from her lights. "How blind are you? Yes this place is heavily defended, but making ourselves known? That's just stupid! Yes, they know someone's here, but who, they have no clue. I say we attempted going through maintenance, plumbing, or some other alternative of getting in. Me and Cyne could recon while ya'll keep outta the way, or make minor distractions while we do so. I could easily scramble their surveillance from here, since I already know their comm. frequency. The only downside is it would take and hour at most to do, three-forths that if we're lucky."
I was planning on having my Skitarii start to break programming and begin to gain sentience, at great risk to itself. Now I guess those risks have gone significantly larger now that there's a lot of other Tech-adepts who just got on board. In the words of Malcolm Reynolds "It's getting mighty crowded in my sky."

Even then, tech priests like Dirka who care more about science than worship would see it more as a learning opportunity. There adepts, such as the character from the Horus heresy series Correl Zeth, make everything about learning as much as possible. They see the cruel process of turning one to a servitor, or a heavily restricted Skitarii, as something for criminals and traitors only.

<Snipped quote by The Fated Fallen>

But Skitarii do have sentience. Well most of them do. Their servitors certainly don’t. Maybe your character is just more willing to engage in tech heresy.

In most cases yes, but There have been the occasional adept that has put heavy restrictions on them to where they are not much better than servitors in many cases.

@Loo Tenant


I went back into the character sheet's in order to edit relations with crew, and Noticed that Silas edited a dossier. HOW IN THE HELL DID I MISS THAT!?
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