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6 yrs ago
Updating playlist thing on my bio today, if you're ever looking for the link again or want it on a different platform just pm me and tricky will hook you up.
7 yrs ago
This one time I seriously considered buying a dick rose phone case.
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Chapter 1
January 12 2079

Varya jerked up from under the console checking her tablet and the errors quieted. One more irritable pull of a wire, she yanked it free. Brushing away a stray hair from her forehead with the back of her hand. Varya put the tablet down then moved out of the cockpit. Stepping up to Artem squinting at what was under the hood. “What are you smirking at, Dzagoev? Run out of smoke breaks?” She said pointedly poking his chest pocket the crinkle of the empty packet evident. She finally flashed a crooked toothy smile herself, amused.

We’ve both got our work cut out for us today, I’m elevating the work order up a tier so Boss man knows.” She said reaching forward and wiggling the chip set free of the navigator box. They were hot to the touch and she winced fanning them about. Examining the fried piece of tech. “Fuck, these are in bad shape. I can salvage what data I can and just install new chips. Which is minimal compared to installing a brand new navigator box.” She commented turning them over in her hand looking up to Artem. “I’d be here all night trying to salvage all the data stored in there just to get the onboard systems back up to functionality.

So... thanks for not wasting time and staying calm.” She said with firm sincerity, making eye contact. A pause hung after she said her thanks, then her expression dropped back down to something rather deadpan once again. “I sincerely hope that the tattoos you got were because they looked scary versus the amount of people you killed with a spoon or some shit.

I think that would max out my capacity for stupid for the day.

And so, they worked. It took the better part of the day for both of them to do their respective areas. Even breaking for lunch and eating together. Varya considered her snarky remarks to be on the gentle side, but if she were pressed to admit that was...largely a subjective point. He returned the same level of banter, poking fun at her in a similar way she did to him. They drifted between bouts and comfortable quiet with the radio droning on. When the work was finally complete the hour closed in on pick up time.

They tidied up. Buffing fingerprints from the hood, rubbing away the watermarks on the wings. Neatly tucking wires away, returning all idling screens to their original settings. Whatever evidence they had of having touched the vehicle was removed ready for the client to resume.

Oleg came to check in, doing a final once over and grunting his approval signing off on the work order as complete. “Good job handling the unexpected repairs, keeping cost to a minimum for the client. That’s what I like about the pair of you. Don’t need me to hold your hand, you figure things out for yourselves.”

Varya smiled a small smile, “Thanks, boss.

He turned next to Artem, “Sharp eye on that engine. Others would have passed that up and let it go for another few months only to get worse, then cashing in on a pricier repair. Thanks for being honest.” He fished out of his pocket a fresh pack of smokes, the same brand Artem liked. “If I catch you smoking these inside I will drown you in grunt work for a week, ya hear me?”

He laughed at Artem’s expression, a big barrel of a laugh.

Varya grinned, Oleg’s infectious good nature difficult to not appreciate.
@Hank so any light at the end of the tunnel?

Time: Evening - Present Day
Location: Smithy’s Grocery Store, Las Vegas

The Ambassador was back with Mandate and shuddered with a start at the first gun shots, the smoke easily obscuring her vision, the snarls and screeches of rage from the Fey drifted through. It was as expected, she pushed herself close to Mandate avoiding the civilians who could move to flee for their lives. While others took shots to their legs were rendered unable to move, moaning for mercy. Bullets pinged loudly off of Mandate, the golem tossed the wolf in her hand into the smoke. She had a few ideas to deal with the visibility, they had resources all around them. She coughed once, twice the burn of the smoke stinging her eyes. She lifted her hand up to cup her nose and mouth.

Mandate, if you could please go forward to kill the black armoured people. The fey around us will guide you to them, follow the sound of their voices. I will distract them.” She said, phrasing as she always did, as if it was simply a suggestion instead of an order. “I will ward myself to protect from-

The sudden explosion of force through a wall interrupted her, she assumed it was one of the giant twins. She rolled her eyes, “Feel free to turn them into gore splatters, strike fear into their very hearts as I will play a part in that myself.

She nodded stepping away, whispering Words of Power into her palms casting a physical ward over her body, wrapping in layers of three. Sheen of blue light passed over her several times, rapidly encasing her. When the spell was complete, she took a deep breath. Bach shrunk in a burst of autumn leaves settling in his familiar place on her shoulder. In french he whispered in her ear, “All according to plan, my lady.

Odette allowed a momentary smirk, chaos surrounding them all. She brought the palm of her hand to her mouth whispering the illusionary trick up her sleeve. Like blue particles they drifted away from her hand carrying through the air. As they reached her fey allies, whispers of her orders came on them. The fey’s raging screeches halted. Shortly after a brief pause, distinct tinkling bells could be heard instead. Ethereal, quiet, and distinct even amidst all the noise. Guiding Mandate with sound. Odette cupped her hands whispering further, this time the particles flew following the bells, appearing alongside the terrorists.

Pitiful mortals, your lives will paint our hands with vengeance for the spirit."
Invalid. Sacrilegious. Disgusting. Tainted. Your souls will find no peace, for there is none to be had."
Lay down, submit, moan your despair. Time. Horror. Filth. Your progeny will feel this curse for generations to come.

Her words carried various points of her message to them, insistent, impossible to ignore. The sound of her voice echoing a throb behind their eyes. The spell cloaked its listeners in a emotional dampener. She blew across her palm, the light of her magic casting her expression in a cold blue. Curling perfectly manicured fingers closed. A genuine smile curled, crinkling her eyes.
Commissioned some art for my two characters, done by the illustrious @Baklava her commission thread can be found on RPG right here! Link!

Chapter 1
January 12 2079

"What about you? No bionics, no nothing?" Artem had began pulling free another cigarette. "You know they can make you taller." He quipped back at Varya, unperturbed by her rude comments and even smiling about it. So the obvious wasn’t going to get under his skin, Varya decided she wanted to know what did. Figure it out, much like a puzzle. In that, it provided a challenge. Ultimately capturing her attention successfully.

What was interesting was his childhood injury, she figured with his ease and comfort level of his bionics he had many years to grow used to the artificial limbs. She wondered how many years it was ago, how old was Artem when it happened and how old was he now?

I was born with this body and I’m going to die with this body.” She replied, the scan progressed further. “Who wants to spend a fortune on extended knee caps when a pair of stilts does the same without invasive surgery-” She shot back sarcastically, the scan complete. She glanced down from Artem and swiped through the reports pulling up the error list. She saw on that was a bit of a weird bug attached to the navigational systems probably causing a small hiccup in the onboard access to the maps.

"If the bionics don't chase someone off the tattoos must. You're pretty transparent Dzagoev."

She tapped the bug and held down to open up a menu. She deleted the bug and immediately her tablet lit up with red error messages piling one on top of the other, “The fuck!

She quickly swept away the messages trying to get back to the diagnostics screen. Her grey eyes grew wide at what she saw now, a full blown virus was quickly deteriorating the navigational hardware frying the board. Replacing something that important on the vessel would cost far more than what the client was expecting to pay for. They could fix it with premium rates… but her ass would be fried up for not catching it before it did any real damage. She shook her head, pushing the idea out. Trying to isolate the aggressive virus, not pausing to think where the original bug was picked up. The hardware began to smoke through the outside.

Dzagoev! Artem, hurry up and disconnect the onboard navigation. Pull it all out! Now!” She furiously began pulling apart the console herself, if Varya and Artem were fast enough they could minimize the damage and fix it in time for the client’s return later.

Gettin' real witchy in here
15th Rain's Hand 4E208, Jerall Mountain Dwemer Excavation Site

I trust you’ve had a good scrap from time to time. Just make sure to watch where you’re swinging your blades, it’s hard to see a damn thing down here.”

Judena found it easy to follow Rhea’s lead, her decisions where falmer were lurking coincided with her instincts, there had been only a handful of times when Judena had run into the blind, gnarled fellows, personally. They were wiley, sharp and ruthless to fight.

As she climbed up to a more defensible position, she among the other magicka users casted their magelights. The tension grew, as individuals - they readied in their own ways. Judena held out her hand, palm up, in it pools of her magika gathered. Growing from within it was a diamond shaped blue crystal, Ironflesh as a spell grew in potency. The spell formed completely, spinning in her hand she brought it toward her chest willing the armour to cover her body completely. She held her spear out peering past the light, going absolutely still. Her ‘beard’ slowly expanded, she did not blink nor did a muscle move. At the fateful sneeze she hadn’t even twitched.

Balroth and Gaius dashed forward to deal with the mages, Megana began firing arrows removing one of the pesky archers. Where Megana missed, Judena saw opportunity. From closer ranks, the argonian came forward in a dash supporting her allies the heat of flames creating a breadth of space for them to find opportunity themselves. A couple falmer shrieked with fear as their meager clothing caught fire. Largely frustrating the lot of them having lost their own magickal support. Directing her flames where some falmer attempted to grow close once again. The light of flames brightening the area.

“Come! Anrenfar! Join your spell to mine!” Judena shouted, clearly unaware of saying the Altmer’s name wrong but she was quite clearly addressing her fellow mage and scholar. They would provide their allies with every opportunity to safely dispatch them.
@Agent 47 where’s that reply at mang?
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