Avatar of Demonic Angel
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  • Posts: 2943 (0.95 / day)
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    1. Demonic Angel 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Welcome to my Cave of Scares
7 yrs ago
Thank you to the most beautiful, honest, loving, and perfect woman for telling me not to let depression kick my arse. To keep up the hobby that I love so much. I love you Luna and thank you.
7 yrs ago
I'm the bad guy
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7 yrs ago
I'm the bad guy
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8 yrs ago
Quoth the Raven- Nevermore


I see you've run into my den. If you want to know more about me than please do ask anything. I can tell you some basic things about me but this is it. So let's get started, shall we?

Username: Demonic Angel

Old Guild Name: Blood Elf

Age: 2~

Zodiac: Capricorn

Location: USA





@Luna- You've been there for me through thick and thin. You've put up with a lot of my bullshit, opened my eyes when I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life, and loved me for who I am. You're the most amazing woman I've ever met and I love you with all of my heart. Here's to our love.

@Vesuvius00-You can drive me insane sometimes but you've helped me through so much in my life. You've helped me improve my writing so much. Without Luna, you, and SilverRose I honestly don't know what I would have done. Thank you for being there when I needed to talk.

@Silverrose- You've helped me make my villain strive to cause pain and suffering. You've helped me make morph others into a bigger mess with their families. You've help me through some other things and have encouraged me when I have doubts.

@Ladyrunic- One of the most fantastic GMs I've had the pleasure to play with. She's cunning, evil, and causes players to question ever choice they make. I always look forward to the next post she has planned.

(To the others)- There are so many others that has helped me throughout this process. Possibly much more than the characters I'm allowed to use. And for each and every one of you I'm grateful t have you all in my lives. Without you all I would still like to thins I would be that anti-social girl. You've all have been so patient with me. And special thanks to the gms in Blood Act who helped me find an rp to call home.

Most Recent Posts

♭Erin McGarth♭
ஒClara Moonஒ

~"One heart is covered in stone and full of hatred. The other is uncovered and full of love. The question we have for you is how can we make these dysfunctional sides into a whole heart?"~

♭Erin McGarth♭ & ஒClara Moonஒ

Erin McGarth-

Clara Moon (Will be seen on the outside after certain plot things happen)-

~"One heart is covered in stone and full of hatred. The other is uncovered and full of love. The question we have for you is how can we make these dysfunctional sides into a whole heart?"~

(I don't plan on using her half siblings at all. Though I have planned this before and someone wanted some more villain characters. Figured it was best to list them just in case.)

Location: Las Vegas
Time: Afternoon-2pm

Yeong’s fingered tapped against the car door for what felt like the thousandth time today. So far all the two had seen was nothing but traffic as far as the eyes could see, making the minutes feel like they were ticking by much more slower. Slower than normal. Honestly right now things felt really awkward between the twins. Even more so since the two just passed the welcome to Las Vegas sign.

” Well this is fun. I know our parents said that we needed to spend time with each other but this is just...ridiculous. How about we pull over, look for a nice bar, and shoot some pool? Maybe place some bets and cheat a bit?” She asked while looking at her sister. Who seemed to be wearing a very disapproving look. The werewolf shrugged her shoulder with her hands up in the air.

” What? I'm just saying with our unique skills we could make a lot of money. Look I know you disapprove but at the moment what choice do we have? I mean unless we have a rich Aunt somewhere who’s will to folk out cash to some baboeuls (google translation for fools).” Yeong knew Ji understood what she said considering that they didn't use both languages often. The oldest sister was always better at speaking Chinese. The other was more fluent in Korean and yet they were both able to understand each other perfectly. As if their minds were connected by hat invisible sixth sense.

A rattling from the engine caught both of their attention as well as the smoke. Thankfully the oldest was able to pull over, only to find out that the engine had overheated massively. ”Welcome to the story of our lives.”

Mission: Retrieve the stolen box
Location: Hysteria, Djarkel

A few steps backwards in order to get the right distance, wapping of wings coming from her right, and on decision though could have harm the three of them. How much more stupider could the girl have been? Of course there was someone flying above when Lyn misjudged that jump. Of course it would have been the Esyire of all things. How stupider could the young woman get considering that Lyn was never truly left alone. Everything was beginning to fall in place for once on her life. She was no longer needed to protect the young woman.

Personally the vampire didn’t mind turning back and going towards the cart. After all considering that the half breed was safe and sound with a protector there wasn’t much to do. The human could survive retrieving the blasted box without any problems. Best to leave now and not be bothered with such burdens. This was what everyone in the group was thinking right? Best get rid of the useless people so you don’t have to deal with them ever again.

The woman’s head shook violently attempting to clear all these negative thoughts away. Granted some still lingered in their place. Control was never really her strong suit, making it fairly easy to pick up her thoughts if one wanted to. Her figure once again copied the movements from before, making the jump without any problems for being a newly turned vampire. ” Guess the whole jumping through the trees like a complete moron wasn’t useless after all. The last step gave me a small amount of troubles as well as getting the angle perfectly but I digress.” She thought to herself then addressed Lyna after Ssarak.

” I know you want to be just like your father Lyn but please don’t do that again. You could have gotten hurt and the last thing I need is another hit on the head due to you copying me alright? Stay with Ssarak and the others please. It’s better if I get hurt then you alright?” The woman said in a soft tone before placing a few more candies in her mouth. Her eye twitched off to the distance, seeing faint figures running their way.

”Ssarak take our little Lyn up. Keep high off the ground and leave the fighting to us. If you don’t trust me then give Lyn to me and we’ll head back to the cart. Personally I would rather release my frustrations on them than the cart.”
Prisoner: Talon Soule

Jewel Namore

Location: Jedi Temple during sacking, Day 1: 11th hour

Jewel stalked through the smoke filled corridors of the Jedi temple in search of more living Jedi to capture. In one hand, her weapon was tightly gripped, but unignited. The other was stretched tense in a claw shape and ready to throw all manner of horrific Force attacks at any hostiles she encountered.

She was on the trail of a Jedi now - an elusive one to be sure, and not the most powerful if her reading of the Force was correct… Yet she knew from experience that raw power wasn’t always the best trait for a Sith. It was then she rounded a corner and caught sight of the Jedi. A small, fur covered thing that wouldn’t look out of place in the Dromund Kaas menagerie. Yet the Force was evident in it, and that meant Jewel would capture it, no matter how unlikely a recruit to the Sith it may be.

Talon quietly watched as her friend departed the room with the children. In a way the young woman was happy that the small group was out of her way. There would less chances of someone screwing up. Less of a chance of getting caught with her tail between her legs. The teenager’s tail flickered off the ground, ears pulling towards the back of her skull, as the fur on the back of the fox’s neck brushed upwards. Something wasn’t right.

The Amaran’s eyes glanced around the room in search of her uneainess. Unconscionably the woman knew why her fur was standing still though the girl wasn’t sure the enemy’s exact placement. Something that could mean life and death in any sneak attack. Talon shifted her foot to the right, the opposite paw dragging against the library’s flooring, as their eyes made contact. Instincts took over from there allowing the Amaran’s paws to pattern hard against the floor.

Her figure placed a paw upon on of the carts, pushed the object forwards in an attempt to block one of the two entrances, even for a few measly seconds.

Jewel broke out into a sprint as soon as her quarry was in sight. She reached the door just as the first object did, immediately leaping forward and igniting her lightsaber. The object was cut in two, the pieces flying to either side as Jewel rose through the air. The second object was close to striking her, but rather than be impeded by it, she used it as a stepping stone, leaping further into the air off it.

She somersaulted through the air, aiming to land just in front of the creature and bring her lightsaber down in a crushing blow upon it. It would be a killing strike, should it land - but as far as Jewel was concerned, if the beast was felled by such an obvious and telegraphed strike, it didn’t deserve capture, and would never be a good Sith anyway.

The fox sensed something coming down the hallway, aiming for her like some animal on the hunt, no pun intended on the reality of the Amaran’s own existence. She allowed her eyes to glance backwards and catch a glimpse of a figure jumping from an object. Most likely this was an attempted attack to finish the enemy quickly. Every person’s nightmare in this world. Though honestly the young woman wasn’t planning on departing from this world anytime soon.

A quick turn to the right would caught her off balance and possible death, a turn to the left without knowing exactly what was on the other side was dangerous too, granted that going forward would be a hazard for one’s health as well. Best option would be to shift to the right far enough to allow some sort of boost and then lead them into a different area. Maybe a place with small spaces to help give her some sort of advantage.

The young woman leaned to the right, far enough for her paw to touch solid ground, then used force speed for a boost hopefully dodging the attack completely. She then used force stun to provide some sort of cover or distraction. If there was still time the young woman would continuing running in the new direction.

As Jewel completed her maneuver and brought the Lightsaber down, the smell of singed fur and boiling stone filled the air. Her prey had only barely dodged, a slow and foolish reaction as far as Jewel was concerned, though she reevaluated when she felt a probing at her mind. The little thing was trying to stun her with the Force. Her reaction was simply to laugh and shrug it off. No Jedi she had ever encountered had the mental fortitude to overcome her mental barriers.

Raising her crimson lightsaber to the ready once more, she noted the Jedi turn to try to run again. “Are all Jedi as cowardly as you? Or are you just a pet rodent with a toy lightsaber?” She taunted as she leapt forward to give chase.

“A rodent? Really? You seriously need to up the name calling game. Actually use that brain of yours to come up with a better insult.” The girl remarked turning a right. The girl kept running, searching for some advantage point, while strategizing at the same time. In reality the young woman knew that running wasn’t going to last. She side stepped to the left and pulled out her light saber. “Well this is a bit of a predicament. Mind if I ask for a dance my lady?”

Finally, some spirit Jewel thought as she saw the creature’s lightsaber whip out. She transferred her forward momentum into a quick one handed diagonal slash towards her foes head. She was focusing on speed more than power - expecting not to need it against her smaller but more nimble enemy.

”Okay if she’s going forward then one of two things could happen. A slash to the right might be a bit predictable. Possibly to the left. So… Why not attempt a guard?” she quickly thought shifting a bit lower. The fox stepped backwards, placing the blade upwards in order to defend against a new attack. Her figure moved another step to where the woman was facing her enemy and slashed at her left.

Jewel grinned as her blade struck hard resistance. Red clashed with yellow, and rather than move for another strike, Jewel shifted from a focus on speed to a focus on strength, seeking to force down her enemies blade in a very one-sided blade lock. She was toying with her foe now, wearing the creature down.

Talon shifted the blade towards an angle when she began feeling her body being forced downwards. In reality the fox knew that her strength wasn’t even a match for her opponent. So what if they were forced to keep moving? The Amaran shifted to the left, allowing the blades to part, moved her left foot forwards, and jumped upwards to attack from above.

Jewel stepped back as her foe dodged away and, when the creature went airborne, did some things that were extremely unusual when compared to her usual fighting style. She took hold of her weapon with two hands and raised a simple Form I straight block. Once her foe had moved out of range, she shifted to make a two handed slash - equally as simple as the block had been - at the place she thought her enemy would land. All of this was done out of a realisation that in this particular scenario, her own acrobatics would be more of a detriment than a help.

The block wasn’t something that Talon had expected the woman to do but then again it was only natural. Something which she had seen day after day when her comrades were taken away from their guild. Now here was a different person in a thief's position and her as the ever violent guard. The young woman used the lightsaber to attempt to attack her. Beginning at the back right shoulder area and diagonally to the left side chest. When the guard came into contact with the attack she used the momentum to push away from the enemy. Giving a much needed space between the two.

As she finished deflecting the strike, Jewel wasted no time in hurling herself into the air in pursuit. Though she did not want to try and match the small foe in an acrobatic brawl, when it came to covering ground she could easily keep up. While she approached she began a telepathic assault on the Jedi, reaching into the darkness and the fury that filled her to hurl both fear and slowing energy through the Force. When she came close to her enemy her lightsaber flashed out again in another swift one-handed strike, this time aimed at her foe’s lightsaber.

The sudden attack was a big surprise. The enemy copying her jump wasn’t quite what the fox expected. At first the Amaran didn’t realize that there was a mental attack. If it hadn’t been for the tingling sensation beginning at the back paws and creeping upwards, just like it had when she was apart of the criminal world. The fox’s ears laid back in order to help her concertation, attempting to form a decent defense within a certain time limit, though when footsteps came closer things become a bit more tricky. Her blade went up, minutes feeling like seconds, inching until they once again collided blades. A growl released from the young woman’s throat and blood dripped from her jaw due to biting her tongue. A shift to the side making their sabers move as if for a kill shot. Only to to stop half way.

To be honest the girl really wanted to finish the attack but something had forced her to stop. Maybe it was because her morals were much stronger than originally thought. Or perhaps it was because the the memories for the guards violence had stopped her. All Talon knew was that even though her buttons had been pushed it wasn’t right to kill. Even the fox’s master would agree to this fact.

Jewel was forced to pull back as a counter strike from her small foe’s lightsaber came uncomfortably close to her midsection after having slipped beneath her guard. But even as she recoiled to preserve herself, she reveled in the backwash of emotion from the Jedi before her. There was fear - brought on by the telepathic attack no doubt - but something more, just for a moment. The strike had been fueled in its speed by the Dark Side, and Jewel’s keen perception picked up on that right away. Even if it had stopped short, it was a crack, a chink in the mental armor of the Jedi… One to be exploited at a later date.

Stopping like that, however, was also an unforgivable, unrecoverable mistake. Twisting her own weapon around, Jewel was able to bring it back and with a reverse strike cut towards the outstretched hand. She aimed for the weapons hilt seeking to destroy her enemies lightsaber, but would just as happily sever the hand that held it. The Jedi was fast running out of options.

Never in Talon’s life had something made her regret becoming a Jedi. That was until today. Not only did she have a taste of the dark side but in a way she enjoyed the preview. Something that the fox hoped never happened again. The cracking sound forced her focus back to the present. Talk about rubbing salt into the wound. There wasn’t really any other option than surrender.

Jewel completed the Sun Djem disarming strike elegantly, twirling her lightsaber by her side once before shutting it off. Her enemies weapon failed in a shower of sparks and she grinned with the elation of victory. No sooner had she done this than her left hand shot out to grip the small Jedi before her by the throat, lifting and squeezing. Not enough to damage permanently, but consciousness would not last. The beast reached forward and down with its mouth wide, biting at her armored gauntlet. Jewel admired the Jedi’s spirit, even if the attempt was futile. Eventually, her foe went limp and she threw it over her shoulder, to carry to the shuttle, only stopping to collect the broken pieces of the lightsaber on the way. Victory and a prize were hers at last.


Time: About 9:30-!0:00 pm
Location: Park Area in entertainment distract, Day 3

A flicker of his pencil, a small detail removed or even changed completely, all while sitting in one of the many spots the young man enjoyed. Killian bit his lip once again as a mental image slowly crept inside his mind’s eye. Most days the buyer would ask for a momentum of something. Whether it was for a deceased family member or perhaps maybe for a beloved pet animal. Rarely was it for something like this request. The person had contact the African American through his personal email which made this $159 drawing a bit stranger than the others. In truth he hated dealing with those who had gained his personal email address. Then again the human was grateful for having this job all together.

It wasn't uncommon for her to be out this late at night. Mostly because she wasn't always as aware what time it was because she was too wrapped up in whatever it was that she was doing. Like today. When she was caught up in this poem she was working on, sitting on a bench...somewhere, she honestly wasn't sure where, still too new to the city to really know her way around. But it had gotten dark, and while she'd noticed that, it hadn't fully made it through to her brain how late it was. She paused, mid thought, looking up from her tablet that she was working on and looking around her, blinking with a bit of confusion. “What?” she said aloud to herself. “When did that happen?”

At first Killian was confused at he glanced upwards from his work. An eyebrow shifting upwards, as if to mimic a normal person’s confused look. The man’s lips parted granted that ways had began to escape his voice box. A hand shifted the page he was working forward and cleared work space for a brand new drawing. A hand flickered upwards and then downwards making what would look like a guide for the guy’s newest interest.

A single circle was finally lightly scribbled in the middle of the page allowing the artist to add details. His focus was spited between the work and the unaware model. A few more scribbles were added, only to be erased just as fast, due to African American not liking how they turned out.

Emma shook her head gently, brushing back her wavy brown hair after she'd cleared the confusion from her mind. Sighing some, she went back to work, her brows furrowed slightly as she tried to think of the word that she was missing. She couldn't figure it out for the life of her and she sat back, looking skyward for some sort of inspiration. There was the beginning of a nagging sense that someone was watching her, but she didn't think anything of it.

The sudden movement of his model would have made him frown though with her looking upwards towards the seemed to have added something,. Maybe it was her natural beauty being highlighted in the light. Or perhaps it was that the young woman was mainly lost in her own world that added a pleasant vibe to this new piece. In truth the guy didn’t know.

He shifted in his seat while staring at her. His figure slightly slumped forwards. ]“ Pennies for you thoughts Miss?” Killian asked in a calm and polite tone.

Emma looked back down and blinked at him a little confused. She hadn't noticed him nearby before. Or more accurately, she had, but not thought anything of it. “Oh ummm,” she started, laughing at herself softly. “It's ah...it's nothing really. Just stuck on a word I can't seem to think of.”

“ Perhaps I can help you Miss. I might not be the best at words but I can still try.” The young man said with a smile.

She laughed and shook her head some. “It's alright,” she replied with a kind smile. “I'll either figure it out or I won't. It's just a jumble of thoughts as it is so trying to explain it to you would be more of a challenge I think. But thanks for the offer still.”

The young man nodded in response.] “ Alright then please do tell me if I’m able to.” The guy once again continued to sketch. After a few moments of silence he glanced upwards. ]“ Do you mind if I request something from you?”

Emma hummed in reply, raising a dark eyebrow up. “I guess that really depends on what it is you're going to be asking of me,” she said with a little laugh. “But you can go ahead and ask.”

]“ It’s nothing bad. You see I’m an artist and one of my clients asked for specific picture. I usually don’t do personal requests but since I’ve recently gained a little sister. I want to save up for her next birthday. Anyways. The request was for a beautiful woman in a park scene.” The young man explained with a rather charming smile. ]“ I’m willing to split the profit too.”

Emma blushed some at that. “I ah...I don't know if I'd say that I'm a beautiful woman,” she said with an awkward laugh. “But I ah...I suppose that I can sit for you if you like.” She laughed more, brushing her hair out of her face again before holding out her hand to him. “My name’s Emma by the way.”

Killian stood and walked over, shaking her hand in a very gentle manner. “ Killian. Though I hate to disagree Emma. You’re very beautiful.” He commented and then shifted in place. The young man held out the book showing her the semi finished drawing. ]“ I wanted to see if I’ve gotten it right so far.”

She shook his hand, her blush only growing at his words. She didn't think that she was too terribly ugly, but beautiful was not something she'd ever used in describing herself either. It wasn't common for good looking men to say that to her out of the blue either. “It's a pleasure, Killian,” she smiled. She took the sketch book from him and looked it over some. “I think it looks lovely. Even if I don't agree with my level of beauty.”

[color=#FFDAB9]]“ I tend to draw what I see.”]/color] The guy said. ]“ I can’t quite get your eyes right though. Something that I wish I could get perfect.” He remarked. The young man sat beside her, mentally redrawing her eyes. “ Might I ask what you do for a living?”

“I'm a student,” she said with a nod of her head, handing the sketchbook back to him. “Just started. Just moved here actually, not been in town long at all.” She looked up at him and smiled a little shyly. “You're an artist though, yeah?”

]“ Yes. I’m actually living with my professor for now. With a hope buying my own place. That is if my past stops catching up with me.” The man commented while fixing the eyes. The African American smiled a bit brighter when they began to become the way he saw them. He then looked back up to her and gently moved her hair behind her ear. “ There we go.”

She quirked an eyebrow up at that. “You live with your professor?” she asked, truly curious. “Where do you go to school at if I may ask?” There were other college's there in Ominar, he didn't have to be going to the same school as her. What would the odds of that be? But wouldn't it be very nice to have a friend there too? If she could call Killian that. But he seemed so nice, she couldn't think of why she wouldn't want to be friends with him.

Emma took in a little breath at his touch, but didn't pull back or push him away any. She looked down at her lap for a moment before looking back up, under her lashes some with her cheeks a very pink.

“ Yes. I’m in a little bit of trouble at the moment. My past is coming to bit me in the end. THough ever since I’ve met my mentor I’ve become very attached to him. So much that I still think of him as a kind and fair father figure. As for the school part I’m going to Zuma.” The guy calmly explained as he watched her features closely. The young woman was indeed rather cute though in the back of his head there was a sickening feeling. A feeling that if this woman ever found out about his past then she would no longer be as kind.

The man closed his eyes for a few seconds to push that feeling aside completely. After a few seconds of silence the young man opened his eyes. “ Kinda childish thoughts for a 19 year old huh?”

Emma blinked some at the mention of the school. She had hoped, but that was not something that she’d been expecting either. “I ah...I’m going to Zuma as well,” she said with a bright laugh. “Maybe we’ll have some classes together.” She figured they’d probably have at least basic classes together, even if they didn’t have the same specialties. “And it seems we have more in common as well. I’m nineteen, too.”

“ Interesting. Who would have saw this in our future? I’m really happy that you’re going there Emma.” The man commented in a very happy tone. For some reason he didn’t mind being around this young woman. In fact she was much easier to speak to than other people. Perhaps Charles was correct about about letting people in. Then again the old man might not let this go. Best to keep this little meeting a wondrous secret for now.

“ If I remember right you will be taking basics with Charles. Do you want to go somewhere with me?” He asked.

Normally, she wouldn't have said yes, but she supposed that he seemed an alright guy, despite his slightly cryptic comments about his past. But they might not have been his doing. “As long as you don't plan on murdering me,” she said with a teasing laugh.

“ Why would that idea cross a person’s mind? I like meeting someone I can speak to easily. Besides whoever would plot such a moronic thing is either insane or thinks you’re too weak. And you, my dear, aren’t weak. I would even protect if you would allow me to. I do hate losing my friends.” The man said as his eye softened a bit. The guy was be honest though to some his words might have sounded like a joke. In a way Killian was really hoping that the young woman believed them.

She laughed at that. “It was a joke,” she said. “Just making light of…” she trailed off, giving up on explaining the joke to him. She closed up her notebook and slid it into her bag, shouldering it as she stood up. “Well I guess lead the way then.”

The man watched her closely as she stood. His eyes glancing to the left, as if something had caught his eyes. A simple head shake and then a shifting of his body made it obvious he was a bit rusty with human interaction. “ I know it was a joke Emma. It will take me some time to register. I’m used to interacting only to certain people. Something that I’m attempting to change without much success.”

The African American’s hand once again rubbed the back of his head. HIs form shifted to the side while his hand gripped the book. “ Emma may I ask you something rather personally?”

She laughed a little awkwardly, but let that part of the conversation go. “Yeah, sure, I guess,” she said with a little shrug. She didn’t have to answer after all if she didn’t want to.

” What did you mean? After I didn’t get the joke right away.”

She tilted her head slightly, looking confused about what he was after. “You mean what was going to say?” she asked, trying to clarify. “Oh just that I was trying to lighten the mood is all.”

The man nodded as his hand placed itself on her shoulder. A smile slowly forming on his lips. ” Just remember one thing Emma. You come to me when something is bothering you. Now then shall we go out for dinner?”

“Well why didn't you say you wanted to go get something to eat in the first place?” she laughed, choosing to not address the rest of that just then. She wasn't totally certain how she felt about it so she wasn't ready to bring it up just then.

The young man just chuckled softly and nodded in agreement. The guy lead the way to one of his favorite spots nearby.
...Where in the world did that come from might I ask?
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