Avatar of Demonic Raven


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current I don't know why I went with ye old pirate lingo... it has nothing to do with the plot.
12 mos ago
Avast ye scurvy land lubers! There's a new 1x1 plot dead ahead!roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 yr ago
Also I did not just return to see if anyone wanted to do a phantom of the opera RP... no that would be obsurd! *hides the YouTube movie tab*
1 yr ago
Well 7 months of working 6 days in a row has finally become routine enough I think maybe it's time to return. I wonder if any old pals are here... time to see who will meme my VM section!
2 yrs ago
Planception! DUNNNN


Just a demonic bird living her life on the east coast. My fiancee is the lovely Evil Snowman (usernames not planned but worked so well together we thought "Hey, might as well get married and have some possessed kiddos one day!") That's pretty much it!

Most Recent Posts


For anyone who enjoyed Miss. Dawson’s this role play has been revamped and is open for those who wish to join. Thank you for those who enjoyed this role play with me, even if you are no longer on the site and regardless if you wish to rejoin. Thank you for the wonderful memories. ^~^

Miss. Dawson

For anyone who enjoyed Miss. Dawson’s this role play has been revamped and is open for those who wish to join. Thank you for those who enjoyed this role play with me, even if you are no longer on the site and regardless if you wish to rejoin. Thank you for the wonderful memories. ^~^

Miss. Dawson

Of course! Welcome to the Team! ^~^

Absolutely welcome aboard! ^~^
Welcome to the Temple of the Zodiacs

You’re here because you are one of many young immortals born into a world you will never truly belong in, birthed by parents that will never understand just how special you are. Whether you are here to learn to wield your powers, to seek shelter from those who wish to destroy what they could never understand or simply because you wish to be here for no other reason than boredom all are welcome here at the temple! Long live the Zodiac!

Hello there, thank you for popping into my interest check no matter if you’re interested or not!

Before I get into the nitty gritty of this idea I do wish to say that this role play will be more wide open rather than closed off. Your characters within this role play will be left to build relationships or create enemies, to have fun or to have a shoulder to cry on, to figure out what it means to be the child of a zodiac. There will be set events to bring everyone together but for the most part you will be left to your own devices, to create a unique story and writing experience for everyone within!

For those who are interested so far below will be the zodiacs and their powers, as each one will have a unique skill. If you are interested in a specific sign please let me know which one when you express interest and I will create a list of signs taken. Once characters are created I will be picking character names out of a hat to do a random roommate system, though if you find particular interest in an accepted character you can always PM me together in a group PM to let me know.

Now with that out of the way, here is the list of zodiacs and their powers as well as a list of rooms within the temple!

Zodiacs and Powers


If you’re still with me and interested with being a part of this journey please let me know down below! I am also looking for a Co-GM so do let me know if you are interested in that position as well over PM! ^~^

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