Avatar of Dewey Deftones


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Current Good news everyone, to brighten up the status bar! I got a 100 on my final presentation, and a 98/100 on my final paper! I graduate in a week! Woohoo!
8 mos ago
I am, yet again, reminding my partners that I am alive. I am just on a hiatus while I finish my degree, which will be done in December.
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11 mos ago
Contrary to popular belief, I am still alive. Just very busy. I will reply to RPs when I am getting more than 2-4 hours of sleep a day.
1 yr ago
I apologize to my partners for taking approximately 3 decades to respond, I decided that working full time and going to college full time was a fabulous idea. Spoiler alert: it was not.
1 yr ago
Sleep Token is releasing new songs like every other day and my brain can't handle it. Legit one of the best bands in the world right now. Soooooo much groove.



Writing With Surgical Precision

27, Male, USA
Time Zone: EST
Surgical Technologist
My personality is laidback and calm, and I'm very understanding.

I do digital art! I can do simple character Commissions, and post regular art on Twitter. Paid Commissions will be posted there @CommanderVolkov.

I listen to a lot of music; current favorite is Spiritbox.

Hit me up for all your medical RP needs. I've worked in a good handful of departments, and can make things more realistic!

Most Recent Posts

Hey, Dewey here. I'm obsessed with video games, and I write at a casual-to-advanced level. Post length varies depending on the situation, but anyways, I'm going to keep this brief.

Simple rules: I have very few limits on violence and the like, and will let you know if you cross one of the very few lines I draw. I almost exclusively RP through PM due to the potential mature nature of romance RPs, but if we do a non-romantic centered RP, we can do a thread. Note that I don't RP solely for smut. I like plots. We can talk about it more in PM and build a plot to follow, even if it's loose or vague.

I'm looking for an Overwatch RP to do. Romance isn't required, but I do think it keeps things interesting. But like I said, it isn't a requirement. Just a preference. Italicized name is the character I would prefer to play, but I can play the other if need be. Note that not all of these pairings have to be set in the Overwatch universe, we could easily do a Slice of Life AU or something if you're into that.

Here's a list of the pairings I'd be willing to do.
(Also I included pictures of each pairing for your viewing pleasure. I didn't draw any of them.)


Reaper x Soldier 76
In particular, I'd prefer this to be pre-fall of Overwatch, or somewhere near it. There'd be a lot of tension between the two regarding the way they conduct their missions, specifically in how Blackwatch operates. But that doesn't have to be the case. We could do an AU as well, or even go back to their days in the Soldier Enhancement Program where the two met.

Widowmaker x Tracer
No preference between the two, I enjoy them both a lot. With this one I see a lot of potential for a love/hate relationship full of angst and arguments, but also I see equal potential for a sort of cute and fluffy AU.

Junkrat x Roadhog
I'll play either one. They're both crazy and adorable. I could do either an RP set properly in the Overwatch universe where they're rampaging criminals, or an AU where they're something else.

Zarya x Mei
A surprisingly common pairing, but probably wouldn't work out in a canon setting, so an AU would likely be the best course here.

Pharah x Mercy
I love these two to death. It's unlikely we could do an RP set in the canon universe without altering the timeline, but I'm more than willing to work on that if you'd like. I would mostly enjoy an AU with these two.

Hanzo x McCree
Both a much-loved and much-hated pairing, I am one of the former who adores this ship. Both serious and sweet RPs could come from them, namely various AUs or alternative Overwatch timelines.

McCree x Reaper
A lovable mentor/underling duo with some easily thrown in dark pasts, McCree and Reaper are easily two of my favorites. I'd be willing to do RPs set in either the Overwatch universe or in an AU.

So, those are what I'm interested in right now. Please PM me if you're interested! Rarely do I check back here so I may not see if you reply to this topic!

I'm really sorry, I reply way too fast sometimes. But don't feel pressured to respond, as you've seen before I'm quite patient!

Here's another one.

Angela found herself smiling at the professionalism that the young Swiss soldier had, even in a time of panic and war. Once the young Swiss soldier had left, the woman turned her head to Fareeha as the jumper Captain spoke. Water? Shouldn't be too hard to find. And even in her weakened state, if Angela was careful she'd be fine to get up and walk around. She was feeling a little less dizzy now that she'd stopped straining her body.

"I'll see what I can find." She said, pushing herself to stand up slowly. She felt very slight dizziness, but it was manageable. She walked out of the partitioned area where Fareeha lay and into the aisle between the rows of cots. She maneuvered her way towards the exit of the tent, squeezing past medics who were hurrying between wounded soldiers. Some were still critical. Angela felt a pang of regret, but ignored it. This was the price of war. Not everyone could be saved. She just had to accept that.

Upon exiting the tent, she scanned the area with crystal blue eyes, soon locating a small truck that carried food and water. It was strange, however, that said truck was even here. Angela didn't recognize the insignia on the side until she saw the soldiers standing around it. Black-clad guards with red goggles, speaking with one of the doctors.

Talon. What on Earth were these terrorists doing here?

Approaching, she immediately caught the attention of one of the Talon operatives, who waved off the doctor. "Angela Ziegler. A pleasant surprise." He said, taking of his helmet. He was a soldierly-looking man, shaved face and head, typical grunt.

"Why do you know me? How did you know I would be here?" Angela questioned. She was in no mood nor condition to be a negotiator, but not everyone in the ESF knew who Talon was, and they were clearly here to tempt the ESF with much-needed food and water.

"Calm down. Talon has eyes everywhere, you should know that. We're here to make a deal." The operative crossed his arms. "We'll help the ESF here. Bring in additional troops to reinforce the frontlines, and give extra supplies to those on the back who are in need. However, we request that you and Fareeha Amari come with us to work with Talon. That is all. Talon gets you and Captain Amari, the ESF and the Swiss forces here get extra troops and supplies. That is the deal. I expect a decision to be made within the hour."

Angela was about to spout an immediate refusal, but the doctor whom had previously been speaking with the operative made her hesitate. The way he was looking at the supplies in desperation; they needed as much food and water as they could get, and troops as well. Angela looked down; the decision had to be made soon.

"Let me speak with Fareeha. She... She might be able to come up with a better answer than me." Angela turned and headed back to the medical tent, making her way to Fareeha. The woman was trying to rest; god, why did this have to happen now.

"I'm afraid a simple search for water has gotten much more complicated. Talon has arrived with a truck full of food and water, and I assume other supplies as well. The operative I spoke with promised to give those supplies to the ESF and the Swiss here, as well as calling in Talon soldiers to reinforce our frontlines... but... the catch is, they was you and I to go work with Talon." She explained. "I... I am so, so torn. Talon is a terrorist organization that fought against Overwatch. They are criminals. But... these troops need supplies. Desperately. And for every wounded soldier, Talon could easily replace the lost manpower with their own troops. The operative wants an answer within the hour."

Angela sighed, sitting back down beside Fareeha, holding her head in her hands. This dilemma was giving her a near-instant headache. "I don't know what to do... We have two choices. Refuse the offer and continue fighting with what barebones supplies and troops the ESF has left, risking the malnutrition and dehydration of deployed soldiers, as well as a shortage of medical supplies. Or, accept the offer and trust that Talon will keep their word and give supplies and troops in exchange for you and myself. I... I hate to say it, but I think that Talon is being sincere. Why would they have a truck full of supplies at the ready to be distributed, if they were just going to turn their backs the moment they got what they wanted? But the question is... what are they going to do to us if we go with them?"

Don't worry about getting replies in! Especially during finals week. Here's a meme for ya.


Tonight's another slow night. I'm the only person in the whole office for the next ten hours. Guess I'll just sit here, do my work, and play Hearthstone.

So I had a thought; what if Talon sends forces to reinforce the area the ESF and the Swiss are fighting on, so that the ESF and Swiss can catch a break for a few days to recover? However, in exchange Talon would ask for the direct assistance of Fareeha and Angela, and if they didn't agree to work with Talon, the organizaton's soldiers would abandon the area to be defended by the ESF and Swiss alone. Which, despite their lack of deaths, would be very hard considering they have many wounded. So Fareeha and Angela would be forced to make a hard decision; work with an organization they don't trust and have every reason not to trust, or force many wounded ESF and Swiss soldiers to continue to fight and guard a dangerous area.

What do you think?
Fareeha's works struck deep and made a lot of sense. Likely more than half of the people fighting in the ESF weren't soldiers, had never been one, and had never intended to ever become one. And the doctors were probably used to their calm and sterile clinics, where all was quaint and easy. This place, this battleground... Angela couldn't imagine your average doctor ever volunteering to be here.

Then again, she wasn't your average doctor. She was the most well-regarded researcher in the world, and one of the most excellent practitioners of the modern day. It wasn't just a job to her. This was her passion and her life. People could fight with bombs and guns all they wanted, but when it came down to it, they would need to be tended to in the aftermath. Being in Angela's capable hands was likely a blessing; when she wasn't absolutely exhausted, that was.

The Swiss woman squeezed Fareeha's hand. "You shouldn't talk too much. Try to get some rest, I won't be going anywhere so at the least, you'll have me watching over you to make sure nothing happens."

Before Fareeha could relax, however, a Swiss soldier peeked in, looking relieved as he found the two. He stepped into the partitioned area, saluting the two women.

"Private Karson, reporting. I have a message from Captain Kalte." He announced. Angela somehow found herself expecting the worst. Had their frontline been annihilated? Were there too many wounded?

"The fight goes well. The omnics are pushed to their last defenses. We've sustained a lot of injuries, but a low amount of deaths from them. Some are still fighting the battle even with wounds. It should be over soon, and with our victory. Kalte wanted to see if we could evacuate the wounded from the area early, so that there is more time for them to rest, so that all could be ready to fight sooner. He told me to ask you both." Karson explained.

"Both of us?" Angela raised a brow. "I'm not a Commander. Fareeha has the highest rank."

Karson nodded. "I'm just following orders, ma'am, I realize you're not a soldier. Captain Amari, what would you advise us to do while the remaining Swiss and ESF forces finish off the omnic presence here?"

Apologies, but I already have another post. I'm very unoccupied at work. Literally just sitting here on the guild.

I think it'd be an interesting thing to mention that Talon has financial backing from big companies, like Lumerico and Vishkar. Maybe not those particular companies, but similar ones that have strong finances and even bigger reputations. It'd be kind of baffling to Angela and Fareeha, considering they know Talon to be this evil, conniving organization that opposed Overwatch.

I get what you mean with Shepard and Cerberus. As Shepard themselves said in ME3 when explaining to Kaidan or Ashley, "I worked with Cerberus, not for them." So in our case, Angela and Fareeha would be working "with" Talon.

By the way, I love your new (I may have just now noticed it) avatar. Very pretty!
Angela offered a smile of humor, finding the situation to be a tad on the funny side. Neither of them were going anywhere, and in Fareeha's condition, what was she to do to help Angela do anything? The Swiss woman shook her head. She should have healed Fareeha with what strength she had. At least then, Fareeha could continue to do her duty. Angela was no use, even with her wounds more or less healed.

"There is nothing more that can be done to aid either of us, it seems." She sighed, looking down at the hand on her lap. She placed her own hand over Fareeha's. If only she was stronger, she could have kept healing. She could have kept working hard, saving lives. "But we can support each other, at least. I'm sure your soldiers will give you an update when they have a moment away from the battle. Though... I assure you, Kalte is a wonderful soldier. He's leading his troops alongside yours very well, from what I saw."

Angela watched as the other medics and doctors shuffled down the aisle with wounded to tend to. She bit her lip, furrowing her brow in frustration. Why of all people did she have to get injured? People were dying, and she couldn't help them. She couldn't even stand up to help herself.

"I wish... I wish I could be stronger. I could have kept going if..." She sighed, shaking her head, her own anger wetting her eyes, making the crystalline blue color glass over. No, this wasn't the time to cry. 'Keep it together, Angela. You've been through worse.' She tried to reassure herself mentally, but in all truth, this was the worst scenario she'd ever been in. Through all the death and despair that came with her job as a doctor, she'd seen much stress. More than your average person, that was certain. But war, with the devastating nature of every bullet that whizzed through the air, was not something she would ever get used to nor would she ever like. In fact, she was opposed to fighting wars, but it was the only way to stop the omnics. Machines didn't listen to thought or reason. They were programmed. The only thing they could learn was how to adapt to enemy strategies, and how to most efficiently kill a human being.

"Fareeha... I'm so sorry." She couldn't help but apologize, her optimism crushed. She didn't want Fareeha to see her so weak.

I think that the remnants of Blackwatch (Gabriel Reyes and Jesse McCree, namely) would likely be called upon by Talon to be in the task force. Hell, Gabriel could have easily jumped ship to Talon when the omnic crisis in our RP forced Overwatch into splitting apart. I know in McCree's comic he says that Talon was using some of Blackwatch's strategies, so it's known that the agents that were in Blackwatch had no trouble switching over to doing the evil that is Talon.

I know our RP isn't canon, but it does make sense in the universe for Blackwatch agents to align themselves with Talon. McCree, however, values himself as more of a bounty hunter/vigilante justice kind of guy as opposed to a cold and calculated killer like Gabriel.

All in all, it's kind of an "I really hate you but we have the same objective" kind of situation.

Considering a lot of the countries are locked in war with the omnics, one of the ones that isn't so destroyed would likely be where the rich corporation would have their base.

Here's a thought: what if the corporation/organization was Talon? A sort of bad-guys-gone-good situation. They'd see that their former operations are futile if they all get wiped out, and focus on making the task force. Of course, Angela would br opposed to working with Talon, but would eventually see the bigger picture.
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