Avatar of DocRock


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Its a fun feeling to just sit and think about what to do for responses. The flipside is feeling locked in place, waiting for another to go first on something.
5 yrs ago
You ever take a look at the forum board, not see anything of ready interest, and decide to just go about your day? Figured I'd see if a new game was interesting, nope, ah well.
5 yrs ago
Gonna be in New York this weekend, so if anyone needs me, please contact me via Discord.
5 yrs ago
Writer's block is a pain, but if I happen to owe anyone apost, I'll be working on them tonight, hopefully. Might go surfing, see if any games catch my attention.
1 like
5 yrs ago
The feeling of needing to write content but it being hot as heck despite it being two am is not conductive to writing anything, blargh


I already did an earlier introduction, but this is something one could always see, so let's roll.

Serene is the pen name that I use over on my old G+ account, which if you're able to find the account before the site shuts down, is Serene Selphia, but no fancy url, lol. But to those I'm close enough to, my nickname is Chris, and if I ask you to not use it, its nothing personal, I'm just not ready for that level of friendliness. That isn't to say I'm not a friendly person, just that I can be a bit professional when it comes to stuff. I've been rping since like...2011 I think? If I could find the Minecraft rp forums I started on(yes those were a thing, it was actually full of good rpers, but all good things come to an end of course), I'd have a precise date.

I roleplay a lot of things, well, that was the old system. About four years back, I settled down in a roleplay community on G+ called Temple of Glory, and began to stick to just one character who I kept working on, using other characters as I felt the need. That was my current primary character's father, a character I'll call the Professor for now, as I intend to post a version of his character sheet later. Probably when doing so wouldn't spoil what became of him in a storyline. Anyway, after a point I burned out as him, and switched focus to his daughter, who I use primarily in the old roleplay hub I come from. The Good Doctor, and here, no spoilers, mostly because ahaha, I'm shy about that.

I love a lot of series, but my heart goes out mainly to Rune Factory, Sonic, Mega Man, Metroid, Mario, Pokemon, and Duel Monsters. Especially Rune Factory and Sonic, though lately I've fostered a love for the Nasuverse, Fate Grand Order is a fun time. I love to read a variety of things, and I'm always online unless sleeping, so feel free to drop me a line if you need it. While I'm relatively new to the site here, I'm an rp veteran, and a skilled writer, as you'll see whenever I post the Doctor's current profile.

Ah right, more on me. I'm a college senior presently, I just had my capstone for my history degree wrapped up, and I'm proud of my progress. While I am a loner by nature(I mean my writing often keeps me trapped in my room to meet paper deadlines), I'm still a sociable person, and if you can't reach me here, my Discord is Serene Selphia#1064. So I suppose that's a bit of a spoiler, but to who, I won't say. Just be forewarned, if you ask me about a character of mine, there's a risk I'll write a lot, so make sure you're totally fine with that.

In terms of roleplay, while I do mainly fantasy/science-fiction, I can roll with just about anything(as far as I know), but if I tell you its not working for me, don't take it personally. I'm a fairly detailed writer, and in terms of style, I'm good with both combat and non-combat related narratives, I mean, my current main was built for combat initially, whereas her father is more the sociable type. The most detailed things tend to when I describe the world around, or when writing profiles for characters I adore. Basically, if I'm in tune or really love something, you could get a lot. I once wrote about twenty pages on a google doc in two hours because I loved it so much. Weird flex sure, but you can understand it. I don't look for much in rp partners, so long as you can write me enough that I understand either what you're doing, or what's going on, I'm usually good. I'll generally drop a line if I need more information.

I love learning, so if you ask me about something, and I don't have an answer, I'll gladly take the time to do at least a basic amount of research. And if you're ever stumped for ideas, drop me a line, I'm always glad to help fellow veterans or the newer folk. Heck, at one point for a friend's group I wrote an entire(albeit unused) document full of random plot ideas for the group drawn from throughout film and video games. Point is, if you need someone to talk to, unless I'm in a bad mood, or its a bad time(aka I'm about to go to bed, or in class), I'm always up for at least a quick chat. I do take commissions, so if you want a fanfiction written, give me a holler, or if you just want a custom story about a character of mine, or just ask for them to give their input on something in a non-serious setting. Still debating what to set prices for, or if I work totally free...I mean I should charge something, but anyways, wew, talk about a ramble, eh?

Anyways, that's about it. I'll probably rewrite this as needed.
Restating ways to reach me as needed!
Discord: Serene Selphia#1064
MeWe: Serene Selphia
G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/111951242394737706703/+SereneSelphia

Doc Rock, signing off, stay gold.

Most Recent Posts

Oof, no input then on my end?

Not complaining, haha. I'll just put a sheet up soon as I feel better, not feeling 100% atm.
The First Grandmaster

Stella listened, processing the information given forth with ease, making a decision swiftly. There was no going back, only forward. They were "expected" in the general sense of the word, not the two specifically, but rather travelers from other realms. The subject of the battle royale for just a moment, caused the woman's lips to quirk upwards in a strange, almost predatory like smile, before returning to their flattened state, providing the sensation that it had just been a trick of the light. She ran a subroutine, calculating time, setting up an internal clock that now appeared on her HUD, showing her the given time. Treat it like a video game, and keep moving forward.

"I see, very well then. Challenge accepted. I assume further information will be provided should it be required, with extra information accessible through the right means?" The statement could be taken as one conducting research, casual conversation, or any other manners of action. Her tone remained the same, businesslike, neutral. And yet, was that a look of strange glee that flashed in the back of the woman's eyes for a split second? None of the others could have realized, but to the Grandmaster, this place...this Inbetween, was like a buffet. A place to feast upon bio-data, that could be delivered to the Treasury upon eventually returning home. However long that took, of course. Her calmness was innate, only give up information when asked, and deemed important. She'd gather data from whatever functioned as computers in this place, process enemy data, and use it to proceed forward. No matter how many broken bodies she left in her wake...After all, a broken enemy is better than a dead one.
<Snipped quote by DocRock>

I'll come up with something and DM you tomorrow. Sound good?

Sounds like a plan boss, been doing some side Mega Man research for other stuff, so who knows, might have Wily show up later to cause some trouble. Because when in doubt, more rogue robots always make for a good challenge, haha.
I'm not as versed with D&D as I am with other magic verses, but I'll take your word for it, lol.
The First Grandmaster

Regardless of the attention drawn by the sudden flash of her mirror shard, the woman that dropped down from it, landing with inhuman grace and balance, might have caused surprise or interest among those used to...other types. As the black haired woman rose to her feet atop the mattress set up to catch fallers, eyes scanned the space, hands going to brush off her uniform, internal checks being performed. A full system diagnosis was completed in moments, showing no viruses, no foreign programs, everything was as it had been seconds before, onboard the fleet flagship enroute to another star system. Arsenal was intact, even down to the Special Weapons left over from the last conquest. This indicated that a standard shift had occurred.

Stepping calmly off from the mattress, boots clamped down against the floor, making the proper sound for whatever material it was made from, dust being kicked up in the process. Stella's gaze narrowed, as her head turned, taking the space in, unarmed seemingly for the moment, hair moving in time with her head shifting, swishing behind her. Gloved hands lifted, as her arms crossed, the digits now gripping each arm, as they folded together, against the fabric of her uniform. Her vision picked up on all the shards around, marking hers on the minimap that was overlaid onto her vision, part of her HUD, which also monitored her systems, and people around. A scan confirmed that wherever here was, it wasn't within range of a relay terminal. Indicating that odds were this was another dimension. Though that had already been considered with the loss of communication to the Treasury of the Doctor, or to the hivemind at large. The shards were likely tied to how she had been brought here, given she detected no other means of spacial or reality warping. In other words, some sort of summoning system, which could get past normal means of guarding against space manipulation. She could only assume that her siblings, all several billions of them were hard at work trying to figure out what happened. It was likely then that the Doctor would be preparing an investigation to locate her, and reestablish the hivemind link. As the first Rockroid, she had known what it was like before the hivemind had grown up, so she accepted this separation. She scanned her space again, spotting at least two bio-data signatures, but neither were given a copy, as Stella didn't want to risk running into anyone who could counter such, yet.

But finally, the silent being turned her attention to whoever seemed to be in charge of the space, and made eye contact if possible without moving from her spot. But if needed, she'd move to a point where she could address the other easily. "You, explain. Present location, and reason for being summoned here. Your identity as well." Her tone was direct, and held no pleasantries, all business. It could have been taken rudely, but one couldn't blame the advanced lifeform, this was the routine when in new areas where no information was given instantly.
And now I'm unsure if I want to adapt my D&D character, or just adapt my old RF Expanded Universe OC.

One is an archeologist artificer, the other, a godling with slight memory loss and dragonology related powers, plus the innate verse powers.

Either way, one of the two will be up in a few hours, whichever folks want to see more. The Dragonic Indiana Jones, or the character said D&D dude is based on, the Son of the Wind. I can generate either profile with ease. Just a matter of deciding which.
Looks solid, only thing I'd note is off is that the device on her back isn't visible presently. Really only issue I have with the FC I selected is that the guns are mounted to the back, rather than held like the original. But yeah I'll drop something when I can. Just woke up.
Alright! I'll drop a sub, then get into things when I can! As I took too long with a game, and missed my reply windows, lol. Should have a profile up by the end of tomorrow!
Oh, I didn't see it till after I posted, lol. I'll come up with something when I can!
So we can start our comment/post making whenever, correct? Just asking before I go watch a horror movie.
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