Avatar of Drake Baku
  • Last Seen: 7 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Drake Baku
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    1. Drake Baku 10 yrs ago
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(OOC: take it Stella and Ryu AKA Blade are reincarnated already s0)

During the conversation Stella began to slowly awake, though she still felt pretty, well she had no idea what she was feeling.
So your awake, well things have gone for the worse, we found the ryu, he died, fought an fallen, you nearly died, both of you and that devil girl got reincarnated, well they did keep to their end, we found Ryu, just did not battled him, and now your a devil, live is going to be odd, first time being with a devil, well at least we can spend a looong time together now, unless you die again, also I take it your listening in, that guy showed up by putting everyone in this school to sleep or something and now things are escalating........ hey are you listening?
Slowly stella was getting up, she had listened to Eclip that she was a devil now, but that was it, she had listened to the talk, the guy wanted to enforce a rating game so he could marry the devil girl against her will, put the school under some spell.
well that was not the entire truth but with her head still a bit woozy from getting a crane on her that was all she was able to make out of it.
"Bastard" She said as hard as she could, though it came out pretty soft, her arm transforming into its dragon shape and she jumped to the unknown male

Yet before she could reach him, a black fur appeared from nowhere and slammed her right against pillar separating the windows.
A small trinket of blood was flowing from her human arm which was hanging limp as the neuro poison was starting to sink into her system.
Name: Ravage (no last name)
Former Race: NightStalker (custom design)
Age (Real/Apparent): unknown
Gender: male
Height: 1.60M (pretty much double)
Weight: 180Kg (same, double)

Appearance: Ravage appears as a Black panther who is double the height and weight then normal, most strange is that its eyes are void, its pure darkness as if nothing exists, only a neon blue marking that shapes, better said the details and prints, blue neon lines to shape the outer lines of the pupils, the outer lines of the irises and the irises inner prints with black void between those lines.

Personality: Ravage is loyal and protective, he can be cruel and wild in combat but is everything but stupid, rather you could say its an smart and sentient soul in a animal body.
in general its distrustful to humanoids but once it accepts some one he becomes calm and friendly like a dog (just never ever call him on that, it hates being called a dog)
Ravage is pretty much a stray from its species due to its personality, the others are only cruel, smart, wild and real hunters.

Powers: All basic devil powers.

NightStalkers possess the following powers:
-Dark Space - Able to generate a field of darkness for 1 kilometers in diameter, in this field A Nightstalker would be perfectly hidden until it gets close enough so you can see the neon eye pattern.
this field is pure darkness and or shadows, meaning any powers that can be used in such a field or using such traits can be accessed without limits (outside the normal limits belonging to the abilities off course)
-Neuro Fang - A Nightstalker's fangs have a neurotoxin causing a paralysis for a few minutes and delusion for a few hours (the exact delusion type differs from person to person and time to time, some start to see things that are not their, some just get loopy, some start talking to themself, many more exist)
The paralysis tend to work differently based on the amount of toxins injected, a small amount would pose only a temporal type while more (and with it often deeper wounds) would spread further across the body starting from the wound it was injected in.
-Wall Crawl - A Nightstalker can run up or jump against walls, it cannot jump and it has to keep moving to stay up the wall when doing this, a Nightstalker can also jump against walls and stick to them as long as the wall is straight or tilted to the ground (if its tilted to the ceiling, they cannot stick)
-Magic Resistance - A Nightstalker has a natural resistance to magic.
-Regeneration - A Nightstalker has increased regeneration and resistance to poisons, however the regeneration can be overwhelmed if too much damage if inflicted or the damage inflicted is too severe, it is also not like wilverine (x-men) Ravage can still be killed with enough wounds, bloodloss or instant kills, there even exist some poisons a Nightstalker has no resistance to and in return is even more dangerous due to the lack of anti-bodies.
-Void Jump - A Nightstalker can shadow or void jump, they can jump right into a darkness source like shadows or its own darkness field and then reappear somewhere else on the same plain of existence (it cannot move from the underworld to the earth, jumping on the earth means it has to reappear on the earth), the exist also has its own rules;
it needs to be one solid piece (meaning, shadows between tree tops tend to be off the chart as the shadows tend to be of different intensities due to light breaking in at way to many spots)
It needs to be of either enough mass (regardless if its made from various shadows overlapping) or of a shape that could function as a rip between time and space (like a just long enough line of a lightpost)
It must be a real shadow, if a place is for example outside where the sun is not shinning due to clouds and no other causes for shadows exists, that place becomes impossible to reach (note: a room where the lights are closed off counts as an infinite shadow, just as the DarkSpace
-Beast Shift - A Nightstalker can transform into other animals for a temporal time, when it does this, it can not access any other powers during that time (though there have been Nightstalkers who could use some traits but Ravage is currently not of such type), when taking on such an animal a Nightstalker will gain that animals natural powers, it will keep its void eyes but the color changes based on the animal.
The animals currently are:
Giant Anaconda with Yellow neon (can swim in swamp areas, strangle anything that fits it size (which is about small truck in size), thin and agile)
Giant crow with red eyes (fly, carry stuff with its claws, black as night)
Flurry of Crows with red eyes (special shift where instead of one giant crow Ravage becomes multiple normal sized ones, they have to remain in a specific range of each other but share senses)

Bio: unknown, he was found by Andreas as he was roaming alone, due to the lack of speech no one knows what his past has been.
However, based on its Beast shifts it had when it was foudn it had to be a young unskilled Nightstalker, in the mean time it has mastered 2 other beasts shifts and has been trying to think of other shifts
before I start working on the IC and at least Ravage
I have ti say this:

- King: Faye Beherit @KoL
- Queen: ??? @Kitsune
- Bishop #1: Open
- Bishop #2: Open
- Knight #1: Yuriha @KoL
- Knight #2: Open
- Rook #1: Open
- Rook #2: Open
- Pawn #1: Open
- Pawn #2: Open
- Pawn #3: Open
- Pawn #4: Open
- Pawn #5: Open
- Pawn #6: Open
- Pawn #7: Open
- Pawn #8: Open

BAD @KoL I thought I had asked you to fix it up weeks ago and you said you would
tonight you need to sleep with your pants off XD (no I dont need a picture of proof, unless your secretly a girl XD)
<Snipped quote by Drake Baku>

Probably yes. Why not see if you can allow them there if they wish. For example as another rival team or freeloaders, like Irina?

Also, Andreas queen is Ueno, if being clung to his side isn't proof enough. By all means he should be at the party too, after all his a noble, from a very powerful house there's no sense in him not being invited.

off course they are allowed, got more freelaoders planned (btw, what ou call freelaoder is what I called support chars XD)
I thought I have read his queen was still open, oeps, well no matter, you can say what piece you want to give Ravage, though if you dont say making two is fine, i can take it as a yes XD

As David yelled the group looked up, while there was a large confusion on who it was, they at least recognized the voice.
David's shots failed to have any effect as the group would soon be swarmed by the vines.
His attacks did hit a few but they grew back as fast as they were cut, making it clear enough that fighting would be worthless.
Symbio jumped and attached himself to the ceiling, Mech created chainsaws around his body.
Drake and Janet just took flight.
off course Aqua had a problem as she lacked any way to get away as the vines grabbed her and started swinging her like a rag doll.

As fast as he could Drake released his flames to burn the vines, though they were instantly replaced again he was able to free Aqua who was now unconscious in his arms.
When he released his flames Symbio's Symbiote instantly retracted as it is afraid of fire, though it stayed in place enough to keep him stuck to the ceiling with a few black pins sticking into the stones, this would be david's first time looking at Rain's face.
"I'll see the source of this, Symbio keep her save" he said, his eyes were red when he looked back into the path.
Symbio, as his symbiote partner returned over his body used the tendrils to grab unto Aqua.

Drake instantly flew back in the path, burning any vines in the way until he found the giant flower.
Using his flames once more he burned the flower until only a small scorn black part remained the size of a hand of the flower that was big enough to stand above a large car.
As the flower died the vines began to die off and near instantly started to wither and partly rot away.

(OOC: really crappy post, had a hard time due to block and my kid crying and playing with my phone (I called my mother and gave it but he keeps pushing it against my ear XD) and thus limiting my thinking)
@Jones Sparrow In your post you mentioned Firoe... Fiore doesn't exist in this alternated universe.

actually I never named the continent and I think someone else had fiore in their post or background so i'll let this much pass
Also i may as well make a side as well
Expect something unhuman for once XD

ok, make it two if that is allowed

the first is the main and will be the queen, unless Irish is working or wants the queen, in which case I suggest
we both post our queens and KoL can decide the winner and (at least for me) state which piece he wants to give it otherwise, as it can work fine with others but I felt the queen would fit better

NOTE: even if Andreas would not make an appearance in the party event in DxDxD, I will allow him to show up in DxDxD regardless, cause I want Ravage to show as well XD

will make an IC soon, same as the sheet of Ravage, also the name for the second if that is allowed would be up to Andreas to think off XD
it will be family of Moena's familiar XD

I feel that those not part of DxDxD are getting confused at all this XD
Just wanted to get the prankster im it again XD

Let her ask lilith
She is still doing notjing so she can help her witj clothing

Anyway jones
Though I am speaking from my memory
I think it was good
Did i not made that clear in the pm?
Also i may as well make a side as well
Expect something unhuman for once XD
Still planning on adding us to that event but most of the events will be posted by me leaving not much to get messed up
At least no one can talk to riser or rias
But i wanted to use that event so everyone can meet up with the real cast
Like hecate will pull marcus to meet kiba

Yuriha will get the chance to meet sirzech thoigh
He is one of the few main cast yoi guys cn mingle with before the next event will happen
Oh and it will be a way to change yuriha her evil piece as she wants thay
And check ophelia her semi functioning rook piece
(With that we can expect variois important matters before the event kocks in high hear and we all can see ise beating raiser to chicken soup XD)
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