Avatar of Draken
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  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 198 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Draken 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I'm fighting the final boss of College.
7 yrs ago
*Piddles about*
8 yrs ago
I have returned from the land of apathy with renewed vigor! Talk about ironic...
8 yrs ago
Aaaand I just made several google searches in a row about a cannibal cafe. Watch lists, I'm baaaack!~
8 yrs ago
A new challenger approaches!
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21 year old white man. Do I get Social Justice points for being gay?

Lame (and somewhat rude) jokes aside, I'm an American college student majoring in Media Studies and hoping to work in game design. I've run several tabletop RPGs over the years, mostly in the vein of D&D and Pathfinder. I dabbled in forum RP years ago, and am hoping to have a joyous reunion with the art now.

My greatest strength is probably my ability to realize my weaknesses and take honest criticism without feeling put down. One of said weaknesses is my bad tendency to proofread after posting something, so feel free to point out spelling mistakes or small grammatical errors if I've left a post lying around a little while.

I swear I don't bite, though the zombies might. (Ask me about my moral position on Necromancy.)

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by The Angry Goat>

Fixed. Don’t know if they would be possible with magic, either.

I have no doubt magic could be used, but wouldn't it need to be somewhat specialized? Also, in general, I think most of why we don't notice eye color is because it doesn't matter. We profile on skin color, but I imagine that when you're born in a world where eye color matters, you'd pay it more mind.
Oh, shoot. I forgot the surrender of Lanostre was so recent. We're the first generation (or barely missed it) to not remember the war.
The Aspects themselves have their own quirks and personalities, and it is known that its appearance changes depending on whomever glimpses it. Thus, one Inquisitor might see the Aspect as an ordinary plain-faced soldier, while another might see it as a demon. Others might not even glimpse the Aspect at all. This is all dependent on an Inquisitor's spirit, personality, and faith.

Oh, right. That might not be Father Ragnar at all, huh?
I don't expect a Word of God answer, but I do really wonder about how time works in this setting. I mean, Ilya's plans are going to have to revolve around both the idea that he can change the future, and that the scene he saw is impossible to avoid. Is our annihilation, to the point in this rendition of the future, also a certainty? On the other hand, these seem like decidedly different ways of peering into the future. Or rather, peering vs. experiencing. (Then again, can any of the Gods even "see" the future? Surely that would've made the Titans' fight endless or futile. Perhaps my vision is simply a projection based on what Varya knows?)
Do... Do we need Ilya to catch up to everyone? It sounds like you really need Ilya to catch up.
@CollectorOfMyst @Draken @Scout
I will say that Father Killian is definitely not an experienced inquisitor. This is my fault, since I forgot to post his profile, but Killian is actually a member of Warband Leviathan, so he’s a classmate of Ilya, Viveca and Oren. Unlike them, he was ordered to remain behind to serve in Lanostre under Mother Elisheva. It’s 100% my bad for not making this known sooner. Now I’m not sure if you’d recognize him under all that blood.

In any case, I’ll have a profile up for him soon.

How easily we mighty are laid low, likely in part to arrogance.
@Lovejoy WHAT. ...Mine's the ninth. You? O.O

I have May 6th... Wat.
Should get a post up tonight/tomorrow. My monster Graham Greene paper is nearly done and my student play is nearly over, and then I should have a day or two before I need to start my monster philosophy paper. Fun, fun, fun.

I feel your pain. I'm currently out of comission because I have two papers due Friday, which have been displaced until now by other due dates. This can be traced back nearly a month.
@shylarah Okay, I suppose I’m cool with the compost thing. The rich don’t donate their bodies though. They have actual mausoleums and such to bury their dead in, as well as the aforementioned coffin ships.

Indeed. I imagine it comes down to whether or not you can afford to spend money on a fancy memorial for someone who's gone. Magnagrad works hard enough to build space for all of Varya's other needs.
@The Angry GoatMaybe! I just think something like that would be the last straw for poor people who live shitty, terrible lives to begin with. It seems a bit too much for me. Varyan society is horrible and fucked up, but I want the people to have some semblance of humanity and grace left in them. The Church using their own dead as compost isn't honoring them in any way, while interning them in the foundations and walls of the capital city at least gives the people a small bit of pride. It's the closest thing the poor will ever have to a tombstone, in any case.

I disagree with you, but I'm clearly not in line with most people in the real world. I mean, look at my signature. I support the practice of conscientious necromancy.
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