Avatar of Duck
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 252 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Duck 9 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current When Donald Duck traded his wings for arms, was he trading up or trading down?
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4 yrs ago
Be like a duck; calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.
4 yrs ago
If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it could be a really ugly swan
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
Today is my birthday! For present, I wish for each and every one of you to have a great day!


I'm a goddamn quacker, I am. Quack!

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@Dusty It's a well written character. Totally accepted.
@Dusty I guess you could start with telling me about your idea :)
@Golem Both applications are accepted. You may post them in the Character Tab.
I am new to this site, as such I would like to clarify: How goes the process of application? Do we just PM you our character sheet, or do we post it here for checking?

You post it here for checking.

Name/s: Moira

Race: Human

Appearance: Moira is a woman of medium height and build. She has shoulder length blonde hair and greyish blue eyes. She is often dressed in comfortable, practical clothes and can usually be seen carrying a book or alchemical instrument.

Characteristics: Moira was taught from a young age to be kind and curious. She tries not to judge others from first impressions and believes that everyone gets a second chance. She is not very athletic, focusing instead on mental prowess. Her knowledge of herbology and alchemy, as well as her skill with magical cantrips, has earned her the admiration of her colleagues in the magic society of Ordo Magica.

Background: Moira was born to a somewhat wealthy family. Her parents, keen on securing a prestigious education for their daughter, enrolled her with a local mage's guild, the Ordo Magica, where she spent most of her youth. Upon completing her studies, Moira decided to stay with the guild as an field-mage and began going on expeditions, exploring uncharted places and cataloguing new flora and fauna. It was such an expedition that led her to the cursed forest in which she lives today, currently lodged in the treetop-village of Yggdrasil.


Name/s: Human, Hume, Folk (humans, humes, folken)

Appearance: The humans of this world are practically identical actual humans. No further explanation needed.

Characteristics: Humans are very culturally diverse. They have a knack for environmental adaption and symbolic communication (art, music, writing), and are generally social creatures. They can interbreed with many other races, a fact which has led some scholars to theorize that humans were the original humanoid population from which all others emerged. Humans are sometimes considered as arrogant and aggressive by other races, as they are generally a driven and short sighted race.

Background: In ages past, humans lived in small tribes of hunters and gatherers. As agriculture was discovered, these tribes began consolidating into realms and nations. They became a widespread race, inhabiting most of the known world. Humanity has never been able to unite as a race, and conflict is common between cultures and nations.


Name/s: Yggdrasil, The treetop-village

Appearance: Yggdrasil is a collection of rickety shacks, huts and walkways built on and around a giant tree, located in a swamp in the forest. The village is ever changing due to the instable nature of the buildings and the high turnover of inhabitants.

Inhabitants: There are almost no constant inhabitants of Yggdrasil. People come and go, living there in some cases for several years and in others only for a few days. The populace is, shortly put, as odd and diverse as the village itself.

Token/s: If a traveller has accepted that they're stuck in the forest, they will find Yggdrasil. If they grow to see Yggdrasil as their home, they will always find it if they want to.

Background: No one knows when the giant tree was first settled. There are ancient runes carved in the bark of the tree that some scholars say are over ten thousand years old. According to some, the tree has been used for many purposes in the past, ranging from fortress to temple. In this day and age, Yggdrasil serves as a hub and gathering point for the people of the cursed forest.

Welcome to Lost in the Woods!

This is a free, sandboxy game in which we'll play as people that has been trapped in an enchanted forest. It is a big, dark, scary forest, and for some reason it does not let people leave. There are several rumors concerning how to break this curse, but so far no one has been successful.

This is a fantasy game, so fantastic elements are accepted and encouraged. Elves, trolls, dwarves, orcs, or whatever. Just don't overdo it. It is also a medieval game, which means swords and tunics and knights and such. Easy peasy.

When playing this game you will get to partake in a little worldbuilding, too. Apart from your character, you will get to create a race (perhaps your characters, if that's not already taken) and a location within the forest. Such a location could be anything from a mine to a temple, or maybe just a hut. It's first come (and accepted) first served when it comes to races.

The Cursed Forest

The great woods in which our characters find themselves is a gigantic place, stretching across several nations. Its outskirts are lush, green and inviting, but the deeper you go, the darker and more foreboding it becomes. It is not known exactly where the point of no return lies, but once you cross it there's no turning back. The enchantment prevents anyone from finding their way back outside, and works in subtle ways. No matter how well you prepare, there's always some distraction or happenstance that makes you stray from your path. One moment you could have sworn you were going north, only to find that you're south of where you started. Finding your way at all is a challenge in itself inside the dark woods. The paths seem to slither this way and that at their own whim, almost as if the forest had a will of its own. Newcomers are left at the mercy of the wilds, never knowing where they are or where they're going. Older inhabitants have found other means of navigating. To reach some places, you must hum a certain tune while walking. Other places can only be reached when you need to go somewhere else. At times, all it takes is carrying a certain kind of flower to find the right path. Only the forest knows why this is.


When it comes to applications, I recommend leaving room for in game exploration and the imagination of other players. No need for extreme detail. The basics will do just fine. Once your applications have been accepted, you can post them in the Character Tab and begin playing.

Character Application
Name/s: Actual name and/or nicknames
Race: Choose your own or another players applied race
Appearance: Picture voluntary, description obligatory
Characteristics: Personality, beliefs, abilities, skills
Background: Short biography

Race Application
Name/s: Actual name, nicknames and/or slurs
Appearance: Most common racial traits, picture/s voluntary
Characteristics: Culture, reputation
Background: Short history

Location Application
Name/s: Actual name and/or nicknames
Appearance: Picture voluntary, description obligatory
Inhabitants: Short summary of residents
Token/s: What is needed to reach this place
Background: Short history

Looking forward to roleplaying with you all!
Do we all have to start together? i'm interested btw.

No you don't. Your characters don't even need to know each other when the story begins.

Looks like we've got sufficient interest. Will start working on the OOC.

Welcome to the interest check for Lost in the Woods! This is a free, sandboxy game in which we'll play as people that has been trapped in an enchanted forest. It is a big, dark, scary forest, and for some reason it does not let people leave. There are several rumors concerning how to break this curse, but so far no one has been successful.

This is a fantasy game, so fantastic elements are accepted and encouraged. Elves, trolls, dwarves, orcs, or whatever. Just don't overdo it. It is also a medieval game, which means swords and tunics and knights and such. Easy peasy.

When playing this game you will get to partake in a little worldbuilding, too. Apart from your character, you will get to create a race (perhaps your characters, if that's not already taken) and a location within the forest. Such a location could be anything from a mine to a temple, or maybe just a hut. It's first come (and accepted) first served when it comes to races.

So! What are you waiting for? Submit your interest today!
I'm going to have to drop this. Terribly sorry, everyone. You are of course welcome to start/keep playing without me.
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