Avatar of EasilyAmused


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current It's good to be back, can't wait to get back into role playing.
1 yr ago
You don't need to lurk, you can message me :)
1 yr ago
Wow it's been 4 years, far too long. If anyone's interested in RPing please let me know.
6 yrs ago
Been super sick and super busy 😥 getting better though!
6 yrs ago
Super super sick 😭


  • Getting towards the older end of the spectrum, over 18 so no worries.
  • Been writing since I was twelve years old.

  • One Main Character against One Main Character. NPCs shares or not shared are always welcome! But preferred is one Main.
  • [*]Fade to Black is preferred[/color]
  • Male and Female characters galore! I got over the ‘I only play the gender I am’ a LONG time ago and it has broaden my horizons so much; I cannot recommend doing this enough! If you’re stuck on ‘how’, PM me and I’ll gladly give you tips.
  • Real life is a busy life – possible delays, always available for OOC chats though!
  • [/list]

    • 3+ paragraphs regularly, 2 on a bad day.
    • Role Play in 3rd person.
    • Past tense is the style I prefer.
    • Threads please

    Lists of Role Play Requests and Ideas!
    Random Ideas!
    Character Sheets!
    Click here for Tips, Tricks and Personal Growth, please add your own!

    Male Example #1: Not Your Average Butler
    Female Example #1: Spider-Man: Childhood Friends
    Male Example #2: Harry Potter: The Foreign Exchange Student
    Female Example #2: Inside the Hidden Leaf Village.

    Most Recent Posts

    Younger brother of Cana Alberona

    Between the age of 21-28


    ❤ 𝗦arcastic ❤ 𝔇irect ❤ 𝔅ubbly ❤ ℋappy ❤

    ★𝗗istant ★ 𝖲hy ★ 𝗥eserved ★ 𝖲cared ★

    Yellow Mark on His Neck

    Non-Magical Skills
    A hell of a cook, and despite his drinking habit; he has an incredibly steady hand and a good shot when his throws something and always carries his trusty crowbar.

    𝕸ega- 𝕱ist 𝕸agic

    The ability to enhance one’s personal physical strength with Magic. A rare magic taught to many, mastered by few


    Dexter grew up with Cana but when he started to develop his magical abilities, problems began to arise. His lack of ability to control is magic became apparent but it wasn't until he sneaked into his sister's stash of alcohol that both he, and Cana, realized that if he had some alcohol in his system, he had better control over his magical abilities.

    When Cana began to let her little brother drink at the age of twelve, his social anxiety depleted into almost nothing, his stutter in his speech vanished and his issues with talking to women seemed to lessen. However he still has that problem for his only female that he had to model for 'woman behavior' was Cana, which put him in the mind-set that people wouldn't mind seeing him drunk all the time.

    Some people find it a problem, some people find it hilarious but he finds himself a danger to him and those around him if he wasn't drunk or had some alcohol in his system. Was he safe without it in his system? He isn't willing to take that chance, at least not yet.
    I do love Naruto probably because his personality and my personality are rather similar but my (current) anime crush is Kakashi without a doubt.
    Is it bad that was I happy when Sasuke left.
    I never felt myself ready to wave good bye to a character then when Sasuke left.
    His story was lighthearted and fun as the blonde laughed behind her final bite of her cinnamon roll. “That’s crazy!” It was wonderful to sit and enjoy stories from him; this was something she felt like she could get used to despite that fact that it was kind of against the rules to share too much, but it was her. She was an experienced fighter and was probably one of the few people he wouldn’t get in trouble for sharing stories with.

    While he started to ask her a question she took his plate and put it on hers. However he stopped as if processes new information and she stopped in her movement as well. What was going on? Not breaking her gaze from him she held incredibly still in case someone or something was coming. Airi was finally able to breathe when he explained the situation. Sure it wasn’t exactly what she wanted to hear but it wasn’t something bad. “Ah.” Was her response when he said that Gai was on his way. That was something she didn’t exactly want to deal with and the ‘Ah’ came with hints of sadness, annoyance and a lack of excitement to hear someone was on their way to them. Obviously this was not news she was hoping for. Dang it Naruto.

    Taking the plates she got to her feet and started towards the sink to wash and set out his plates to dry. However she stopped mid-step hearing the words leave Kakashi’s mouth.


    The plates hit the ground breaking into three pieces each, pure shock ran through her body and she lost control of her grip and the plates paid the price. Did… did she hear him right? No way… no way that’s just her mind playing tricks on her. Ignoring the fact that she just broke two of his plates, she turned slowly to face him. The look on her face was a mix of disbelief and excitement, “What… what did you say?” Her voice was soft, confused but hopeful and sounded breathless like she had just be surprised and once again, she held her breath as she awaited confirmation that what she heard was real.
    The arrival at Honeydukes provided Gabrial with mouthwatering excitement as the man saw the reflection of the delicious treats inside. “Wow!” He exclaimed as they got closer. The description of the place made him chuckle softly as he pulled open the door for her. “Adorable husband and wife? Could be you and me one day.” Did you see that comment coming? I’m sure you did.

    Following her inside the smell of the delicious and delectable treats filled his nostrils. As she sat down he nodded at her description. “That sounds delicious. I’m not picky about my sweets as long as they’re sweets.” A laugh left him as he began to move around the shop. Candies, cookies, chocolate covered anything, caramel dipped everything; the further he got around the store the more his eyes seemed to sparkle with a child-like wonder.

    By the time he made it back to their seats he had his arms full of candy. “This place is amazing! We never had any sweet shops outside of Durmstrang. I have a feeling I’m going to get rather fat while I’m here.” He sat down before allowing the candy to tumble from his arms feeling absolutely no shame. Nougats, Acid Pops, Chocoballs, Choco-Loco, Crystallised Pineapple, Fudge flies, Glacial Snow Flakes, Honeydukes Mice pops, Pixie Puffs and of course, Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans.

    As their drinks arrived he asked for something random, a bowl. Once he received the bowl he cracked open the container of the beans and dumped them inside. “Let’s play a game.” He said with a grin to his face as he took up the butterbeer and gave it a sip. “Damn that’s good.” The mutter under his breath caused him to smile before he turned his ember gaze back to her. “The game is we each take a bean and eat. The first person to make a disgusted face as to answer the other person’s question truthful; the game is over when the beans are gone or one person gives up. What do you say?”
    @WolfLover Just saying hi!
    Serge was ready to answer her questions as he was somewhat prepared for the retort. Plus, she seems like the type who had never had a boyfriend before so having some form of game plan wouldn’t hurt. However when he opened his mouth to speak he was met with quite a bombardment of information.

    Despite his initial surprise, his face relaxed and he closed his laptop settling back against the couch and listened to her talk. Boy… this woman loved to talk. While she made some valid points she seemed to still be struggling to understand her own situation and, from what he gathered, she was someone who does better after she’s talked things out.

    A small sigh and a gentle smile moved across his fine lips as he closed the laptop and turned completely to face her, his back resting against the arm of the couch and a strong leg propped itself up on the couch cushion between them. “You’re not a burden so stop thinking like that. No child is a burden to their parent and if you were, do you honestly think he’d send someone to find you. Much less during the time of his campaigning.” A large shoulder rose and fell in a gentle manner as he took a drink of his coffee before continuing. “There is no time like the present and the sooner you talk to him about it the better. As his daughter you could walk in and say you wanted to talk to him; or you can schedule a time with his secretary so that you can feel like you’re not interrupting him. But no child is ever a burden for wanting time with their parent.”

    Opening his mouth to explain more, his phone began to buzz; the screen viewable from the table says Amie Prichard. “Oh if you’ll excuse me.” Taking his phone from the coffee table, he placed down his cup on the coaster and stood up putting his phone to his ear. “Hello? Oh it’s you… Um… this weekend. What do you mean now?” For the first time ever, a small amount of panic could be heard in his voice. “I can’t now. We schedule for this… No I’m not… I do want… Fine. Fine. Give me an hour. Thank you. Good bye.”

    Hanging up the phone he quickly dialed another number and put it to his ear. “Elias, I need you at Ms. Bakers house. You have 10 minutes I’ll text you the details.” With that he hung up, an obvious amount of protest on the other end of the line could be heard before the click.

    Without even turning to her, he spoke collecting his things. “I’m sorry Lucia, something has come up and I will be away until Monday.” It was currently Wednesday, “Elias will be with you until then. You have my number if you need me.” As he spoke he continued to type his message while packing up his stuff.

    Within ten minutes the doorbell rang and Elias was let inside. His bright smile and cheerful deposition filled the room as he stepped inside. “Hello!”

    “I emailed you the details you’ll need to know. You have my number if you need me. Thank you for being so prompt.”

    “Just go man, I get it. Just go.” At that Serge gave him a nod, bid Lucia good bye and left. A sigh left Elias as he sat down on the couch and ran his hand through his hair. Obviously he wasn’t expecting to get the fall but he wasn’t going to let his boss down. Turning to Lucia he gave her a bright smile, though he looked exhausted like he hadn’t slept well. “Hello again. How are you?”
    It took a lot for James to get nerves so as you can imagine the closer they got to her father’s office the more he seemed to almost… shake. He was nervous but he wanted to do this. He had to do this, he had to because he loved her.

    Arriving at the door, he took a deep breath and with an exchanged look between the two of them he pulled the door open and allowed her to go in first. The Master of the house sat behind his desk carrying on with his normal day while the two walked up to the desk with surprising news. Placing his hands behind his back James took in a deep breath as Freya began to speak. It was now or never and they were already here.

    The look of concern on the Master’s face for his young daughter was touching considering things did happen but it wasn’t something they wanted him to worry about. Additionally that wasn’t why they were standing before him but as the words left Freya’s mouth, I want to be with James the reality set in that they were really doing this. They were really, honestly, telling her father that she, the heiress to the company, wanted to be with him, a lowly servant who hadn’t been employed at the residence for that long.

    The silence was deafening, nothing felt as loud as the silence that was brought into the room after she stopped talking. His heat slammed in his chest but he stood his ground and didn’t run. He couldn’t run. He loved Freya and he had to stay and speak his peace.

    The hearty laugh was a relief to hear but when those eyes shifted back to him he stiffened just a bit. A small cough left him, it wasn’t normal for him to get asked what his own wishes were. “Sir, my wish is to be with your daughter… as her boyfriend. If this requires me to leave my post to do so I completely understand and I…”

    Holding his hand up, the Master laughed softly. “You do not need to leave your job.”

    That clarification brought obvious relief across the young man’s face and he was flagged to continue on. “Freya is not doing anything to ignore her job as the heir to the company and I feel if I am able to work under Adrian until her graduation I can help her in the same ways Adrian helps you and then some if the education is allowed. I want to support her in any way I can because… I love her.”
    -poke bump-
    “Yes!” Sarah’s excitement seemed to match Prompto’s as she hurried over to Gladiolus and began adjusting the straps on his saddle. The man seemed to know what he was doing so it only made sense to try to get him comfortable. Especially if his ankle was going to act up during the ride. “Make sure you take it easy on this ankle.” She said pointing towards the foot she had just helped into the stirrup. “Control with your thighs not with your ankles and that will help. Don’t worry you got yourself a good girl, she’ll listen.”

    As she said that the chocobo he climbed on would listen to him, a squawk of disapproval echoed through the area and her head jerked towards the sound, Prompto yelped in surprise and she shook her head. “May not him. He’s feisty unless you want to try to get him to listen to you we might want to put you on another chocobo.” A nod rose and fell her head as she went to the prince, adjusting his straps and giving the chocobo a friendly pat.

    “Here I’ll use you as an example,” Her attention moved from the prince high on his mount to the two left on the ground. “Come here and watch.” A gentle gesture she brought the two over to watch what she did with the rider.

    “One strap in each hand, if you want to turn left pull the one in your left hand to move her head left. And the same for the right. To stop, give a gentle pull back on the straps but don’t pull high or they’ll jump. Pull the straps to your hip forcing their head down and back so they know to stop. Pulling back for a long period of time will make them walk backwards. To go, just push on their sides with your thighs, you can also use your heels but that might make them sprint and with someone having a hurt ankle it might be difficult on his ankle.” With that she stepped away from the prince and went to Ignis, giving basic instructions on how to get on the man was soon on his mount with ease.

    She then moved to Prompto and the rather snippy chocobo. “You sure you want to ride him?” She asked as she took a hold of the head harness and turned her attention back to Prompto with a gentle smile. “If you want to ride him that’s okay and if he goes a bit jumpy on you I can help even from my chocobo. But I don’t want to make you uncomfortable by having you ride a chocobo you’re not okay with.”
    @Ricasso I do not need it any sooner than that so take your time.
    Thank you so much!

    P.S. I'm a total fan girl for Kakashi so I LOVE your signature!
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