Avatar of EasilyAmused


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current It's good to be back, can't wait to get back into role playing.
1 yr ago
You don't need to lurk, you can message me :)
1 yr ago
Wow it's been 4 years, far too long. If anyone's interested in RPing please let me know.
6 yrs ago
Been super sick and super busy 😥 getting better though!
6 yrs ago
Super super sick 😭


  • Getting towards the older end of the spectrum, over 18 so no worries.
  • Been writing since I was twelve years old.

  • One Main Character against One Main Character. NPCs shares or not shared are always welcome! But preferred is one Main.
  • [*]Fade to Black is preferred[/color]
  • Male and Female characters galore! I got over the ‘I only play the gender I am’ a LONG time ago and it has broaden my horizons so much; I cannot recommend doing this enough! If you’re stuck on ‘how’, PM me and I’ll gladly give you tips.
  • Real life is a busy life – possible delays, always available for OOC chats though!
  • [/list]

    • 3+ paragraphs regularly, 2 on a bad day.
    • Role Play in 3rd person.
    • Past tense is the style I prefer.
    • Threads please

    Lists of Role Play Requests and Ideas!
    Random Ideas!
    Character Sheets!
    Click here for Tips, Tricks and Personal Growth, please add your own!

    Male Example #1: Not Your Average Butler
    Female Example #1: Spider-Man: Childhood Friends
    Male Example #2: Harry Potter: The Foreign Exchange Student
    Female Example #2: Inside the Hidden Leaf Village.

    Most Recent Posts

    Well, this was a rude awakening…

    The strawberry blonde gazed up at the man who blocked the view of the sun from her eyes. A wicked toothy grin brought a large amount of concern to her features as her gaze moved around to the surrounding crew. Such a lovely lot but he had a point this… captain; who seemed no older then herself, she was unwanted on the ship. However that could be argued by the stares she was getting, but none of those stares showed any signs of helpfulness.

    Swallowing hard she weighed her options. She could lie, lying was always an option. She was a homeless girl that fell sleep in the barrel and his stupid grunts grabbed the barrel. But something told her those keen eyes wouldn’t buy it. Maybe being a bit vague? Looking for some passage and no one would give it to her so she needed to get out of town. It was partially true as no one within the town of Fiore would give her a ride and not even the guild hall would help her as her adventure seemed more like a fool’s run than something that could actually be profitable.

    Her gaze moved around the ship as she attempted to weight her options, knowing full well that making the captain wait probably wasn’t the best idea but she needed to get her bearings. How far away could they be? There wasn’t much to see, there was no city line but she couldn’t have been sleeping for too long and if she swam in the opposite direction of where the ship was sailing she’d… she’d hit land soon enough right?

    But this… her gaze moved up to the flag waving in the wind, this was a pirate ship. If pirates spoke anything… they spoke money.

    Seeing it pointless to stay on her feet she climbed up, hers hands clutching the rolled up paper and the book to her chest, despite her actions, she showed little fear towards the situation she was in; her concern merely towards the preservation of her items. “Balidor.” She said plainly which caused murmurs from the crew.

    “Did she say Balidor?” – “The temple of treasures?” – “I thought it was a myth.” – “Stupid girl, everyone knows Balidor isn’t real.” – “Actually I heard some guys made it to the island but couldn’t find the temple.” – “That’s an old sea tale, there’s no way that’s real.” – “Did she really say Balidor?!”

    The murmuring was enough to make her feel like she might have some headway, some… but not a lot. “That’s right, Balidor.” Her voice filled with more confidence with the discussion around her, some seemed interested in her words while others would rather use her and be done with her… which did not seem promising. “It is not myth.” Her call was louder this time, showing more strength and – dare we think – authority on the matter. “Unlike others, I have a map to the island and a book to get through the temple safely to the treasures beneath. However the guild won’t take the job because they don’t view it as guaranteed money, and no one in the port would take me. I snuck aboard in an attempt to get to the next port to inquire about help there.”

    Feeling as though she needed to prove her point she extended out the rolled up map to him. “Judging by the… well hat.” Sure because the hat’s a dead giveaway, not the fact that he can silence an entire crew of people much older than him with a simple glare. “You must be the Captain. If you don’t believe me, take a look for yourself. This is a map to the island, a larger copy than what’s in the book here.” With that she held up the book before tucking it back against her. “The difference is that the map is in English, and the book is in Latin. I know the intrusion isn’t the best way to make acquaintances but dropping me off at the next port or throwing me overboard are always options. Or, seeing as I need a ship and you probably wouldn’t mind some cash, we could go on an adventure.” Oh she was treading in dangerous water but it was now or never. Either that or she’d just jump overboard and pray to keep at least the book somewhat dry. All she could do was keep the rolled up map extended out to him and pray he took it, and the bait of money.
    Bumping before work!
    Got to hurry, got to hurry, got to hurry! The strawberry red haired woman hurried through the streets of Fiore, heading towards the docks. Her noble clothing left behind at home and replaced by a tattered forest green dress, her red hair flying behind her as she ran. She needed to get on a ship and on a ship TODAY before her father realized she was gone and that a certain book tucked under her arm and a rolled up piece of parchment in her hand were also missing. Would she be suspected? His only daughter? Probably not, but the fact that she wasn’t in the house would raise an alarm. An alarm she desperately wanted to avoid.

    Her shoe covered feet skidded across the concert work as she turned the corner sharply and started down the pier, “What ship? What ship? What ship!?” She muttered to herself like a crazy person as she speed-walked down the path looking from ship to ship. One of these had to be going somewhere, somewhere else other than this unhelpful town.

    No one in town would help her with the mission and since it wasn’t a guaranteed money the guild wouldn’t help her. And no sailors would dare take the Willington Doll, her father would skin them alive for doing so. So her idea; sneak onto a ship and hide until they dock to their next port. It couldn’t take forever right? How long was sea travel anyway? Nah, she’d be fine.

    Her Sea Foam colored eyes scanned the pier taking in every ship that she could until she landed on one, a group of men were loading barrels onto a ship. “Perfect.” Sneaking her way over, she slipped into one of the barrels and the lid, she was sitting on a few bags of what felt like powder and she peaked out through the hole before her vision was cut off by the trousers of a man. Cassandra held her breathe as she listened to the conversation above her.

    “This barrel’s full, put the rest in that one. Frank, come help me carry this one.” With that the barrel was lifted and carried aboard the ship.

    A long, long sigh of relief left her as she felt the rocking of the ship begin. She was finally going, it was finally happening and as along as she had some time to sit and translate the Latin within the book, she would know exactly where she was going for this massive treasure to buy her freedom but for now the stress of following through with her daring plan washed away and she drifted off to sleep.

    Cassandra didn’t know how long she slept but she was fully aware when she was awake.

    “Well, what do we have here?” A man stood over her, looking down at the sitting once sleeping strawberry blonde haired girl who’s gaze had turned up to him. “Frank, lookie here, we got ourselves a stowaway.” Frank appeared above her and smirked down at her, “You think we can keep her? Or should we just throw her overboard?”

    Frank reached over and slapped the man across the back of the head, “Damn it Charlie, I am not getting in trouble with the Captain again ‘causea you. We turn her into the Captain, he’ll decide what to do.”

    Without giving a struggle except holding onto her book and paper, she was hoisted out of the barrel and forced upstairs. Come on a captain could surely understand that she just wants to be dropped off at the next stop right… right…? Reasonable and understanding is the typical standards of a captain right? RIGHT?!

    Well… poor Cassandra was wrong and she realized it as soon as the sun broke and she was brought up from the storage room above desk. Her sea foam eyes scanned upwards, her eyes coming into focus from exposure to the sunlight and… and there was a black flag flying high with a skull and cross bone.

    Pirates?! Fear moved across her face as she pushed, her body tumbling onto the wooden floor boards as a pair of boots landed just inches away from her face. Catching her breathe in her chest she slowly sit upright on her knees before her head turned up, up to look at the captain of the ship she had just sneaked onto… the pirates’ captain…
    @Lady in Red
    We are instantly best friends.

    I play both because I'm a writer and I write writey things!
    I got over my 'I only play one gender' a long time ago and it's really benefited my writing style.

    If that still allows you to be interested in role playing with me feel free to PM me.
    It wasn’t until the realization that Adrian would start training him on being a proper support to the business instead of just a butler that caused a small drip of sweat to roll down James’s brow… why? Because Adrian was scary behind closed doors and he was not walking into a lion’s den without so much as a chair to fend off the beast that is, his dark blue eyes went towards the man in the corner who just crossed his arms and smirked in agreement to train James.

    Everything went better than they expected and soon the three were dismissed and James was dragged by his collar towards Adrian’s office and the grilling began.

    Throughout the day, James was released to check on Freya and he looked more and more exhausted each time he came to visit her. It wasn’t until dinner time when he was allowed a full break and he made them a quick meal and went to the office she was using in order to organize herself.

    “Hey.” He said as he pushed open the door and kicked it shut softly with a tray in his arms. He opened the lid of the tray when he set it down on the desk top to reveal two plates of Hainanese Chicken Rice and two large glasses of ice water. Leaning down he gave her a gentle kiss before moving the chair to sit next to her rather than across from her. He then removed the plate from the tray along with the glass and placed it before her with silverware and did the same for himself.

    Sitting down in the chair he unfolded the silverware and began to eat, “Have you had a chance to organize any meetings with anyone? Adrian… wants to know my schedule…” His tone held a small shiver to it but really, it was just a lot to take in and Adrian wasn’t one for repeating himself. All things he knew already but getting a very harsh reminder of it.
    -gentle bump-

    “You’ve heard about Hogsmeade? That’s surprising I thought the awesome village didn’t get the credibility it deserved. That’s good to know.” Zander seemed rather pleased that the little getaway town was getting the attention it deserved. A nod rose and fell his head and as they walked towards the Herbology house, he went through the available shopping ideas within Hogsmeade along with the best place to get food and the wonderful invention known as Butterbeer!

    Of course, he could fill much more of the conversation with the good stuff, especially when he started in on the food and sweets but alas they had already arrived at the greenhouse.

    The doors were open to the greenhouse, welcoming in the students into it. The Ivy crawling along the walls, the glass windows allowing the sun and many many plants lined the tables. Today’s lesson was about potion using on a plant for increasing production for fruits and vegetables.

    Professor Sprout happily welcomed the new students before greeting Zander and Melina, “Miss Mayer, welcome to Hogwarts.” The plump professor offered a polite smile and a happy demeanor. “I trust your time with us has been good so far? Do you like Herbology my dear?”

    Zander’s attention went to some of his classmates who were waving at him, those were on the Quidditch team and seemed to be more interested in the time he was spending with the exchange student then with them. He gave Melina a little nod before gesturing towards his friends, an indicator that he was heading over there before he left her with the professor in case she had something to cover with the exchange student or maybe catch her up in where they were.

    “Hey Zan, scoring with the new girl already? You work fast.”

    Zander rolled his blue eyes as he began to gather his things for the class today. “It’s not like that, she’s new and doesn’t know her way around.”

    “Look man no judging, she’s a good catch so I don’t blame you for trying for some…”

    “It’s not like that,” He corrected again, “I don’t need more people thinking I’m some man-whore or a heartbreaker. The rumors are already getting out of control and I’d like it to stop or I’m never going to have a chance to get somewhere professionally with Quidditch if I have a negative reputation.”

    “Negative reputation?” One of his fellow chasers said with a small laugh as the group talked together. “Zan that’s the definition of being a famous Quidditch star, you’d be more famous for being surrounded by drama and being a player is the greatest way to create drama.”

    “I’ll pass.” His voice was a bit sterner this time and the player that was pressuring it held up his hands in defeat before finally dropping the topic. Thank god.
    The door flung open for her to see, well Cassie, standing on the other side. “I thought you were grounded.” She said placing her hands on her hips and glaring down at the young girl. While her glare didn’t last very long before he blue gaze moved to Robert who popped up from behind the girl. A smile moved across her face at his response and a small giggle left her glossy lips. “Didn’t know that was a standard greeting now.” Giving a small spin her dress she nodded. “Thank you. You look good in the gray; nice tie choice.” She gave the tie a small adjustment before she followed his gaze towards his cousin and her arms fell from him to her sides.

    A smirk moved across her face as Cassie smarted off to him and he practically shut the door on her face. A laugh left her as they started down the stairs towards her car. “Burgundy works, or ‘Damn’ as it seemed to be a word on your lips tonight.” She poked fun at him as they arrived to her car and climbed inside. “Thanks again for coming with me Robert, a bunch of rich snoody annoying people, Edward included, will be there and any excuse to be around someone remotely normal is my saving grace.”

    The conversation was light and fun until they arrived at the banquet. The valet was quick to take her car and she was quick to take Robert’s arm. “Is it took soon to say burgundy?” She joked as they started inside. Leaving her purse with the check person the two entered the large ball room. It was filled with people chatting and laughing while holding drinks.

    “Aw Marian, you look lovely.” A voice from behind them said and saw the two turned, her father stood there in his dress blues, a pleasant smile on his face.

    “Thanks dad.” Marian responded sweetly giving him a big hug before stepping back. “Dad you remember Robert Locksley.” She politely introduced her father to her date and they had a small bit of chatting before her father reminded her that they needed to join the party for dinner but he was kind enough to make no mention that he would have rather had his daughter be with Edward over Robert, maybe he noticed she actually looked… happy?

    “Fuck I need a drink.” She muttered under her breath as she rubbed her head. “Did you happen to spot the bar?”
    A small laugh left him at her statement, “Geez, talk about knocking down a man’s ego; and here I am dressed in my best clothes to see you.” The tone to his voice was completely playful and sarcastic as he gestured towards his clothes which were nothing fancy and it was nothing lazy either.

    Her mention of the nap made him run his large hand across the back of his neck. A nap sounded amazing but he had a job to do and she wasn’t going to bed any time soon. The idea to make a joke of them napping together crossed his mind and his gaze shifted quickly up to Lucia before he thought better of it. Nah, better not. Sadly, he was so tired he was processing any ideas of how he could take a nap, her laundry would take a while but since she couldn’t do laundry in her house, she had to leave and she couldn’t leave by herself.

    Then… he heard her question about Serge. A smile moved across his face, “That’s it!” He sprang to his feet and collected her bags of laundry. Despite his smaller frame he was able to pick up all the bags in his arms before turning to her. “Get your keys, we’re going to go do your laundry and get me a nap.” It wasn’t long before they were downstairs and in the parking garage. Elias had a different car compared to Serge’s SUV, he had a white 2018 BMW M2 which truck popped open as they got close. Dropping the bags inside he closed the lid and walked around the car pulling the passenger’s door open. “Hop on in.”

    With that he shut the door once she was in and buckled and went around to the driver’s side. Inside he explained about the heated seats if she wanted it before he started to drive. “Don’t worry, I know the best place for you to do your laundry.” A smirk moved across his face as he started to drive… right out of the main town.

    After around a 15 minute drive, they were in one of the suburbs of the city and pulling into a gated driveway. Rolling down the window, Elias stuck an arm out and typed in a seven digit code before the gate opened and allowed them inside. The house had a welcoming feel to it as they approached and it wasn’t long before Elias parked in the driveway and got out. “Come on.”

    He led the way to the door and didn’t even knock; he opened the door only to call out “Lucy I’m home!” His voice echoed through the house before a muffled deep voice of ‘What!?’ echoed followed by a pitter patter of little feet.

    Around the corner from what looked like an opening leading into a kitchen area flew a blonde haired girl in a pair of blue jeans and a soft fluffy red sweater. “Uncle Elias!” The blonde exclaimed as she jumped into the awaiting arms of the man who spun her around in a hug before she was placed on the ground. Her big blue eyes turned upwards, “Hi, I’m Eve.” She said politely, “Who are you?” The five year old could only be described as adorable as she stared up at Lucia smiling brightly.

    “Elias what the hell?” From the same direction that Eve had come from emerged Serge in an apron.

    “Hey boss, she needs to do laundry and I’m on 48 hours of no sleep so I need a nap. And she can’t be left unguarded so just let her do some laundry here, when she’s done I’ll take her back to her house. Okay?”

    “Okay!” Eve responded before reaching out and taking Lucia’s hand with her two small hands. “Can I help with your laundry? Daddy taught me how to organize and do mine, I’m really good at it! Aren’t I daddy?” She said as she turned her attention to Serge.

    A small smile moved across his face, a gentle closed lipped smile towards the young girl, “Yes honey, you’re very good at measuring the amount, making sure not to get the washing machine too full and separating your colors.” As the blonde beamed back at him and Elias took his opportunity to dash off to one of the guest rooms, the blonde haired man run a large hand through his hair, “Um… welcome to my home Lu, his is my daughter Evelyn, Eve for short. We were just about to have lunch, do you want to join us before you start your laundry?”

    “Daddy makes the best food!” Eve proclaimed as she gave Lu a gentle pull. “Come eat with us.”

    Race: Human
    Alias: Cass
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Height: 170.68cm – 5’6”
    Weight: 61.24cm – 135 pounds
    Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
    Eye Color: Sea Foam Green/Blue

    Traditionally a loud mouth person, she’s not one to ever keep her opinions to herself and sometimes - a lot of the time - it gets her into trouble. She’s always someone to speak her mind and put people in her place. Standing up for the little guy comes naturally to her as she has always found pride in protecting the little guy and has never been afraid to get into a fight. After being clocked in the chin a few times, she learned out to fight back and developed her skills. Despite that she was raised to be a lady so her skills relate to both fighting and flaunting. Generally she’s a kind person willing to help with a smartass attitude and people are quick to learn she’s not just a pretty face.

    Cassandra spent her life growing up within the confines of the noble life. Parties with other rich people, dresses that were way too tight, discussion of marriage before she could even comprehend the idea of a relationship, proper manners, elegant handwriting, and painting/musical skills were things she was taught from a young age. That is until she built a friendship with one of the servant’s child and snuck out at the age of 11. That was her first introduction to the real world, dressed in rags and sneaking through alley ways the strawberry blonde girl was invited into a life of danger and adventure and she had craved it ever sense.

    As often as she could, Cass snuck out of her parents’ manor, dodging the guards and disappearing into the night in her rags to experience life outside of her draining walls. Her high ranking noble father would lose his mind that his only child and his own daughter who resembled her passed away mother so much snuck out as often as she did. But that never stopped her from drinking and partying with the locals. She doesn’t hold many real world skills except those she could convince the maids to teacher her and they’ve been enough to get by.

    However coming to her 21st birthday, the discussion of marriage has become a serious one and nothing seems to scare her more than that. Her father wants to marry her to a nobleman’s son whom she’s never met and is pretty sure doesn’t have the desire to travel and be free like she does; but the dowry was too good for her father to pass up.

    In order to find her own freedom she must buy it from her father, and to her complete surprise she found a detailed book and a map to some treasure but talking to most of the locals at the ship yard think it’s a fool’s errand and refused to take her knowing who her father was. So, sick of trying to find someone, she chose a ship; snuck on board and hide inside of a barrel in hopes to at least get somewhere else where no one knows her and she could inquire further. That and being further away from her controlling father just sounded like a relief.

    • Cleaning
    • Cooking
    • Hand to hand fighting – Basically she’s good at dodging and has a mean right hook
    • Education – Reading and speaking 5 different languages

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