Avatar of Eklispe
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    1. Eklispe 10 yrs ago
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Current Try checking the Articles and Guides section
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I'm not victim blaming but all generalizations are false, even this one.
6 yrs ago
It does.
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PC and Tablet ded, send help
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I lived the land of no internet

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Post up tommorow
Dawkin Trustram

Huh, who were these people? At a glance he had to assume they were related to either the extremely skilled man or women that was here, but they seemed almost like they were scared of getting noticed, although clearly not by Dawkin and Amelia. He had a lot of questions and wanted answers. "Ameila, who are those people and how do you know them. As for you lot, what are you here for, are you following one of them?" Not that he really expected the strange group to answer his questions, but it was better to ask and not get then get without asking. That wasn't how the saying went, whatever. A glance back revealed whoever had come to safe them seemed to very much have the upper hand.

Post up tonight

Too slow. Too slow again. Fuck. Even though she had moved as fast as she could and tried to use her more powerful stave it still hadn't been enough. Titania glared at the corpses responsible. At least they had paid for what they had done. Now, they needed to keep moving and get out of here as fast as possible. "I'm fine." Titania said curtly, "Let's keep going." With that Titania was ready to follow after the next person that moved forward. Isolode had swept past the next enemy on her Wyvern, but Titania was not so similarly graced, and would wait to support whoever moved to engage him. In particular she would make sure Reina was kept safe as Marwood had pointed out, but she didn't plan on letting anyone else die.
Was waiting on someone else and that we have one up and I'll be doing some traveling soon I'll be getting up a post tonight.
Sofia Stien - The Cruise Room

Hm, it seemed like people definitely wanted to take down the Community, and Patriarch most of all. An- what? But Broker was... What? Sofia looked as Jason with confusion, as though she could somehow glean the answers to this situation from his face. Jason however, didn't seem to like the situation either. At the sight of him speaking into his com, Sofia hands clumsily went to her own and she turned it on, even if she was close enough to hear him anyway. What had Broker said again, something about power? Sofia looked at the briefcase. So that was what they had stolen, bottled up powers? Sofia didn't even know you could get bottled power, much less that they had gotten them. Sofia wondered what kind of powers they were. She felt somewhat... Resentful. Someone getting powers like hers without having to go through what she did. Hm. She didn't like that.
Or you can look at this which is still accurate for the most part.

With the addition the the Jacks and Wards clashed at a warehouse fighting for unknown loot(which the jacks got) leaving nearly everyone involved worse for wear, physically and mentally.

The Wards are currently at a charity dinner/event thing

The Jacks are meeting with other nefarious types to collaborate against the Community, the biggest gang in town that are lead by someone who can use MIND CONTROL AHHH
Dawkin Trustram

This was only getting more confusing, his attacks had done little to affect the ghost Pokemon and it had simply glanced at him before ignoring him. A trainer with dark hair had arrived, who seemed to have equal if not greater ability than that mysterious women, and he seemed to be related to Amelia in some way. How did she know all these people? The women's gaze turned to Dawkin and whoever had just arrived, ending somewhere in the middle, as did her speech. Was she... Asking what they were? Whatever it was, a moment after she turned to Amelia and began ranting again. It sounded like English, but Dawkin had no idea what she was saying, the most coherent thing he could grasp was that there was a lot of alliteration. There was perhaps one word that made any sense to Dawkin


The Drifblim immediately swelled up and Dawkin's eyes widened. It was going to use explosion right here? It wasn't exactly a common attack, but it was distinctive in both its effects and strength. There was... Nothing he could do about that. His Pokemon weren't strong enough to disrupt, nor defend from the attack. The only thing he could do was get out of range, whatever that was. [color=gray]"Run!"[color] Dawkin shouted, not feeling the need to explain what was going to happen, as it was just clear. Frankly he wasn't sure why Amelia hadn't started running already given the situation, but he could only hope that she would do so now. After all running over to her wouldn't exactly help either of them very much. So Dawkin took the chance to return his Pokemon and retreat behind one of the buildings next to the alleyway, trusting that the Drifblim wouldn't be powerful enough to level everything with a city block.

Action: Advance away from the enemy!

Col Ward

"If you quell the mighty beasts, there won't be any need to defend from them."

Fucking Lorenzo.

That was the only thought Col managed to process as a wolf that must have been at least as large as Col himself leapt out of the darkness. A reaction born out of hours of training ensured his shield was immediately brought to match the wolf's bite. The wolf didn't seem particularly bothered by this, wrenching Col's arm from side to side like he was a chew toy and nearly pulling Col off his feet. The motion was accompanied by a sickening crack from his shield, mirroring the way his own arm felt. Should the shield break, the rest of his body would doubtless be soon to follow. Thus, his only possible action was to attack. Timing his movements, just as the wolf pulled to the side, so did Col, attempting to use the wolf's own motion to assist in bringing its head towards his short-sword that snaked out towards its eye. Col would have liked to target the throat or attempt to strike its heart, but the monster was so large it was practically only possible from him to strike at its head. If managed to reach its brain it would surely die, if not then at least he could cripple it by taking out an eye.

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