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I'm not victim blaming but all generalizations are false, even this one.
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It does.
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PC and Tablet ded, send help
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I lived the land of no internet

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Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin was pleased to see that he won the battles without much difficulty. "Good battle kid, see you around." Actually he probably wouldn't given that the kid in question appeared to favor hiding but... Whatever. The two of them moved along quickly, finding the remains of some sort of ancient looking structure. More importantly, there appeared to be a group of tents set up, mostly abandoned save for a group of Goletts and two people on the losing end of a battle. To Dawkin's astonishment the duo simply started talking about the situation as it happened rather than trying to do anything about it, which was just as surprising as the Goletts seemingly kidnapping them. Were they idiots or was he missing something? "I've got to help them." Dawkin said immediately and began moving towards the cluster of Goletts. Water gun would be his best bet for taking them down. Given Amelia didn't offer another course of action he would release Atlas, Wooper, and Tyrunt; with the intent of Wooper harassing them with water guns with Atlas and Tyrunt protecting her.

Col Ward

Col felt a weak sense of relief upon hearing Colley speak, but a greater sense of despair immediately after. He sounded so weak. Too weak. Colley tried to speak but Col couldn't make any sense of his words, something about a theater man and Marque. He didn't manage to speak anymore before a artic wind screamed through the clearing like a hungry pack of wolves, stripping away any heat, stealing away his breath, and causing an angry torrent of leaves to rise into the air. Colley's reaction was immediate, he began hacking up blood before suddenly stopping and falling back. Although Col couldn't medically declare the man dead, he could practically see the life leave his body. Col swallowed back the noise he was going to make upon processing this and looked around.

Somehow the wind was blowing in such a way that the leaves that it had kicked up had effectively walled Bastion and Col off from the world. Except for the bone chilling howls that were coming from outside. Col's brain kicked into overdrive. It sounded like at least one of those Wolfborn monsters were out there. If they were all Wolfborn they would undoubtedly die here, more bodies in the clearing. He absolutely couldn't fight without an offhand. No one else here was prepared for a fight either. However, loath as Col was to admit it, the equipment strewn about the battlefield could give them a better chance of surviving. Perhaps they could take advantage of this leaf storm too? It was impossible to know how the Wolfborn would react to it. Impossible to know many of them there were. Impossible to know all the factors. Impossible.

"LORENZO, MARQUE, GET IN HERE AND GRAB A WEAPON!" Col bellowed, fueled by a mix of frustration at his situation and desire to fix it. "Bastian that goes for you too." Col said as he shucked his battered shield to his feet and grabbed Colley's, along with a knife from the dead man's belt which he promptly stuck in his own. Not enough information. He didn't even know if they had heard him. Ideally they should find a tree or rock face to help them fight against what was undoubtedly greater numbers. And as long as he kept thinking of solution, even if he couldn't implement them, he could continue to believe they would survive this.

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin considered Amelia's words. Although he considered battle to be the standard way of catching Pokémon, he had still only caught one of his Pokémon that way. She had a good point. Perhaps he should keep that in mind when he tried to catch his next Pokémon. Regardless, Amelia wasn't looking to battle, but Dawkin would feel out of place if he refused a challenge. "I'll try to take care of it quickly then. Alright kid, let's go down to it."

Dawkin would bring out Atlas first to combat, commanding him to use a slew of mudshots to bring down Koffing. Given that was successful, he would switch out to Wooper and have him use mudsport to reduce the effectiveness of sand attack and then use a salvo of waterguns to claim victory.


Titania, along with everyone else, looked at her tactician's stone as soon as she saw the house they were in wasn't in any immediate danger. Unfortunately there was no sign of the princess. Hadn't Rioga told them to protec Just a lot of enemies, and a few friendlies that were drastically outnumbered. How had the princess's kidnapper managed to get so far away so quickly? Or was he somehow shielded from the visions these stones offered? Either way, Titania felt haunted by the fact that they hadn't been able to save her. Hadn't Rioga told them to protect her? To think they had let him down so soon. They had to move on though, at least they still had the Fire Emblem."Marwood is right, we need to stick together, and be careful in these tight alleys so we don't get cut off from each other. Let's help who we can and escape as fast as possible. Remember our objective is to live." Titania advised, ready to follow after the two mounted warriors as fast as she could. Hopefully they wouldn't attract too much trouble amidst all the commotion, because being collapsed upon in between these houses would be catastrophic.
Sofia Stien - The Hideout

Sofia was a bit happy to find out that they were planning on doin something less... murder-y. Even if they were only doing it for other nefarious deeds, it made her feel better in the short term. She had snagged a carton of chocolate milk from the refrigerator and was slowly drinking it via straw as the group talked about the letter. It was kind of sad Heartloss was gone. It seemed people kept leaving the Jacks. Sofia hoped Thunderbird wouldn't leave her too. As that thought came to a close someone else strolled in. They matched the information in the letter, both in appearance and in name. Sofia glanced at her drink, surprised that it wasn't something for alocholy, given her lax attitude. Sofia stared at Allo's mask interested in the design. The only noise she made to accompany her gaze was the occasional slurp of chocolate milk going up the straw.
Oh my bad, I stopped reading after suggestions to actions cause I thought it was for someone else after that point, I'll edit real quick.
If you're in I'm in
Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin warily watched the Cacena do what seemed to be interpretive dance along with a lot of 'Cacena'ing. However after the Cacena in question waddled over with a happy expression Dawkin thought he understand what the little thing was wanting. Just to make sure Dawkin moved the pokeball he took out over the Cacena and waited for a moment, having received a nod of confirmation Dawkin activated the pokeball and raised it somewhat puzzled. "Well that's not quite what I expected but I suppose it works well enough. I guess we can get going again." Dawkin said to Amelia, he then returned Atlas to his pokeball and continued moving, idly thinking of names for Cacena and his uses in his team. They hadn't gotten far however, when a voice came out of seemingly nowhere. Dawkin raised his eyebrows skeptically as a rock colored poster fell to the ground, revealing what appeared to be a ninja boy behind it. How had he missed seeing that? Whatever. "Amelia do you want battle him or shall I?" Dawkin wouldn't mind the chance to get some experience for his Pokémon but would give Amelia a chance to take the battle herself, if he really needed to train there were plenty of opportunities to do so.

Col Ward

Col's grip on his weapon and shield tightened as they moved further and further. It didn't feel right. Those trees shouldn't look like that at this time of year should they? The air didn't smell right. Col felt clammy. They were in a forest, but he couldn't hear anything other than their own footsteps. Something was wrong. Merlin began kicking up a little bit as well, only reinforcing Col's feeling. When they came into view of what could only be described as a massacre Col froze as though the very life had been stolen from him. His eyes wandered over the scene in a detached sort of way, categorizing the horrors he saw. It was only through a supreme effort of will that Col didn't throw up on the spot. What? What was this? What the hell was this? How did this many people die here? Why had so many corpses been left here? Rolfe had praised Lance, the captain of the guard, as a man of indomitable will, terrifying physical prowess, and having a mind akin to a steel trap. Traits Col knew for himself to be true. Still he lay there, dead with his sword still in hand. Similarly lauded great men lay around the gory scene, men that Col had talked to, trained with, eaten with. Now they were strewn about like horribly realistic dolls someone had broken in a fit of rage. These thoughts pulsed through Col's mind at a staccato pace, striking a harsh contrast to his still immobile frame.

Bastian had apparently managed to gather his nerve and step forward, approaching one of the bodies and treating it. Col himself managed to take a few staggering steps forward as his mind feebly tried to see if anyone could still be living amongst the rent apart bodies. He had only just began to examine the bodies for such a thing when Bastian spoke up and ordered Col to help him. Though he might be struggling to process the scene before him, his body had no qualms responding to orders, and he quickly strode over the man Bastian was next to. His experience with the armor in question aided him in quickly removing it from the wounded man, while he attempted to avoid causing any additional harm, Col considered time to be the limiting factor and moved with haste. Hopefully Bastian would be able to do something to help the poor man.

Sorry about making you retcon Joshua but but I'm interested in what the Cacena has to say :P
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