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I'm not victim blaming but all generalizations are false, even this one.
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It does.
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PC and Tablet ded, send help
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I lived the land of no internet

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Titania's eyes widened to the size of saucers as a Manakete jumped over the wall and announced herself. Titania began stuttering out an answer to her question but was quickly overridden by the, apparently rather overbearing, manakete. It seemed she was able to sense the Fire Emblem, which was frankly a little concerning since it meant there were likely other people who could do the same thing. On the other hand it might just be because she was a manakete and considering Titania hadn't seen one before this, they were pretty rare. "Uh well, we're more than happy to have your help considering how outnumbered we are. Let's be careful everyone, if we fight in the houses then-" Oh there goes Isolde. Not only did she began charging forward, she did it so poorly that she managed to get her dragon to do it without her, crashing into the newcomer Servus as if in direct defiance of Titania's call out. [color=darkturuoise]"... Someone should help her."[/color] Titania said, more to herself than anything else.
Dawkin Trustram

The skirmish had gone pretty well and things were basically finished. "Wooper, mud shot. Good work you two." Dawkin said, recalling Atlas and Wooper once he'd seen Honedge faint. A quick glance ahead showed Joshua had dealt with the kidnapper Golett, and the kidnappe was running off. Dawkin turned to Amelia, "Well I was on planning on following that girl deeper into the temple in case she runs into trouble, especially since you and her seem to be after the same thing. Sound like a plan?" Dawkin asked. He had contemplated asking her if she could get Joshua to leave them alone, but figured that question would be in poor taste.

Dawkin Trustram

Uh guess she was fine. Dawkin stepped back somewhat awkwardly as Amelia got up and began giving commands to the small army assembled, as well as to himself. "Yeah, sure." Dawkin said hesitatingly. He'd been a little bit more focused on helping Amelia than the ideal battle strategy but apparently that was not the case for her. Perhaps she'd been thinking of this whilst being carried. "Atlas mudshot Honedge, Wooper mudshot Bronzer." Both of his Pokémon spent a moment adjusting to these new orders and promptly both fired of a salvo of mud at their respective targets. That should help things a little bit. However once again Dawkin was focused on something other than the battle. There was Joshua, interfering with things again. Hadn't he been paying attention? The girl has said she'd wanted to be brought to wherever they were taking her. Dawkin clenched his jaw as he controlled his anger. And to think he'd liked this guy at first.

Dawkin Trustram

"Whooper Water gun again. Atlas, Metal Claw the Golett that's armed." Technically he wanted to help the girl being carried away, but she did say that she wanted to try to communicate with whatever temple spirt was in control here, and it'd be rather impolite of him to ruin her chance to do so. That's not to say he wouldn't do the same thing he'd done for Amelia, and tail her in case she got into trouble. "Amelia are you all right?" Dawkin asked and he hurried to help her up, the fall hadn't been a big one but even a small fall could be very painful if you landed wrong, as his little brothers could testify too.

Col Ward

Col felt tears come into his eyes from the pain and quickly evaporate in the midst of the searing heat. He guessed if he lived much longer than the next five minutes his skin would probably be heavily burned, if not permanently scarred. Just as Col felt he could bear the heat no longer, flames raced outward, creating walls of flame that were escorting them to the stone. Not sure what was going on, but not exactly wanting to waste time questioning it, Col ran towards the glowing stone. Merlin slobbered over his face, causing Col to let out a laugh, caused by a mixture of stress and surprise. Perhaps he should've just trusted Merlin from the start. Regardless it seemed they were safe for now, the flamewall, caused by who knows what, was keeping the Wolfborn at bay.

However the ground rumbling beneath them seemed to indicait they were not yet safe. Col had just began to voice a question when an ungodly noise erupted all around them and the very earth they stood on collapsed, sending the lot of them tumbling to the ground. If it could be called that. Col was alarmed by a pervasive silence that was an almost painful contrast to what he had just heard. All around them was pure pitch black and Col's stomach informed him they were falling, though it was impossible to tell if this was really the case. All Col could do was stare and try to figure out what was happening.

Sofia Stien - The Hideout

"Really?" Sofia asked with a sudden surge of interest. "Do you think you could maybe get some for me? Oh I'm Sofia and Whismy by the way." Wait had headhancho just called her cute? She wasn't sure how she was supposed to feel about that. Was she cute? She'd never thought of herself as such. "Am I cute?" Sofia asked herself quietly. Her clothing choices were always rather drab, albeit comfortable, her gray sweats and sweater that she was currently wearing par for the course. The only thing that could really stand out was her face, and that was more so due to the blotched line of skin across her right cheekbone and the short, jagged line of scar tissue on the other: the marks easy to see against her pale skin. Of course her blue eyes drew attention as well but Sofia wouldn't think of that. During all of this thinking Sofia stared at her chocolate milk that she was sipping contemplatively.
Dawkin Trustram

It seemed Amelia was not content to be put to sleep and see what happened. She released all her pokemon at once, rapid fire commands following their appearance. Joshua had managed to catch up and commented on the situation. Did this guy follow Amelia all over the place? He seemed knowledgeable and understanding before but now he wasn't so sure. Whatever.

"Thanks for the warning." Dawkin said, reluctantly keeping the venom out of his voice. Having said that he left his hiding spot to help Amelia, releasing his Pokémon as well. "Whooper, watergun the one trapped in the firespin if he gets out. Atlas, Metal Claw the one holding Amelia" Between that and the Pokémon Amelia had used, this should be cleaned up pretty quick.

Whooper would carefully eyeball the one trapped in the firespinning, waiting for any sign of the Golett escaping or the spin vanishing to give him a chance to attack without his own attack being diluted. Atlas meanwhile rushed headlong towards Amelia, just in case her own Pokémon didn't manage to free her.


Titania was relieved to see the enemy was defeated quickly whilst pincered between the two groups and without much injury. The pair they'd rescued seemed to consist of an overly armored fellow, perhaps to compensate for his evident lack of combat experience. Titania had never fought with a lance before but even she could see that he was holding it like it was going to spring out of his hands at any moment, a far cry from the casual strength that her father held his own weapon with. However more importantly, the girl next to him was wounded. Titania glanced behind her at Aldo's call out. Well between the approaching enemies behind her and her wounded ally in front of her, her choice was simple. Titania ran forward towards Viridia with her mend staff. "Let me help you with that injury, we're not out of this yet and we should help each other all we can."
Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin inspected the tomb as he followed after Amelia, making sure to pay attention to his surrounding lest any lingering Goletts sneak up on him. The building was massive, even though it was filled with large amounts of sand, a sense of the majesty that was once here could still be felt. Dawkin looked at the unfolding situation with some concern. It seemed the pair that had been captured came to a decision and one of them broke free, causing many of the Pokémon there to chase him, leaving Amelia and his companion. It seemed they also wanted to go deeper into the temple. Dawkin had a feeling Amelia wouldn't appreciate it if he tried to rescue her at the moment, despite the fact that this was the best chance to do so. Well with the lessened security it should be easy for Dawkin to keep tailing Amelia, and unless something else unusual happened that was just what he would do.

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin paused to listen to what Amelia had to say. Was she sure? Dawkin was pretty confident that his strategy could wittle down at least a large amount of the Gollets if not entirely remove the ones in the area. Furthermore, there was the question of the people being kidnapped, which no one seemed to be reacting appropriately to. "Tch, I suppose you know your way around ghost Pokémon." Dawkin said reluctantly, halting his charge. "Wait, what do you think you're-" Dawkin said with some confusion as Amelia simply walked into their midst, intent on becoming a victim as well. What? Was that really the best idea. Dawkin sighed in irritation. Whatever. He would wait for a bit to see if there was any chance of him sneaking after her, around 5 minutes at the longest. If no chance presented itself he would resign himself to following after her via Gollet.

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