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Chisholm Trail or Thereabouts
Constantin LeBlanc

A calm went through Constantin as he raised his rifle around, aiming at the growl before firing away into where he suspected the beast to be. He could not tell if his shot had connected or not, and truth be told, he cared little. In contrast to humans, animals were hard to read in combat, as sometimes they would run after a shot, but other times only get infuriated. His hand quickly went to his bandolier, as he did not wait for a confirmation of a kill to reload. "SHOT THE FUCKING THING!"
@Drunken Conquistador

Welcome aboard!

Chisholm Trail or Thereabouts
Constantin LeBlanc

Constantin´s response to Johns complains was to just spat out, as he walked pat him, throwing him an cold glare, with his two dark icy eyes. "Gardez votre bouche anglaise fermée, ou je vous souille..." His voice suddenly stopped, as the mercenary looked over to the bushes. "Merde..." A second spat followed, as he raised his rifle, before nodding towards it. Pushing the carriage driver aside, LeBlanc moved towards the bodies, his rifle still aimed at them. "Kaufman, Anglais! Over here!" His head turned to the driver. "Get back into the carriage! You two..." He turned to John and Kaufman, his rifle still aimed at the bodies. "Do what you have to do with these damn bodies, and then lets get the hell out of here! What ever killed these may still be around..."


French translation: "Keep your english mouth shut, or i defile you"
T H E C U L T O F U G - Q U A L T O T H

Marie Ashur The Pitt, Pennsylvania

" I love those dear hearts and gentle people..... "

Marie was sitting in he middle of her room, as the radio was giving away the music, that filled out the silence. With her eyes closed, she could feel the presence of the monolith outside the building she was in, glorious and radiant, the mass of pilgrims walking by it like a unruly sea of bodies, washing along it, taking in inearthly antediluvian glory. Yet they where blind, for they could not see it like she or the Prophet did. For them, the monolith was little more then a door, locked and barred, yet with an terrible and beautiful light behind it. The seals that locked it would be broken when he who slumbered would finally awake, and all that was, would be undone, and all that would be, would be returned to how it was below. This world would be washed away in the birth-cry of Ug-Qualtoth, he who slumbered in the mantel of this world, he who one day would bring in the end of all.
Their worship for this magnificent horror was all but insane, for how could such a being not be seen as a god? How could one not accept the supremacy of this eldritch being, who´s mere hint of its slumber had been enough to drive men mad? Turning them into his most beloved children, the ghouls...

" " Who live in my hometown...... "..... "

The world around her turned to water, as she was laying among the rubble of a burning ship. Drowning men, some burned by hot steam were trying to keep afloat, as she looked at a passing Juggernaut of iron, the accused symbol of the brotherhood painted onto it. Another ship of the cult had perished in the cold irradiated water of Lake Michigan. "Ug...ug-qualtoth...s..save me...please...i...sacrifced..my...my comrades..." The iron armor of the cult-warrior was dragging him down, as he paddled like an infant dog, his face horrible burned by the hot steam the brotherhood had used to repel the boarders. Then a shot rang through the night, as the cultist paddling stopped, and he slowly sank beneath the waves. "AD VICTORIUM YOU SON OF A BITCH! THE BROTHERHOOD RULES THESE WATERS!" Turning her head, Marie looked at the sailor, holding a shotgun in his hand, before he turned pale. "What the...THERE IS A CHILD IN THE WATER! THEY HAD A CHILD IN THAT SHIP! YOU DAMN BASTARDS!" The sailor was looking around, screaming loudly, as he reached for a lifebelt, yet a moment later, a second sailor came in. "Ensign, what the reason for this commotion!" The young man, armed with the shotgun wildly pointed at Marie, who still was laying still in the water, glaring back at him. "A fucking child sir! These damn bastards put children on their ship! God..please, let us rescue her! For the love of god..." The other sailor, glared into the waves, before shaking his head. "Ensign, there is no child...

" 'Cause those dear hearts and gentle people...... "

The hot fire of the battle was raging around her, as Marie looked at the street below, high above from a building. She was not sure what it once had been, a church maybe? Even from so far away, she could make out the thuggish laughter of Dosh-Novan, hacking through the terrified soldiers of Detroit. "I AM WAR! I AM DEATH! I AM THE FUCKING DESTROYER OF CITIES! UGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH...." His Super Sledge crushed a man trying to raise his rifle to deflect his attack, as the power-armored Warleader climbed over the barricade, roaring more like an animal then a man, as his heavy armor deflected the bullets fired at him in blind panic by the defenders. Multiple freshly taken heads were hanging from a chain around his chest, swinging in his movement, as the nightmarish man of steel roared once more, at the soldiers who looked more like cattle then defenders."THERE YOU ARE! COME AND BLEED FOR ME YOU BASTARDS!" Then the slaughter began, as more and more warriors fell upon the soldiers, hacking and firing blindly in a Miasma filled orgy of violence, Dosh-Novans voice roaring even above the screams of agony. Marie looked away in disgust. How much hated this man. "BURN TOLEDO TO THE GROUND! THEN WE MARCH TO DETROIT!" Her hands formed fists, as she closed her eyes. "Cant you show me something nice for a change?"

" 'Cause those dear hearts and gentle people...... "

Marie was sitting the bright sun, her hair neatly braided, a she leaned against a wall, holding onto her books, as the handsome boy, in a collage jacket was holding his arm above her shoulder. "So, what you saying Catherine? We have a date or what?" A car radio was playing in the background, as Marie closed her eyes. "What is going on! What is this place?" The boy looked confused, as he took a step back. "Righto, you alright Catherine? Stayed a bit to long in the sun? Wanna hang with a milkshake?" Marie closed her eyes, as she pushed the boy away. "Eyyy...what wrong with you, baby! I thought we were thight! No need to shoot me down like that.." Marie walked passed him, yet he held onto her arm.
"Come on, girl, what wrong with you? Something i said i..." Marie removed his hand with a quick tearing, as she glared at him. "You are dead! You died screaming but nobody could hear you! The pain of coldness filled you, as you longed for the breath that never left your lips... so did Catherine, who never could stand you! For her you were just a means to get back at the man she foolishly adored...now step out of my way, for i am the heir of the prophet.." Leaving the boy behind, she dropped her books, as she walked faster, away from the Red-Rocket, over a wooden bridge, past a sign..."Sanctuary Hills". A roaring engine, came past her, as a car drove next to her up, the street, leaving her even more confused.

"Where am i? What is this place? Why did you brought me here? Was...was this what it looked like before the war?"

Turning her head, she looked into the blue water below, seeing her reflection. She had brown hair, wore a blue dress and her face was so different. Stumbling backwards, Marie´s turned around, to look at the people, blissfully ignorant and daring to enjoying themselves. Then, she realized it. Her shivering hand moved up to her face, as she glared at the hand, before a whimper left her lips. She was not real, but she was! The metal compartment in her head burned, as she felt every single part of it roaring inside her body. Her mind was overtaken with the desire to tear it out, to end this horrible existence. Her nails broke the flesh of her neck, as she felt hot blood running over her neck and fingers, blood that was not real, but was. Never in her life, had she felt so disgusted and scared...Then she looked up, and far in the distance, she could see two men talking, a human and a ghouls. Burning bright, like a fire in the night, she felt the need to run to them, beg them to end this nightmare, as she just stared with her bleeding neck...

" That my happy heart keeps laughing like a clown...... "

Marie screamed, as she opened her eyes holding onto her neck, as her whole body shivered. "WHY! WHY YOU NEEDED TO SHOW ME THAT! WHY!" The door was slammed open, as two warrior entered, weapons in hand. "Heir of the prophet! What is wrong..." A roar left her lips, as she raised both her hands and the two men, fall over, like marionettes, whos strings had been cut. Gasping for air, their armor began to bend inside, yet Marie came back to it, reaching for her legs and burying her face in them....then she began to sob.

" Who live in my hometown...... ""

Synth U4-88, Sanctuary Hills(?)

"But Dave, you know that my parents would kill me if i sneak out one more time! I can be lucky that Mrs. Nora didnt rat me out last ti...Dave?" The synth looked around, as she stood in the middle of the street, before holding onto her bleeding neck. For just a moment, Synth U4-88 Catherine broke her programming....

Then she was hit by the car, as Mr. Able never looked into his mirror when he drove out of his parking spot! Even this detail, did the programming of the Institute got right!

Chisholm Trail or Thereabouts
Constantin LeBlanc

"Keep that magic shit out of my face, Austrian, and i am happy to earn my pay!" The word magic was spit out, like a sour piece of bread, as he recalled the grim nights in the Congo, surrounded by the things that hid in the dark, the sound of drums far off, and the reality as thin as paper. Order had been restored, when they had put the village to the torch and put the villagers into a shallow grave. It was a bloody work to restore order and civilization...
There was a sinister look on Constantin´s face, as the coach came to a halt, and almost instinctivly, his hand moved onto his rifle, as he tried to look out of the window of the carriage. "Merde!" Cursing the frenchman would leave behind Kaufman, his rifle in hand, and his steps quick. Soon, he would lay eyes on the body, and his face would betray no emotions, as he saw her mutilated body. Too often, had he layed eyes on such terror to feel more then a minor disgust over the fact how such an minor inconvince could stop a carriage. People died all the time, so why was it worth the halt?

"Dont german me, Kaufman, you know that i hate that!" Walking over he corpse as well, Constantin coldly stared down at the woman. "C'est des conneries!" Watching Kaufman look for the purse, he could not help but chuckle. It would have been his second instinct to loot the corpse, but knowing Kaufman he most likely had other things in mind to search for. "They mostly hold onto their belts when they die! Check below her, or cut her belt open, some hide their money in there..."
@The Narrator
Looks quite promising so far! Added your commie into the lore!

@Archetype Zero@Ashen One@Commodore@Yennefer

OOC-page is now fully completed! Additional stuff may be added later, but this is 1.0!
@Ashen One
Depends on which faction you join, but that is pretty much a reasonable size! How about you hop on the discord for further questions?
That are a lot of a´s

Now with a discord link! FREE-PORN AND BEER BEHIND THIS LINK!!!

Ten long, bloody years have passed, since the emperor was murdered. The fine spark, that ignited the powderkeg that was Zengrav. We were humiliated by the nations of the world, nations that once payed us tribute, back when we were the grandiose heavenly empire. But things have changed, and the days when the heavenly blue banner was flying proudly ahead of the Minga riders, are long past.

Too long, we have been the spice-rack of the world, a country to be exploited and robbed! They looted us and forced us to write the unjust treaties, opening up our cities and ports for their decadent ways. And the emperor, grand son of heaven, just watched! His ancestors must tear out their braids in anger, his soul shall ever rot in the afterlife! Yet, his death caused the empire to collapse, as petty warlords and opportunists carved the once mighty empire into minor fiefs and territories. But wolves learn quickly that there is strength in a pack! Four packs there are, all claiming to have the sole plan for the future!

The Monarchists want to install a new heavenly emperor, to cast out the foreigners....yet happily buy their guns and ammunition!

The Nationalists want to turn Zengrav into a modern nation, under a single leader...while the empire of Lavania holds their strings!

The Republicans want a multi-state solution, after an outlandish concept of democracy...while filling their own pockets!

The Communists want to create the Peoples Republic of Zengrav...while holding daggers against each others throat!

The world just watches, as their final battle draws near...the age of warlords is far from over!


We are currently OPEN! You may join us if you want to! Feel free to join the discord and give us a shout!

  • - You are playing a member of a faction! You dont need to be the same ideology as the leader, in contrary, you are more then welcome to stride away from it!
  • - Ambition brings risk, and your Warlord is not immortal! Dumb decisions kill!
  • - You can gain and lose territory for your Clique and even take over your faction over the run of this rp
  • - Should you drop out, i would ask you to write a "death post" for your Warlord! Him or her being assassinated is one of the most easy ways to have him/her removed from the story.


  • - What I say is final. I am the GM. If I say something, that is what happens. I wish to be a harsh, yet benevolent dictator, don't worry.
  • - Follow Guild rules. Be Fonzie cool, no harassment or any of that. If you must have drama, keep it to PMs, or bring in mods.
  • - Don't Godmod. Nothing sucks more than someone pulling out a superweapon in the middle of a battle and wiping half an army out without letting the other person respond. If they've agreed to that, that's different, but then that ain't godmodding.
  • - This RP is heavily lending from the "Fumes of War" rp, which sadly died. A lot of creativity has been taken from there and belongs to the fantastic writers who build up much of the lore for the other nations. Credit where credit is due!

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