Avatar of EnterTheHero
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: EnterTheHero
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1433 (0.38 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. EnterTheHero 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


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3 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
*does an awoo*
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5 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
“And before you ask, YES! THIS IS A JOJO REFERENCE!!”
6 yrs ago
And then John was a zombie.


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EnterTheHero (GM)- Marcus Trent Tanner/Wolf Spider
tobiax (GM)- Scott Yi/Strand
DC The Dragon- Alexander "Xander" Lee/Tarantula
DC The Dragon- Raymond Davis/Anansi
sassy1085- Kim Agbayani/Neon Spider
Akayaofthemoon (GM)- Reyna Rowe/Arachne
AmpharosBoy- Lindy Audrum/Spider Cricket
AmpharosBoy- Adelbert "Von" Hardt/Lehre-Spinne
Cio- Noelle Ripley Hayes/Diving Spider
Zoey White- Clara Cabello
BurningDaisies- Nalini Nortman
GamerXZ- Alan Walker
soren- Morgan Ward
soren- Merlyna Cromwell/Spider Witch

It’s September 1st, 20XX. The location is Earth-1919. Specifically, the New York City of Earth-1919. It’s a world that should look familiar to you. One very much like your own, where legends and superheroes exist only in movies and comic books.

But not for long.

A “gas attack” at Empire State University has turned into an epidemic. Hundreds, even thousands, are falling sick. Greenwich Village has been quarantined. Most of those infected will die.

You will not.

You have been chosen. By some freak chance, or destiny, you have survived. But not unchanged.

And you’re not the only one.

The world is about to get much bigger. Much stranger. Much more dangerous. And you’re going to be at the center of it all.

Are you a hero? A villain? A little of both? Up to you.

Only you can decide what kind of Spider-Man you’ll be.

Welcome to the Spider-Verse. It’s gonna be a wild ride.

Welcome, one and all, to Tales from the Spider-Verse!

Following a chemical attack on Empire State University- dubbed the "Recluse Incident," after the label on a strange device recovered at the scene- you and a choice few others will wake up exhibiting strange symptoms and abilities. Specifically, those of a Spider-Man. How will you react to your new powers? Where will you go, and what will you do? It's all up to you, but be careful; you're not the only one who was affected by the Incident. And some of them might not be so noble as you are...

But with all that out of the way, welcome, have fun, and enjoy your stay here in the Spider-Verse!

Spider-Discord can be found here.

This is a soft reboot, to help streamline things after a shaky start. Welcome back, my little Spiders~

*starts copying CS*


And so do I. Welcome to the Spider-Verse~
Given all of the shit I’ve been going through, I’m hereby ascending @Akayaofthemoon to the rank of co-GM. Let’s get this story written in a timely and interesting manner, shall we?

Sorry for the delay.
@soren ...Hm. Interesting idea. I mean, as you’ve probably seen, you don’t need to always stick to Spider Powers. But it’s not a bad idea by any stretch.
@soren Well, if you come up with any ideas, let me know. We are technically closed for applications, but at the same time, my OCD would like an even 12 instead of 11. But yeah, whether you have an idea or not, you’re welcome to hang around and watch the chaos.
@soren Hey, come in and take a load off, watch the fireworks.
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