Avatar of ErsatzEmperor
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: ErsatzEmperor
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 754 (0.20 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. ErsatzEmperor 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
And an early Happy Christmas to you.
7 yrs ago
If you like all of the necessary ingredients, pastry and all, why not just make the pie? So many questions.
1 like
7 yrs ago
...How in the heavens do you make soup out of a pie?
7 yrs ago
Fireworks are fine and all, but why do they have to be so bright, colourful and loud?
7 yrs ago
See, I always pronounced Nutella based on how it was spelt. Noot-telly. Is that wrong?


Most Recent Posts

Either way, now that I'm awake again, time to start working on a finale and achieve a personal landmark.

Most sex scenes in a single post?
Posted. It's not good but it's something.

"I prefer conflicts that are based on reality rather than based on fantasy. When you get wound up with super villains, super fantastic gadgets and super incredible action, everything has to be made so deliberately that it all becomes senseless. It boils down to what you want a story to stand for. Every person, whether he wants to be or not, is in a continuous struggle. It is a struggle to keep his mind from being corrupted."
Steve Ditko

The Sanctum Sanctorum,
Greenwich Village

"Doctor Strange. Tell me if I'm stepping out of line but you seem troubled."

"Am I that transparent, Wong?" Strange asked guardedly. He sat, hunched on a small armchair in the corner of the room. His face betrayed little of his thinking. Two weeks had passed since Strange had begun instruction under his new teacher, Wong. The physical manifestation of the Mentor's Stone was Strange's only link to the ways of his order, save for the books and scrolls that filled the Sanctum. The artifact had been in possession of Sorcerers Supreme for thousands of years. harking back to the sorcerer who discovered it, Kan, all the way to the last to inhabit the role, The Ancient One. Like his mentor, this stone had a way of reading a soul.

"I have acted as witness to some of the most brilliant Sorcerers this world will ever know, many of which saw great tragedy." Wong began. "It is only natural for those that spend so much time with so much power. So believe me when I say that while I am incapable of experiencing it, I am quite knowledgeable on the subject of grief."

Strange fell into silence.

"Don't dwell on your worries, Strange. Don't dwell on the past. Man's most fatal enemy is one of his own making: his doubts." Strange looked up at this and forced the beginnings of a smile. He was right. Strange had to push on. Getting up, he went to the chest that still stood in pride of place in the centre of the study room. Out of respect for his fallen master, Strange had taken to wearing the cloak and amulet handed down to him. Despite this, he was no closer to knowing their purpose. Indeed, his minimal knowledge extended to many any of the objects that he now presided over.

"Okay, Wong. Humour me for a moment, if you will."

"Of course." The avatar of the Mentor's Stone nods.

"What on Earth is this?" Reaching into the chest, he produced an axe. Its hilt was wrapped with coarse leather bindings, while the axe blade bore intricate engraving in a script that was foreign to him. It appeared to made of a brittle substance, and possessed no more weight than a man's razor. It had clearly seen better days, the surface looking ready to crack under even a modicum of pressure.

"The weapon is known as the Axe of Angarruumus."

"Angra..." Strange started to parrot.

"Angarruumus." Wong repeats. "It is a powerful mystical vessel, with a long and bloody history. You should see it as a great honor that the Ancient One would choose to bestow it upon you." Strange sized it up in his hand, moving it in the air.

"It doesn't look like it will be of much use in its current condition."

"Looks can be deceiving. The items true power does not lie in its physical form. You may discover this in time."

A sheathe materialised on Strange's belt. For that moment, Strange placed it back in the chest. He was filled with questions.

"What do you know of this cape?"

Wong smiled, as if he had been awaiting this.

"You wish to learn the secrets of the Cloak of Levitation?"

"Levitation?" Strange asked, bemused. Wong nodded.

"Follow me."
This will be fun:

Post Catalogue:
1. An Introduction to Magic
Deadman stuff will be happening.
Speaking of magic peeps.

Any of you (in the future) want to help prove Abra Kadabra a fraud?

PM me what you're thinking, that sounds pretty fun honestly.
I'll probably have the Rogues form before the final face off with the Reverse Flash. The reveal, I've told one person and they seem to think the RFs identity is going to be a good one.

I'm thinking an evil, parallel universe Wally West. Or Bouncing Boy. Kid's creepy.
<Snipped quote by Morden Man>

This is the politest way anyone has ever said "start posting more, you little shit!" to me.

At least people are polite to you.
<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>

As for a case-by-case basis, I definitely understand where you're coming from with that. And my comment of it always causing issues wasn't to infer that everyone who multis causes a problem, but that in each game there are enough that do for it to matter.

In regards to villain PCs, every single comic game that I've joined since 2012 - using that date as that's when I first applied to ASM and began RPing with this loosely-defined group - there has been one or two people who apply as a villain, and then either immediately or after a handful of posts flounder on what to do. They have their original concept, but as soon as it comes down to hammering out posts, there's either one issue or another. Whether that be losing direction, having no one to interact with, trying to start inter-player events that no one responds to, trying to just jump into someone else's arc to try and get that interaction, etc. In that first ASM I joined I did the same; as Tombstone, I had a clear plan I wanted to do that would take him on his journey of running for mayor of NYC to use his political power to supplant Fisk as Kingpin. Instead, after a couple posts, I floundered.

Of course, there are going to be exceptions. But, generally and largely, I find this to be the case in each and every one of these games.

In the same game I did the same with Vulture and Mr. Sinister so I fully see your point. I've always been in favour of players adopting villains on a case-by-case basis to fulfil a use, rather than have them ran to the same standard as a heroic character. That, I'd think, would minimise the lingering on the sidelines or lack of things to do with them generally.
<Snipped quote by ErsatzEmperor>

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