Avatar of Esoteric
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 324 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Esoteric 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Trying to figure out how some people have the time for more than like, four roleplays, let alone thirty-two.
8 yrs ago
What happened to all of the sour patch parents?
8 yrs ago
Being an adult is mostly just wondering if the stuff in the dishwasher is dirty or clean while eating soup out of a sand castle bucket with a gas station spork.
8 yrs ago
My credit score is so bad I've started receiving pre-declined credit card offers.
8 yrs ago
Do you ever feel like you're in Season 5 of your life, and the writers are just doing outrageous stuff to keep it interesting?


Dear Reader;

I am Esoteric, an anomally. But that is merely a label, a title I have given myself. You may refer to me as they, them, she, her, he, him, not because I embody these references of my sexual identity, but simply because I do not care and you will not offend me. If you must know then I suppose "she" would be proper here. I do consider myself non-binary, genderless, etcetera. I prefer to be called Eso, but to be honest you can call me whatever. I do have a love for adorable, cutesy nicknames.

When meeting new people I try my best to skip the formalities, and being callously hit on, and rather try to achieve something interesting about the person, traits, likes, or perhaps a story. I'm more than a pair of pretty eyes, you know? Don't let me mislead you though, I'm not like any crazy feminist or something, as I said, non-binary. Can I even identify as a woman? Oh, right, rambling ^//^. So.. interesting things. I'm a switch and coming to terms with my S-types, if you don't know what that means then I probably won't explain it to you. I often refer to my gender as a Transdimensional Butterfly, because I'm fuckin' weird. I'm adorable, cute, and I curse "like a sailor" at times. I'm an enormous pervert, and fancy sleezy dive bars with sex dungeons. If you know what Fetlife is, cool. No, I will not add you. No, you cannot see my pictures. My name is, No, my sign is, No, my number is, No. I'm here to roleplay, I have other outlets for those needs in my life, sorry. It has recently been made known to me that I may be a bit of a pyro. Moving on, shall we? ^_^

Roleplay interests, hm. I definitely enjoy most things fantasy or apocalyptic, oh and some sci fi though it has to be pretty interesting. I have a love for magic, explosions, and super powers. Zombies are the all time best monster ever created and this tiny creature will fight you over that statement, I will run up your arm and scissor kick you in the neck ^-^. Okay so I probably won't do that. I do enjoy 1x1 especially with some delicious lesbian elements *excessive eyebrow waggling*, though I am a pansexual. Probably should have put that tidbit up there but, whatever. You'll probably never interest me in anything slice of life, especially modern. In fact, it's really hard to get me on board with modern roleplays unless the world is ending, and even then there has to be something to spice it up for me. I tend to include darker themes, taboo, and such forth in my roleplays. This isn't Disney, it's akin to a real world so that means bad shit happens. If you have any "triggers" because of past trauma, let me know beforehand because there is very little I leave out. I don't get very detailed, but rather heavily imply things. I do have limits however. I also love Epic Power Scenes, why fight a dragon in the wilderness when it can WREAK HAVOC IN A CITY, TEARING THE EARTH ASUNDER AND-*coughs* I mean, Michael Bay and I would probably be pretty good friends, just sayin.

Did I mention I'm an adorable pervert? ^//^ I will describe curves, use the term breasts, and look at your characterss imaginary booty. I'm also prone to some typos as I type fast, I think fast, and I just flow. My current obsessions are playing real off the wall sharacters, Saying "WAPOW", forever coloring my posts off tones of white, and doing graphic manipulations. The latter being some pretty bad art and poetry, changing a reference image to suit my needs, and I have a graphics shop now. Oh, I always love playing characters that are exotic, like Animal Girls, Nymphs and Sprites, Demon girls with sexy tails, and so forth.

Esoteric, The Coquette

P.S: Wubba Dubba Lub Lub! #FreeRick
P.S.S: I'm super hyper most of the time. I'm like, 10% Sugar, 20% Spice, 15% Caffeinated Ice, 5% Sass, 50% Flirt, and 100% extroverted introvert.

Want some fancy artsy stuff? I can't draw for shit but I can manipulate the ass off some imagery. Check out my shop or send me a PM.

Most Recent Posts

Really pumped for all this interest, and I understand—There is a hell of a lot of information. I wanted you to have a pretty clear idea of the world we are in, so that you're not always dependent on me to answer questions on the fly. Take your time. =)

Not going to lie, I never expected the mighty @Kangaroo to show interest, I hope I live up to your expectations.
@Heat *hype* Wheres the spooky stuff?!
@NuttsnBolts A Q&A is always fine, and the posts typically won't be that extra super huge. You can stalk my profile and see what I write for FiTS: Deathbound. I just had a big picture I wanted to paint, and I didn't feel I could properly do that with an average post, which is why it's so long.
@Rica Sorry to hear that, and thank you. See you around in the future maybe.

I totally did not forget to tag you, I swear it :3
S O U N D G O O D ?

Enormous shout outs to my Co-GM @FireCracker_ and to my friends who've helped me with ideas, and given me lots of support and for putting up with all of my hype: @Morose@Heat@R31GN@Aziraphale@KaiserElectric ❤️ Love all of you guys ❤️
Disclaimer: Some of this did not get proofread, the hype was too much and after refining ideas, scrapping entire pieces, and finishing with 150k+ characters over the last couple of months, I'm a little burnt. If you find a small, niggling typo, I'm sorry, I hope it does not distract from the overall.

24 Hour Link to Arkheus Discord Chat
If link goes down PM me, I will put a new one up and PM it to you.

"We are the last to stand witness to the testament of mankind"
- Anthony Tandon, Civil Rights Spokesman


Arkheus has been quite a project of mine for some time now. After two failed launches where there just wasn't enough interest generated, or the desire to join simply waned too quickly, I've decided that perhaps it needed a makeover to better project the scenario I was going for. Below you'll find months of hard work and support from a handful of friends I've made here on the guild. This will be an apocalyptic scenario with cataclysmic events, set in something of a cyberpunk world. Most people are immediately reminded of The Hunger Games, or Midgar from FF7—While true to some extent, let me tell you what sets Arkheus apart. First off, there will be no unorthodox group of teenagers fighting to the death. In this world, you can have a character from many slices of sci fi life, and an array of unique backgrounds. From a prisoner, toiling in the heat intense forges of Sector Three, to a dune running bandit from Sector Six, to a scientist isolated away on the cold, unforgiving terrain of Sector Four. Rich, middle class, or poverty-stricken, your character will find a place because the world is about to change.

The first series of events, or the first Act if you will, revolve around the discovery and uprising of a force called 'The Advent', a bio-engineered creature from an AI's design on human efficiency, though the vision is warped and corrupted. As the roleplay progresses, a second threat will be introduced, the Ciphers. Skynet anyone? An ultra advanced army of machines, bent on purging a virus known as humanity. All of this set in a totaltarian, militant world with a somewhat oppressive regime. Enemies come in all shapes and sizes, including private security forces, rebels, and gangsters. The world holds many secrets that wait to be discovered by the players.

The ultimate goal for this roleplay is survival. How that happens, is all based on player choice. My Co-GM and I have thought about a number of options that players could work towards to achieve success, at least, success against the machines and mutated alike. How the world is shaped, the challenges and tasks you face, the face of the landscapes and cities themselves, are all determined by player choice. Found a protected settlement to hold out against the machines, run covert operations in an attempt to turn the tides, found an empire based on strength and blood thirstiness. It's all up for grabs in Arkheus. What kind of future will you create for humanity? What is Arkheus? What happened to the AI, Stone Mistress? All this and more awaits.


Arkheus Identification Card
Bureau of Public Citizen Management

Name: Annelle Caldera

Aliases: Ann, Anne, Anna

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Job Title: Systems Engineer

  • Smarts, Ann may not be a brain working down in sector four, but she's been gifted with a set of wits and guile that's helped her succeed in life. She understands how to look ahead and plan according for a situation, and usually sees more than one approach to a given subject. She's a sly, cunning gal.
  • Coder, due to her line of work, Anne has a broad understanding of code and how to program a wide array of systems accordingly. This knowledge really centers around bigger machines, like vehicles and infrastructure, but she does have a bit of fine tuned know-how geared towards gadgets and accessories.
  • Engineer, also due to her line of work, Anne knows her way around workshop machinery, vehicles, and structural systems. Though she's got more put in towards the latter, she is proficient enough in the other two to fix and reprogram most things, having worked on a multitude of things from civilian and military vehicles, to industrial machines and their components, timing cycles, and so forth.
  • Old Habits, heavy lifting and field work aside, Anne has retained most of her physique from her time spent as a Watchman, which wasn't all that long ago. She has an exercise routine, which she does her best to keep up on, despite spoiling it somewhat with crap foods and snacks. Among this fitness she maintains, she's still not a bad shot with a gun. She's no sharpshooter, but she could hold her own.

  • Abrasive, while she may have somewhat of a tactical mind, Anne often has a poor choice of words. She calls it as she sees it, and says it as she means it. Though she's not one to purposefully to step on someone's toes, she doesn't make it a habit to sugar coat her words either. She's also a poor liar.
  • Critical Thinker, meaning Anne is most comfortable planning in low stress situations. She has a hard time focusing and making rapid decisions in high stress, intense environments, and prefers to calculate her plans thoroughly.
  • No Man Left Behind, Annelle hates leaving people behind and will usually do everything in her power to ensure she protects, or at least saves, those she cares about.
  • Duct Tape Bandaids, Anne is a very driven person, and likes to accomplish the goals she sets her sights on. At times she'll push herself harder than she should, even when it becomes detrimental to herself.

  • Smoking, and she's not planning to quit any time soon.
  • Fast Food, especially New Modern Chinese Food, and Burgers.
  • Dark Colors, no, it's not a phase.
  • Flowers, especially bright and pretty ones, probably because they are so rare in The Core.
  • Booze, it's liquid bread it's good for you.
  • Boys and Girls, and sometimes she's a dirty flirt too.

  • Her father, girl's got daddy issues.
  • The Watchmen and the government in general, bunch of corrupt scum suckers.
  • Dishonesty and Illicit dealings, especially gang members.

Important People:
  • Lucias Caldera, her disassociated father
  • Elliot Watts, her coworker from Sys.Admin

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