Avatar of Evil Snowman
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Evil Snowman
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1239 (0.34 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Evil Snowman 10 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
When you have the urge to update your bio to something newer. But are to lazy to do it.
5 yrs ago
Merry Christmas to you all.
6 yrs ago
I really must get to posting for my RPs. But procastnating is much easier.
6 yrs ago
Just got home form seeing infinity war. Gotta say I wished I seen it sooner.
6 yrs ago
Shit when did it become my dam 25th birthday? I'm sure last time I checked it was at least a week a way.


Hello I'm Evil Snowman or Snowy as some have taken to calling me.
I'm a 27 year old baker living in Australia. I also work nights so I'm up at some weird hours.
Let's see I'm into Writing/RPing, Video games, anime, Sci-if stuff (to lazy to list what.) computers, cats and a lot of other stuff.
I spend a fair amount of my free time on the net so I tend leave tab open for the guild so I'm normally around if not I'm mostly likely working or passed out somewhere.

If you want more know more you'll have to talk to me and get to know me (don't worry I don't bite... too much) so send me an PM and I'll talk with you.

Most Recent Posts

@Ariamis A discord sever sounds fine by me. Having a diffrent means of being able to communicate sounds like a good idea.
@ArkmageddonCat Don't lie. We all know you just want it all for yourself.

Katya had gotten herself change before heading the mess all. Wearing standard issue cold weather fatigues she had been given when she had been transferred to squad Sigma. It no secret those form Kromm found most place to cold for comfort. Something she still hoped she would eventually adjust to but had her doubts.

But it was a minor matter and right now Katya had something she deemed far more important on her mind. That being what Elora had said about Killing the Son. Katya still have no idea what the young pilot meant by those words. Although that did not stop her again letting her mind ponder the meaning as she entered the mess and acquired something to eat and sat in the corner of the room on her own.

There she stayed slowly eating as her mind wondered. Failing to notice both Jake and Maria approach her. Only looking at them and paying them any mind when they started to speak. Only just hearing their request for her to come with them to Jasons room as there was something they wanted to speak to her and Jason about. Katya giving sigh as she was only halfway through her meal. But she could not say no. After all, she was their superior and she could not recall a time either Jake or Maria had approached her and ask her to come with them. So was pretty sure whatever they wanted had to be important. So saying no was not really an option.
“Alright give me a minute put this away.” she spoke before taking one last bite of her food. Before throwing the rest out. Feeling a little annoyed she didn’t get to finish it. But the thought was quickly pushed aside as she joined the pair of them.
“Lead the way. Meanwhile one of you care to tell me what this is about. I can’t recall a time either one of you have come to me like this. So whatever this is I get feeling you both think its important.”


As Zim looked at Valéria she her posters shifted showing a small amount of discomfort at the short man gaze. But it quickly faded as Zim said he as pleased to meet Valéria. Who gave him a bow of the head to thank him silently.

“Thank you brother Hero. I’m pleased to meet you as well.” she spoke tilling her head down to look at the shorter pilot. Adjusting her hood in an effort to make sure it covered her head correctly. Feeling Zim’s short height might let him see things she was not allowed to show at this time.

As Zim spoke of the XO which she already knew was Lorenzo having already had made herself known to the man. But that was more of a she was escorted to him when she arrived so he knew he had another pilot under his command. Valéria was pleased the meeting was short and he seemed not to care less that she had arrived and was ready for duty. Valéria finding the had a creepy feeling about him. As Zim spoke of Ritsu Valéria made note of what Zim said. The woman feeling a slight frown appear as it meant she’d have to officially report in later. When the Ritsu was free as Valéria’s order stated clearly to report into Captain Ritsu. Which to her meant the Elise was not an option although it would have made thing so much easier for her if the young Sargent was.

As Zim spoke of Elise Valéria could not help but glance over. Having heard of Sargent Elise Steinhart although Valéira was surprised to see she was someone so that looked so young. Was center of several tales of valour and bravery. To Valéria to have someone so that looked like she was still a child fight and not to mention lead was unnatural. But Valéria had undergone some education courses to make sure she was aware some worlds had did things differently and that she needed to accept such things.

Zim kept speaking Valéria making a mental note as Zim said not to call them Heros of Leviticus IX. The woman giving a nod of the head to say she would comply with such a request. Although she had not intended to refer to the squad in that way again to them. Only her Haath brothers and sister at the base she was sure she’d end up spending time with and swapping war stories with. As it was common pass time for Haath troops was to share the stories of war when they came back from the front. Valéria positive she’d end up having more than a few all she hoped is most of them were tales of victories.

The moment Zim asked the new pilots to share some information about themselves. Valéira nodded and was about to answer the questions Zim had asked. However, Elizabeth spoke first. Valéira listening closely to what the young woman had to say. Although she could not help but be a little distracted by the woman's bountiful red hair. Valéira again wondering how did she tolerate it? Surely washing and brushing it must be time-consuming.

Once Elizabeth had finished speaking Valéria cold see several use’s for Elizabeth and her werk and expected the two of them would be working together at least a little bit. When Zime offered a tour of the base while they talk Valéira pondered the idea of a moment before gesturing for him to lead them. Valéria not about to say no even if she had partly familiarized herself with bases layout. After all he might show her something she had missed that and she didn’t want to be seen as rude. Zim had made offer out of what she assumed was kindness. So it would be impolite to not partake of his offer.
“I’ll will take up on your kind offer brother Hero. As for the werk I operate it is called Redeemer. A heavy melee werk. If you wish to see it you’ll find it in the werk hanger. Look for the large black werk with a mace on it left arm and claw on the right. Can not miss it. As for prior deployments, I have been protecting my peoples home for roughly 4 years. I have seen one battle against the Cruxi but … it ended in defeat. The Cruxi drove my kind form our second home.” Valéria spoke rubbing her left arm feeling a pang of phantom pain run through it. Her tone becoming one of anger and hate as she spoke the word Cruxi

As they walked Valéria was quickly to notice how Elizabeth spoke to Zim finding it to be quite rude and uncalled for Zim so far seemed like a nice enough person. For a time Valéira merely didn’t utter a word. However, her tolerance for it in the end, wore out.
“If you will excuse me. I can’t tolerate the rudeness of Sister Fullbright any longer. I think I will hunt for the captain and report in. My thanks Brother Hero for showing me around.” she spoke giving a bow of the head. With that she walked off on her own adjusting her as she went.

As Squad Sigma had been returning from the attack on the Cruxi base. A transport ship had arrived to Solaire and had unloaded supplies and new personnel for the base. Mostly food and framewerk parts along another framework and it’s pilot for squad Sigma. Who had been getting familiar with base while waiting for the squad to return. Although the entire time she hoped this squad Sigma that she had been assigned to would return quickly so she could begin her duties with this new squad. Valéria not used to waiting and found that without have to get her squadmates and duties to families herself with. She found herself far too aware of those around her casting glances her way. Valéria aware it was rare for people to see someone from her world even in the military. Still, it bugged her a little and she hoped it would come to an end soon enough. After all, it not like this was a short-term assignment. That and she was only one of several Haath being assigned to the base. So why did then need to look at her?

As Squad Sigma landed, Valéria watched from a distance having learned where they going to land. Able to recognise some of them form the award ceremony after the Cruxi invasion of Leviticus IX had been beaten back. Valéria was also quick to Notice the werks where escorting some sort of sphere. Valéria wondering what it was and what it contained. Thinking it had to be something important if the squad had been assigned to escort it down to the surface. But was sure whatever it was something classified and if it concerned her, she’d be made aware of it when if and when it was needed. For now, however, she would just settle for wondering as watched Lorenzo who she already knew the squads “commander.” address the assembled pilots. Valéria barely able to hear what the man was saying not that it was important. She had meet the man only for a moment soon after she had arrived and had a feeling he cared little for the soldiers he was in charge of. Which didn’t sit right with Valéria. In fact he had seemed quite distracted in organising something.

She watched the Lorenzo leave giving sigh. Thinking she really should go over and say hi and introduce herself before the went to find the one called Captain Ritsu and report into her. Then again she didn’t see why after all she was positive this captain would hold a meeting and introduce the new pilots. It was a choice and Valéria wasn’t sure if she was ready to deal with her new squad mates yet. Make her think for a moment and miss Elizabeth land and introduce herself. Only noticed when she had made up her mind and focused back on her squad mates.
“Another? Interesting…” she muttered to herself tailing off as she looked at the other newcomer. Recognizing the girl form a few propaganda films she had seen.
“So much hair how can she tolerate it?” Valéira asked herself giving another sigh. Before turning to leave and slowly starting to walk away they could wait.

However she only get a few steps when she changed her mind stopping and turning to look back at the collected pilots. Turning around she adjusted her hood to better cover her eyes. Touching her mouth gently to check the zig-zag line she had drawn painted across it when she had awoken.
“I’m sure I will regret this but oh well. Better to get the staring over and done with.” she muttered to herself. Taking in a deep breath, she began to approach the gathered pilots. Stopping just before the group.
“Excuse me. Squad Sigma right? I am another new pilot assigned to the squad.” she stated doing her best to speak clearly and show nice welcoming tone. Although it came out mostly as the typical partial monotone anyone who had worked with those form Haath with be familiar with. Having said that she cleared her throat.
“I am Valéira Jarmila Pleased to make your acquaintance. It is an honour and I look foward to working with the hero's of Leviticus IX.” she spoke giving a slight bow to the head followed by banging left fist into the upper part of her chest as she spoke the word honour before lowering it.
Made the changes and posted Val into character tab. She's sitting with Katya, if there's any problems let me know.
@Ariamis Thanks I wanted to go something different for the pilot. Go something that might be consider a little odd for some like the appearance and use of face paint which will be explained in IC I do some one asks her about it.

As for the week I'm more then happy with changes and alter the sheet when I get home and post it.

@Mr Rage I agree I could see them getting along. For the most part although Zim will a few short jokes thrown at him.
Here is that bew character I've been tinkering with. Hopefully you find it's all right.


As Maria spoke up and Elise and the captain dealt with matter, Katya tried her best to pay it no mind. Finding it hard to believe that military would lock up one of its own soldiers for displaying powers that may be considered by some to be unnatural. Well provided the person in question could keep them in check. Well, that is what she hoped. Even if she wasn’t biggest fan of Maria, it would be fair to lock her up in one of these containment spheres.

When the captain turned to Katya, she noticed her expression warmed and said she did expect Katya to ask. Unsure how to feel the captain had already predicted she would ask. Then again … Katya knew no matter what it took she had to see with her own to eye that Elora was okay. That merely looking at the girl though some monitors would not be enough.

As the guards took their position by the entrance to the sphere, Katya could not help but frown at them. Wondering if armed guards where really necessary Use she knew guards were part of protocol but armed guards. Did they really see Elora as that much of a threat? Katya had her doubts Elora would do anything to hurt any human on the ship of her own free will. Katya positive while Elora was more them capable of fighting it wasn’t in her nature to harm others. Heck, she still recalled the younger pilot asking them to stop play fighting in a shower after what Katya had come to recall as the test battle.

Still, she was not going to ask why there was a need for armed guards. Not wanting to risk having her permission revoked. So merely stepped inside. Katya seeing Elora the older pilot noted how Elora turned away. Katya feeling sorry for Elora and slowly started to move towards the girl. Aware he time was limited but didn’t want to rush things having no idea what state Elora might be in. Worried come at her quickly and hugging her like she wanted to might be a little too much too soon.

As Elora turned face Katya, the older pilot got a good look at the condition of her younger friend. Katya’s feeling incredibly sorry for Elora as she looked liked she been put through something horrific. Katya’s heart sinking a little a pang of guilt crept into her mind. The young woman still blaming herself for failing to protect Elora initially. But Katya tried to bury those feelings as Elora asked if it was really her.
“It is.” Katya answered giving Elora a small smile.

Katya watched as Elora wrapped her hands around herself. Katya having to look away for a moment when she noticed Elora was on the verge of tears finding the sight hard to look at. But as the younger pilot spoke Katya slowly look back at hear and listened to her words. Unable to imagine how horrible it must have been for her to have to endure such torment. Whatever things they had given her what games they made her play could not have been pleasant. After all one only had to look at Elora to see that she’d been through hell.

When Elora hugged Katya, the older pilot returned the hug. Hand’s tightly wrapping around Elora. As she apologised saying she was weak and gave up and asked forgiveness.
“It’s okay Elora the Cruxi didn’t give you a choice, it’s not your fault.” she said softly hoping it would provide the younger pilot with some small level of comfort. Katya having no idea how hard it must have been for Elora to been forced to harm her comrades.

As Elora released her hold on Katya did the same. Although she kept a hand on the young pilot's shoulder. Katya aware any minute now she’d be told to leave. Pretty sure her 5 minutes was very close to over. That thoughts however quickly got shoved aside when Elora spoke again Katya perking up when the words “But… I still hear him” where spoken. Katya more then a bit surprised to hear those words. Katya listening to ever words Elora spoke until the sphere was opened Katya glancing behind her before looking back at Elora. Katya feeling a hand firmly grip her arm and start to pull her towards the entrance. Katya make no effort to resist the guard as he pulled on her arm. Merely mouthing a I’m sorry to Elora.

Outside of the sphere, Katya ripped her arm free of the guard's grip who had already started to let go of her. Looking towards the captain with a look an annoyed look.
“It was not necessary to pull me out like that. Another moment to bid her goodbye and I’d of left. To stress her out like that i … nevermind.” Katya stated trailing off the young woman realising that what she wanted to say at the end of that sentence was not a good idea. Given the captain had just done her a favour. Leaving that sentence unfinished she walked off. Stopping a few steps past Ritsu turning to face the captain
“Thank you, ma’am. If you are able, please let me know when she is released. I’d like to be there if possible.” Katay spoke giving her a quick salute before finally leaving the room.

After seeing Elora, Katya spent quite a bit of time dwelling on what the younger pilots words as she was removed from her sphere. Katya unsure what to make of them. Katya knowing Elora what something dead. That much was obvious. But what was it? Just who or what was this Son? Katya willing to guess it was some sort of Cruxi. But what exactly? Was it the captured Elite? Or something else entirely? Something they had not seen before? Whatever it was it Katya had no idea and dwelling on it made it hard to focus on repairing Caretaker and giving her a headache. Katya thinking until she had a proper private conversation with Elora about it. That she should just keep quiet about it.

When they arrived back at Solaire and had landed. Katya was pleased to back at least for the moment they’d get a little break. Feeling like she needed one after the base mission. Too much had happened and Katya found the nap fallen took before being woken to change and bring her werk to the surface was not restful her mind replaying the events of the base mission.

Seeing Loreno’s creepy smile sent a shiver down Katya’s spine. Finding what she deemed to his him as excited to be something she would rather see anytime soon and prayed she would never be the object of his excitement. The idea sending another shiver down her spine, which made it hard for her to maintain the statue which was starting to make her arm ache.

Hearing the word dispissed. Katya mentally sighted pleased to be free letting herself enter a relaxed stance as she lowered her arm. Jumping back into attention when he turned back around and attempted to introduce a pilot who be joining the squad. Katya eyeing the newcomer for a moment before turning to leave the hanger. Katya of to change out of her plug suit, before heading to the mess hall. Finding herself feeling a little bit hungry.
@Ariamis I'm still toying with that second character. Was wondering if you could do me a roll for a 24 year old pilot?
Hmmm, second character? That sounds pretty tempting been tinkering with an older pilot in a heavy front line werk.

Also Merry Christmas all.
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