Avatar of Excal
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  • Posts: 159 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Excal 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current MIA, BRB... future?
7 yrs ago
ALLL ABOOOOARD, HAHAHHHA... (I wanted to make a ref)
7 yrs ago
I have a niggling desire to start up a Darkest Dungeon rp revolving around a suicide run (disposable heroes) and basically having a char torture-athon, but would anyone like that even?


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@RyuShura Huh, interesting! So her children may or may not play a part, I'll leave that to you.

Also, I just remembered something. If you want another source of inspiration for environmental eldritch/chaotic myatery magic shennanigens read Metro 2033 it had some of the best spooky weird place sectiona I ever read. Just flip through for the parts where they enter a tunnel.
@LordofthePies Oh you can keep the modifiers jjst hope you understand how they work. Basically a modifier is just that, it does something to the base damage or base crit. So, one attack may have a high additional crit and some debuff to make up for it or poor acc. AOE attacks have negative damage modifiers since they hit nearly everyone and that can get op fast if you just use that repeatedly.

Effects are what happen after the attack, aka after the damage and accuracy and crit checks, so it applies a buff, a debuff, bleed or blight dots, ect.
[Written on mobile]


Anastasia frowned, eyeing over the particular, hyperactive girl. So far her examination proved her normal, which... didn't mean much. She and her hunters knew how to hide well, and many a witch or even changling wouldn't need much to cover their tracks, nerves of steel at the very least.

Still, they had a nest to take care of and she let her go with a sigh and a soft smile, patting her head. "She's safe!" She called out to the others, and off they went to finish the hunt. Clearing the nest was easy but disgusting work, many of her hunters audibly complaining, the traumatised recruits and brigands staying out of the cave from the horrible smell and their fear.

Returning to the beach, she helped the recruits and brigands and any others who sought to line up the dead. She gave a small speech commending their bravery and sacrifice for God and King, reassuring that she would return for the bodies and give them a proper, and public, funeral service, of her own expense, their names and deeds memorialized on a collective gravestone.

They rested on the sail home, relieved and resting, Clara in particular sipping deeply from her flask and stumbling in weariness, voice weak.

They landed on the docks and departed the ship, a mixed group of brigands and her soldiers approaching her and the Captain.

"My Lady, I am so sorry, but... I do not think this line of work is for us. Forgive our weakness." One of the soldiers said softly, not meeting her eyes. Eight others of her remaining ten recruits expressed similar sentiments. Some brigands muttered the same.

She gave them a gentle smile, nodding, her voice warm and forgiving, "Do not cast your eyes, you fought well and desurve to be commended, all of you. This profession is full of peril. That you had the valor to even dare joining us into the lair of the beast is a testement to your character, and your rewards are justly earned."

One of the foul breathed, rougher brigands approached her, cursing in a borderline growl, jabbing his finger at the Captain in particular, "Aye and speaking of, where the fuck is our pay?! And don't you dare give us another fucking 'holier than thou' bullshit speech, 'cause me and some of the boys have had enough of your skinny pious cun-""

The brigand was cut off as his front teeth were shattered inward and his jaw cracked and twisted sharply to the side, falling unconscious in his own blood. Anastasia wiped her gloved fist with a cloth and clenched her teeth in a vicious grin, "The next person to speak in such degeneracy before my person will be MUTILATED BY ME PERSONALLY." The crowd shut up promptly then and the knocked out sellsword's friends dragged him away.

"Payment will be made at the location of the Captain's announcement or sometime thereafter, records must be written up and organised beforehand. Now, those of you of my guard, resigning or not, you may return to your personal homes and keep your assigned equipment for now. Show up clean and matters shall be handled then."

As the crowd dispersed she sighed and turned to her own hunters. Clara leaned against Boris, arm wrapped around him, groaning. The rest of them seemed tired, though still spry, and unhappy about the fish muck that still coated them. She brushed Clara gently then looked to address them, "The rest of you, return home and get something to eat. I believe we're done for the day. Daniel, Irina, begin drafting notices for the bards and town criers and gossip establishments as soon as you can. We've got a public momentum going and I wish to keep it."

They nodded and began eagerly drifting off to the Ballanger compound, Irina bitching and moaning, "Blein, pachimu me dajni eta choosh delit!" "Patamoschta me tak nadzhni! Heh." Anastasia stayed back, sighing softly and calling out, "Quit whining, you sound like a horse!" Irina growled back in return like petulant teen.

She chuckled and turned around, watching the Captain leave as the group thinned out, and then caught the sight of that strange girl once more.

Once they reached the mainland, Abigail put her diary away and looked over at the captain. He immediately stomped off after mentioning some sort of seedy establishment to meet up with in a few hours, and left the little blonde runt looking a bit lost and confused, standing in the midst of a rapidly thinning crowd of mercenaries and hunters alike. She played with her backpack strap, she opened and shut her mouth a few times and then she clutched onto her diary tightly and looked around once more.

It didn't look like she had a place to go to until their next meeting.

Approaching the lost girl, hands tucked behind her back, she smiled at her, clearing your throat "Apologies for my earlier suspicions, but I'm sure you understand. I believe a formal introduction is in order."

She took off her signature pilgrim hat, letting her raven hair flow down around her shoulders, holding out a hand in greeting, "Anastasia Velcroth, Lady of the Blessed Ballanger Guard.

I think I can help you find your master, if you like. Walk with me back to the compound? A personal guest, my treat. You intrigue me and that's not a compliment I give lightly."
@RyuShura Hmm, so what does the system do if it detects children with no IT, aka either slum folk who didnt get injected or any births made outside the districts for whatever reason?

Sorry for all the fluff questions, its a really interesting setting XD.
@Nymeria I'm good with that. Also, on the autopilot thing, is it okay if we have a post idea but no time to sit and write to do a small summary post in ooc and assume it happened?

Also I can't find the summary in the ooc fer some reason omo.
@Nymeria Also should we have a discord?
I have a desire to make a post but I dont wanna bolt past everyone so soon XD, gonna wait on the others.
@Rune_Alchemist Exactly! It's probably like what you said though.


@RyuShura Are there any anomly fields ala STALKER in the zone and/or are there any vertical effects ala Made in Abyss?
@Rune_Alchemist Ah, I read it that they injected it into them upon death, the turn to black petals thing.

Edit: Upon death, this involves injecting a special serum throughout the deceased that rapidly deteriorates their corpse before the defective gene has the time to activate. Witnesses to this process says it is akin to a seeing a body 'fade into fleeting black pedals'
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