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When they were ready to start the match between Angela and Bonizo, Niko was fairly confident that she could take him, that there would be fast fists a'flying all too soon. After finally letting his place in the world, in this tournament, sink in for once, he was feeling a bit more certain of things. Angela was not only a natural fighter, but one at ease with her practice. No doubt, only the desire to push herself to the max. She was instantly on-guard with Bonizo, who had been effectively pulling fast ones on opponents prior to now, or so he heard from the crowd. Yeah, it sucked not getting intel prior to now. As much as he might be doing Athena proud, some of the other officers from basic training might not be so pleased.

Not much I can do about it now. At least, from this point ON, I know better, and that's what counts.

Angela was just countering every little attack coming her way. Bonizo had exceptional speed, but apparently she had some damn decent interception tactics. That...could become a problem if they met in the fighting arena later. He'd have to be wary of that...provided he beat the decently-skilled Rica and Angela took down Ace, besides. Bonizo was getting handedly worn out, to the point where his last attack wasn't even what you'd call an attack. It was like he just threw himself at her.

Now, the question is...who is actually the greater danger here? Rica seems the dedicated type, highly-skilled and quick. She and Angela might share that trait, but fight they completely different. Will beating Rica prepare me for a fight with Angela, or does the woman barely compare?

Really hard to tell, at this time. He'd have to fight Rica firsthand first... Niko smiled and applauded Angela's victory. Hey, if nothing else, he was a good sport. She should be encouraged to make it as far as she can and he should be obliged to try and meet hr halfway.
I'm about due, so I probably will.
A smile? Well, sadly, Elliot wasn't watching that carefully, teacup or no. He was too busy, at that moment, trying to think up new confusing phrases or other signs to write up as fake codes to trip the Viets. God, if he could manage to get something like that in the hands of someone important, they'd be screwing up for maybe a month. That'd be funny as hell. But hey, down to the topic at hand. He was striking up conversation with the dark-haired woman got information's sake and because he was waiting to see if a beer was coming his way. Elliot was going to be disappointed on the first part. Not so much because of the woman in question, but rather due to her circumstances in being new here. One plus, though: She was apparently a Walker tech, which was certainly a start. She needed to report in properly and get a bit of orientation. Well, at least he could help with the latter portion of her problems. Elliot lowered his 'codebook' now.

"I mean, yeah. I could head on over to the Walkers and bother 'em over that. I had priorities, of course."

Namely, beer.

"Anyway, it's not so much who does what, but where does what. People are comin' in and out of here all the time. New people come in, get their assignments, gone for ours or days, come back and move on, or maybe they get their asses shot. The who part changes around alot, so it's more about the right tent. Ya got your mess tent, your dispatch for intel and supplies, your officer tent for reporting in and gettin' shipped out on assignment..."

He was gesturing to different spots on the base that he'd been around long enough to memorize and, possibly, find his way to with his eyes closed. After a bit of this, his pointing hand extended a bit more towards the tech lady.

"Name's Elliot, by the way. Could probably use a tech. Could probably use a whole team, to be honest. But hey, I'm gunning for big guns this time out, so yeah, I'll see if I can get you settled and saddled with a decent Walker."

Should point out that, while this conversation was going on, Grace had already made progress in lifting a rear spot in the mess tent to have a look around, get her bearings before taking anything. The basics were still all in the same place. It was all just a matter of making some quick and quiet grabs while the mess officer was busy.
You know, I like how this system is evolving. I like beta-testing RPG elements.
Porky Pig. Bugs was "Ain't I a stinker?".
Niko VS Kyro

He was shocked, even after the blow landed, and for two good reasons. Once again, Niko was surprised by the ease in which this match had gone. In comparison to his last Preliminary Match, this should not have gone the way it did. And the second reason was, 'Oh crap! I didn't mean to hit that high!'. He'd been aiming for the small of Kyro's back and he got him in the neck. If he'd been hitting harder, he could've broken it. As it stood, it just put his lights out and dumped him on the ground.

The crowd's reaction kind of mimicked his own. He wasn't sure what the right one was yet. The medical staff took Kyro away. Niko watched as Michael went over to inspect him, practically ignoring the announcer at his side. Michael faced him and he'd see it clearly on Niko's face: He did not want to lay him out like that. Win, sure, but that was still a bit too brutal. Even as the Champion bowed to him and the crowd cheered, Niko felt he should apologize for that...in due time. He left the fighting ring silently to allow the Tournament to continue.
Niko VS Kyro

What? No! What??? That can't be right! ...could it? The Champ's up-and-coming student took a decent hit and he looked decently hit. He had to be about as shocked as Athena when he threw her! It had to be a mistake, a misjudgement on his part that he'd soon rectify with more control...

No, he wasn't doing that. He was doing a full-on assault! This seemed wrong. Niko didn't trust it, and even if he was wrong to believe that Kyro wasn't being as reckless as he seemed, he wanted to err more on the side of caution, or at least re-double his efforts into not being hit while putting more oomph into his attacks. He closed the distance in an instant towards his opponent to slam a leg into his stomach, though the real pay-off blow here would be - because of the angle of his approach to Kyro - the two-handed hammer-blow to the small of the man's back.

Focus: Serious Speed Combo
Current Health: 107
Available Power: 108
--Attack: 40
---Speed: 40 x 2 = 80
-Defense: 28
Niko VS Kyro

So, after his 'What am I so stressed out over?' moment, Niko seemed a bit more relaxed. He still wanted to win, as that would make things hella-easier, but like any soldier...it's good to have a back-up plan. Let's just say that the thought of any contengency for after this tournament put his mind a bit more at ease so that he could focus more. He still had to fight, regardless, and Kyro was a serious opponent. Not one line of opening banter. He was as real as his master, in that respect.

With the gong sounded and the two of them now prepared, it was Kyro that did the opening move. He was testing the waters, exactly what Niko and any number of other competent fighters would be doing, at this point. Now, we'd like to make a joke here about the water about to get a little choppy, but that wasn't our boy's fighting style. Right now, it was Niko's style to see if he could bait Kyro into following an action he could predict, and so as the man charged forwards looking for an attack, he got one.

Niko threw himself forwards at the man's left, to quickly get himself out of reach, but in the midst of that somersaulting motion launch out his foot to kick the man in his hip.

Focus: Evasive Strikes
Power Level: 110
--Attack: 30
---Speed: 50
-Defense: 30
Athena: So, how's it going?
Niko: It's going.
Athena: Fantasia wasn't bad. I'd put more money on Rica, myself. She looks alot more collected an individual.
Niko: You'd know. Wait, are you taking bets on this?
Athena: Couldn't hurt. Don't say nothing, okay?
Niko: Yeah, alright. Just...don't lay any bets on my matches. I dunno if that's right to do...
Athena: Niko, lighten up! It's just a friendly wager or two. And besides, if I wasn't willing to bet on my own student, even take the loss with dignity if you fell, what kind of teacher would I be? Now, calm yourself down, study your opponents, and try to kick some ass!
Niko: Okay, okay. I will.

To be fair, he had been watching the fights with interest, or maybe as though his life depended on it. True, there was no thought of dying here, but he had to give this tournament the seriousness it deserved, if not for his reasons, then for the importance accorded to the very event. And so, he watched as Jackson hunkered down and took the blows from Fantasia, waiting his chance to strike back and take victory in a patient brawl. Then, he saw the King of Europe get knocked out of the ring all of a sudden, and Niko's eyes were like 'What the hell?!' as he stared at Lee. True, Wallace was a more dedicated leader than fighter, but he'd made it into the tournament proper.

I guess these are the moments that really draw out the hidden potential of the fighting community. God damn...

Then, of course, all eyes were on the Champ's first bout of the Tournament. As returning Champion, Michael was able to skip the Preliminary fights, so nobody had had a chance to see how well he was fighting lately, as opposed to his win five years ago. The match between him and Ivanik began suddenly and forcefully, the two opponents taking and giving blows. Michael kept switching combat styles in the middle of the fight to change the flow of battle. What surprised Niko was how he managed to do it so naturally, so seamlessly. This was going to be tough for him, if he made it that far. That said, whatever Michael's skill, at least he was lucky enough not to have to face it now, like Ivanik. One thing that really stuck out, though: Michael's speed. He had the focus and control to get in close to an opponent after having dodged a punch by a small margin. Niko felt he could possibly achieve that sort of feat if he tried, but he was untested in that regard. He preferred to by completely out of an opponent's threat area in terms of an incoming attack than anything else.

Michael had won and next came Rica and Sammy. Okay, let's see if Athena was right, then. Sammy was a cage fighter, vicious and brutal, and Rica was completely unknown, except perhaps to Lee. Perhaps they were past opponents somewhere? Trained together? Who knows? Niko watched carefully and...yeah, he could see it too. Rica was collected and capable. More to the point, when she took damage, she seemed to have the focus to ignore it in the moment and react to Sammy quickly and dangerously. Rica walked out with cuts and bruises, but otherwise intact. And that left his match now. He was fighting...

Oh shit... I forgot!

...another protege'. Win or lose, it was he who Athena had chosen to carry on her skills into the new generation. Maybe he wouldn't be her only true student, but he was the first, and facing him now was a man called Kyro...who trained under Michael Miocic himself. He was nervous for a moment, but then...he stopped. All of a sudden, the tension released, and it wasn't because he was told to or because of his training or what have you. He just realized that...making it up here was an achievement beyond anything he thought possible for himself, and anything he learned from this tournament could only benefit him. He was standing in a ring before a man trained by the Champion, looking to perhaps surpass the Champion himself. Standing here like this, his other problem - the reason he came here, initially - didn't seem so difficult. Not in the face of those who could move in the blink of an eye, at any rate.

Alright... Let's see what I can really do.
@Balthazar007 I knows. I just been slights busies. Gonna post todayses.
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