Avatar of Fingal
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Joined: 3 yrs ago
  • Posts: 50 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Fingal 3 yrs ago


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1 yr ago
Current Our first IC post is up! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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1 yr ago
Batman RP is still in need of players: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 yr ago
In need of a Batman! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 yr ago
In need of players! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 yr ago
Batman OOC thread is now up: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


I'm just a history buff and nerd with an interest in forum roleplay games.

Most Recent Posts

I would be interested in playing this. Maybe a version of Robin.

Nice, would you be willing to play Tim Drake?
You have my attention, and a potential Nightwing.

Great! Nightwing would be good, but if you still want to play Jason Todd/Red Hood, that's certainly an option.
Once this gets some interest, I'll add the character sheet and some important continuity info for this universe.

Roleplay Style: Guided Sandbox
Genre: Superhero/Historical/Film Noir/Mystery
Time Period: 1954
Writing Style: Casual – Advanced
Party Size: 5-9 players

Story Premise

Gotham Knights is, or seeks to be, what you might call an “interactive graphic novel,” in the vein of such titles as Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale’s Batman: The Long Halloween or Hush, with lots of characters and a large mystery to be solved.

Gotham City, Batman, and the characters associated with him hardly need any introduction, but some explanation is needed for the particular version of the world used for this game. Unlike the comics, where characters age much more slowly than in real time, this universe assumes Bruce Wayne was born in 1913, became Batman in 1939, and from there he and the world age in real time. As such, this is a historical game, in addition to a superhero game. Despite being set in 1954, this game does not reflect the campiness of the Silver Age Batman comics. Instead, it is the modern Batman of Year One and later, transposed to a more or less realistic 1954.

Your Characters

Your character should be a member of DC’s Bat Family, not an OC. I would prefer that the more central members (such as Batman, Robin, Batgirl, or Catwoman) be PCs before more secondary ones – it’s a lot easier to have a Batman game without, say, Cassandra Cain than Bruce Wayne. The GM reserves the right to refuse any character submission.

Themes of the RP

The “feel” of this game comes from Film Noir and other detective fiction of the 1940s and 50s, along with Batman titles such as Year One and Hush. Every Batman fan has “their” Batman, and “my Batman” is the World’s Greatest Detective version of the character. As such, this game is set on the mean streets of Gotham, with one of the major focuses being investigation and detective work, as your vigilante studies blood-spattered concrete and bullet-riddled corpses, seeking to piece the clues together.

This is a superhero game, and as such action will play a role, but players should take care to keep their characters’ abilities relatively grounded, in keeping with the street-level nature of this story.

Another important aspect of this is that I would like to “stage-manage” the characters as little as possible, allowing the players to decide what their character ought to do in a given situation.
I had thought about making one for a while, but with a Kelly's Heroes sort of vibe to it so it wouldn't be the same ol' trope. More lighthearted, but still fun.

I was inspired to some degree by cheesy 80s shows, so I certainly wouldn't be against a lighthearted RP.
Hi fellow new member, loved the post!
Welcome Fingal, gal from Finland? 🤘

Sorry, I'm afraid I'm an American male, the name is a reference to a Civil War blockade runner.
I've been wanting to take part in a Tom Clancy-esque Black Ops RP of some kind for a while now. I like the idea of a European setting in the 80s or 90s, but as I don't intend to run the game, I'd rather let the GM decide on details.
Hi, I was a member of alternatehistory.com for a few years and have taken part in several games in its RP section. I've developed a liking for the forum RP format, though I much prefer just being a player, as my own attempts at GMing have not been successful. This forum seems to be exactly what I'm looking for however, and I'm hoping things will go well.
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