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7 yrs ago
Current Going in a trip over the weekend. Will be back on Sunday, probably no RP posts until then
7 yrs ago
>That awkward moment when you learn the religious revival movement you were headin was actually a vehicle for a Lovecraftian Abomination masquerading as a God to jack your body and take over the world
7 yrs ago
>That moment when you realize that you can only do fandom RPs because you're bad at original characters. This is what I get for never playing DnD


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Whee :V

Having sent out their message, the Unity found that there was little response. Perhaps the other ships around them did not possess significant development to detect their telepathic message, or they were merely too distant. The only one who did was that individual on the shuttle, and even if he claimed that he needed to be protected, they were loath to listen to him based on how he felt in their mind.

"Vessels emerging from phase space," Restris warned, just as the fleet emerged into view on the monitors. They were big, with some pyramid shaped vessels, some that were closer to discs, and one massive ship that would give even the Vasari's Evacuator a run for its money in size. "I don't recognize the ship types."

That further confirmed how far they were from home. And as the transmission came in, Valeran found herself more confused. Who was this Anubis? And what did he want with that shuttle?

The rest of the ships they were with had begun to react, launching a myriad of different strike craft and firing back with an eclectic assortment of weaponry. They were moving to defend the shuttle, perhaps unaware of the darkness lurking inside of it. Anyone who wanted something like that could not be trusted.

"Denesther, charge weapons. Lock on and fire at that shuttle," she intoned to her Psintegrate.

Normally one who would be eager for a fight, Valeran could feel the doubt in her subordinates mind. "Are you sure? That will make an enemy of basically everyone here."

Shaking her head, Valeran opened herself up to the Unity and the rest of the crew. "You all felt the aggression coming from that vessel, and now this 'Anubis' has brought a significant battle fleet to claim it. These others who have chosen to join in its defense do not recognize the snake in their midst. It falls upon us to eliminate the threat, and foil whatever scheme is in motion."

After a moment Denesther sighed, as she brought up the firing solution. "Well, I suppose there are worse ways to die," she muttered before activating the firing mechanism. Cannons fired, spewing bolts of plasma at the Imperial Shuttle while holding at range with shields active. First this threat, then they could deal with this 'Anubis'.
*Waves hands*

Spooky psychic powers~

Things were proceeding fairly well aboard the ship, the damage to the Phase Drive would soon be repaired and they could be back underway. Retris was doing her best to identify a phase lane they could use to get out of here if they needed to, perhaps recreate whatever had brought them here in the first place, but it was slow going. At least they didn't have to worry about any TEC ships arriving to blast them out of the sky.

Not that that meant there weren't other problems.

"Incoming message," Valeran said aloud, isolating it for the moment so they could determine the contents. And what it was was not pleasant. It spoke of some unknown force headed their way that was intent on doing them harm. Which was worrying, given the eclectic nature of arrival here.

Taking in the message, Denesther shook her head. "Did you see where it came from? I wouldn't trust that message further than I could throw that shuttle with my bare hands." And she had a point. Coming from such a source of hostility and anger, it made Valeran much less willing to trust the words of the messenger even if they were correct.

"Nonetheless, it would be a good idea to be prepared. Keep our weapons ready just in case."

Sighing, Denesther nodded in confirmation as she reached out and grasped the two joysticks in front of her. they linked into her augments, and she relayed the message to the rest of the ship. They would be ready if there was shooting.

"We have weapons fire." The message propagated through the Unity, picked up by various Scryers and delivered directly to Retris and the captain. Valeran could practically see it, the large vessel unleashing a broadside with massive projectiles that would make any TEC scientist salivating with envy (given their preference for large kinetics as epitomized in the Novalith Cannon). Fortunately none of them were aimed at the Kuriotes, but if the fighting spread then there was no telling what the carnage would be.

Quickly Valeran informed the crew of what was going on, and offered her assessment of what she would be doing. With no real disagreement, the plan was soon put into motion. "Get us away from the fighting."

Retris nodded, working the holographic orb in front of her as she relayed directions to the sublight engines and put them into motion. they'd soon be well clear of the current fighting, though unfortunately they couldn't just phase jump out of here. This was well beyond anything the Unity had experienced before.

At the same time the radio was forsaken for a more direct approach. Valeran could feel the hiss as more drugs were pumped into her system, expanding her mind as she channeled through the ships Psitech for a broadcast. Not the most subtle way to go about this but they did not need a scalpel right now. They needed something more direct.

And so the psychic broadcast would go out, tapping into the minds of those who could hear it. 'This is Captain Valeran of the Kuriotes. I speak on behalf of the Unity. We do not intend harm, but know that those who fire upon our vessel will feel the Unity's wrath. We have become very adept at defending ourselves from unprovoked aggression.' Now all that remained was to see if they got the message.
Alicia Hayden

In spite of the pain wracking her body from that damn sniper, Alicia was able to give a vicious grin as she succeeded in dropping that wind user. Not that she was down, but considering the state that she was in, any success was better than none. She could be glad that she was at least able to contribute as more than just an additional target, even if it slowed her process of recovery and return to adequate fighting capacity.

At the same time their situation rapidly improved. Aside from the blocks of ice on the deck the ship was now free and able to proceed forward once again, inexorably approaching their destination. Somebody got smacked into the water, but it was doubtful that she was actually dead. They would have to be wary for her return.

She lowered her bow, panting as the magically inflicted pain surged due to her own expenditure. At least she had Penny to watch her back, something she was okay with while Suwako was busy dealing with Caroline. She just hoped that her friend was okay, and that Mariette hadn't decided to go for a backstab or something in the heat of battle. She wouldn't have put it past their 'ally'.

"Don't worry," she replied firmly at Penny's suggestion that she use the cyborg as a physical shield. "I've had worse. You focus on miss nuclear over there." She was a bit pressed to think of times, but she was sure that it had happened. She didn't even have a majorly broken bone right now. She would take the offer though, focusing on her recovery while she let the others fight it out. Hopefully she'd be more prepared for when they actually fought Justine than she was now
It's fine. Sure the Jedi might bite it but the Admiral should be fine, and he doesn't recognize the Empire either. So no big loss :V

The Crusader shuddered as it exited Phase Space, returning to reality as it always did. The Phase Drive deactivated now that it was no longer needed. Then part of it blew up.

Not enough to destroy the ship, but it was enough to rock the ship and deal damage that would need to be repaired. Fortunately the Kuriotes had been part of an ongoing campaign, meaning the supplies for that were on hand. Not that it saved the crew from getting roughed up in the process, people tossed about by the unexpectedly sharp landing.

"What happened," Valeran barked as she recovered. At the same time she tapped into the Unity, confirming that ship systems were functioning normally and that no one had been seriously hurt by the explosion. No such luck there, but what damage there was she deemed acceptable. They could get replacements the next time they made port.

Retris wasn't so lucky, the backlash practically throwing her away from her station and to the ground. She was left groaning, clutching her head as she slowly got back to her feet. "Some sort of...phase anomaly, I don't know. But I have a majorly serious headache."

Having also quickly recovered from the shock, Denesther swiftly returned to her task, linking up with those under her guidance and preparing the ship. Shields were raised, as she quickly reported. "Defenses are up, we're ready if the TDN tries anything. But with our drive the way it is we're not getting as much juice as I would like."

Valeran gave a slight nod, her eyes closed as she focused. A sigh escaped as her brainwaves triggered the release of chemicals from her neural augments, allowing her to calm and better focus herself as she reached out to the crew, to reassure then that things would be alright and that the situation was not so dire they needed to panic. "Get me eyes," she directed, not having to look at her Scryer for that.

"R-Right." Still a bit unsteady on her feet, Retris stepped back up to her console. Prongs deployed from the curved surface, forming a triangle shape before a holographic globe flickered into existence. Initially it was empty, but as Retris came into contact with the other, lesser Scryers on the ship it began to fill in with their surroundings.

The two pronged vessel hovered in space, motionless for now aside from the activation of its shield. "No planets," she told the others. "Nothing that would have pulled us out of phase space. But I'm picking up several ships, all of unknown origin."

Even though there was no reason to doubt her, that nonetheless earned a skeptical look. "Perhaps new Vasari designs? One can never tel what those aliens are holding back."

A pause, then Retris shook her head. "No, I'm not feeling anything like the Vasari mental signatures. Though I do sense....anger. Like what you would feel from a Radiance during a battle. Can you feel it too?"

Glancing towards the indicated direction, Valeran let her own mind open to the outside vessels before nodding. She could feel it, a sensation that sent shivers through her. She'd never been faced with the anger rolling off of a Radiance Battleship in the middle of a fight, but she was told that it was quite something. "Activate comms, wide band. We don't know how they'll react to telepathy and they might try to contact us that way. And keep an eye on that source you picked up."

"There are a lot off big boys out here. I don't like it," Denesther called to her captain. "They take a shot at us I don't know if we'll make it out in one piece."

It was a good point, but they didn't have many options at the moment. "We aren't going anywhere until the Phase Drive is back online," Valeran observed. "We wait, observe, and then follow the will of the Unity, wherever it may lead."
So, who wants to help me replace the worship of these Goa'uld pagans with the light of the Unity :D
Name of Ship: Kuriotes
Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Sins of a Solar Empire
Role: Heavy Combat Cruiser
Physical Description/Image:

Physical Size (roughly): Upwards of 500 meters or so
Armament/Complement (roughly): 4 Heavy Plasma Cannons
History of the Ship: One of the many ships produced for the Reckoning, the Kuriotes took part in the initial invasion of Trader Emergency Coalition space. The Advent fleet scythed through defenseless worlds, putting many to the sword while converting those who chose to give their lives up to the Unity, before eventually meeting their challenge in redeployed Trader Defense Navy units pulled from the front with the Vasari.

After that the Kuriotes was part of the brutal slug that began to develop, taking part in heavy fleet engagements as the TEC fortified and the Advent ground against the defenses of their core worlds. The ship was returning from downtime for routine maintenance after the wear and tear of fighting, to participate in a campaign in the Tion sector when they encountered a gravitic anomaly in phase space that brought them here.

Notable Crew:

Unique Technology:
Psitech - technology that augments and boosts psychic powers
Antimatter generation - Does what it says on the tin, typically through a reactor that powers the ship and lets it move
Phase Drive - Allows a ship to jump to 'phase space' quickly traversing between gravity wells in another dimension. Unfortunately you can't shoot while charging up the drive and you have to be aligned with your target.
Crew Size: 600
Class: Destra Crusader class Cruiser
Faction/Operator/Owner: Advent, member of the Xon Precept
-Psychics: Advent society is based around the development of psychic abilities, augmented by the use of technology. As a such it pervades their people, allowing for telepathy, telekinesis, and a myriad of other abilities. Only some of these can be used on a ship scale level however, such as telepathy, and the ability to project their emotions onto an enemy ship to inhibit the effectiveness of its crew.

-Fanaticism: The Unity is the driving force of the Advent, and it has been dedicated to the destruction of the Trade Order for as long as anyone on the ship can remember. They act by its consensus and will need significant persuading from outsiders to not actin a way that furthers the Unity. Including, you know, horrible atrocities. It makes it hard to get along with people, particularly moralistic mercantilists.

-Dissent in the fold: Under the strain of war the Unity has begun to fray at the ends, with some elements aghast at the actions taken by their fellow Advent and have begun to think that there is perhaps something wrong and perverted within the Unity, corrupted by the desire for revenge. Though there has been no open conflict yet, sentiments nonetheless linger and fester. Perhaps even closer than any aboard the Kuriotes might expect

Culture regarding the existence of aliens: They exist, they're okay as long as they embrace the Unity but every alien race we've met so far is either not advanced enough to have space flight or is actively fighting us. So take that as you will.
Major Religion - The Unity. Duh
@Queen Raidne Ah, yeah. Sorry about that. I've edited in a better description of the plus/malus, as well as the unique tech since I figured that might be nice too. Hopefully it's more to your liking
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