Avatar of Flightless_Soul
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1055 (0.30 / day)
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    1. Flightless_Soul 10 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current @Potemking: I feel as though you may have a masochistic compulsion. I've broken many a controller over Soulsborne games.
3 yrs ago
*Has a feeling Jones reads too many romance novels*
1 like
3 yrs ago
Redguards are technically the Arabians of Tamriel, so wouldn't shouting "Haji" make more sense? No disrespect to my Muslim buddies out there, just sayin'.
3 yrs ago
[2] It can also be effective in subverting the person's expectations. Take for instance Spec Ops: The Line. Looks like a boring military shooter, but is actually a grim look into the horrors of war.
3 yrs ago
[1]The 'cover' is meant to entice the person into partaking of the medium, just as an album cover would intrigue someone into listening to the music.


I'm a human, so there.

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@BrightSteel It's a fantasy manga, a very brutal fantasy manga, that inspired Hidetaka Miyazaki to create the Soulsborne series. By far one of the greatest, and deeply written stories I have ever read.
Buzdrem drank down his beer and mentally prepared himself for what was to follow. Despite her obvious good looks and her sharp wit he knew her game, which really was a shame. A younger Buzdrem may have played. But the experienced Buzdrem didn't have time for games and thought that the young seductress may be of use to him yet. He noticed, despite acting very badly to look drunk, that Ashana seemed slightly on edge. Perhaps it was the man with the black powder weapon because she seemed mistrusting of him. Buzdrem shared her feeling of anxiety around what he thought was a Yazarian bounty hunter an so decided now was the time.
"M'lady Ashana," he said politely as he gently took her soft hand in his rough leathery hand.
"Would you care to join my upstairs in my room?" he asked trying to feign a smile. He was honest to a fault but hoped that Ashana mistook this for him being drunk.

The dwarf was straightforward, she'll give him that, but even Ashana knew Buz was trying to play her as she played him. He wasn't drunk, not quite. It would take an entire meadery for this oafish prey to be piss drunk and oblivious to the spider in his midst. Even so, the anticipation was gnawing at her. She had him finally. Now it was time to move, but so soon? Yes, soon, before the hunter got any funny ideas.

Feeling his caloused palm grace her fair skin once kissed by the sun, a slight glow of fuschia emmitted from her pale cheeks. "Oh my~" Ashana purred, her lips curling into quite the pleasant and alluring smile. "You can't bear to wait any longer can you, Buz my dearest?
Yes, why don't we go to your room now? I'm just dying to see what you're hiding beneath that armor, you brawny beast you~"

She stood from the bar, taking his hand in hers and leading him across the room to the stairs. Her hips swayed beneath her dress in such a hypnotic fashion. It must have been quite the show to him. He too was probably imagining what awaited him beneath that dress. Oh...more than he ever dreamed of course. Twas a shame though it would be the last sight ol' Buz laid eyes upon, not that Ashana had made up her mind to kill him entirely, just in case he decided to pull anything.

Climbing the stairs, she waited for him to show her to his room. Again, the cold assurance she felt of the dagger's sheath gracing her bare thigh, a slight chill creeping up her leg. Oh...this was better than a night of rough lovemaking to her though, the thrill of those last few monents, those last few, tense moments...before she struck.
There's....there's so many.... O__o *dies*

This is what I get for going on a Berserk binge...
@EldarionI I'll have a post up in a few.
@BrightSteel *stabs you instead*
@EldarionI I hardly constitute that miserable excuse as awesome, but thanks. ^_^ And it's cool, post when you feel.
There was no harm in another drink. Being a dwarf of his physical state he'd need at least a barrel to be drunk, but he was hoping that the seductress didn't know this.
Ok, one more, but then we go to my room. There's a barrel of beer there already waiting for us," he said to her smiling. He knew that if he acted drunk after another tankard she be happy enough to go to his room.
Two tankards of beer please, my darling," he said to the barmaid. As she handed him to tankards of warm dark beer he took a few mouthfuls from one and sat the other down in front of the young women.
For you, Miss..." he left it hanging as he had yet to learn the beautiful maiden's name.

"Ashana." The red haired woman introduced herself, a sly, cheshire grin. Carefully she took the tankard of warm beer. Not her first choice of drink, but at least it tasted better than that piss poor ale. Besides, a drink was the least of her concerns at the pressing moment.

To her left, the dwarf, not yet drunk but getting there she figured. There was still beer to be downed in the bedroom as well. Perhaps...though she grimaced on the inside at the idea...she could fool around a little with Buz to get his guard down, and then...

But alas, to her right, the Yazarian man, that musket an ever clear and present warning she should not cause a ruckus. Smooth and silent, that was the way to play this, the way she's always played it.

Taking a few more sips of beer, she patiently, albeit not without a tiny hint of apprehension in her mind, waited for the dwarf to be done with his beer.
@Bluetommy That's good man! That's real good!

@EldarionI I'll uh...I'll post here in a few, after I dive through the sea of words before me. @__@ *puts on scuba gear* Wish me luck.
@Luna Amore

Dadgum...! I swear this girl's a guardian angel or somethin'!

Harley blinked for a moment, astounded beyond all measure. She thought she'd have to slap herself silly just to get out of the trance she was in. It was amazing, almost too amazing to believe how much this girl Natalia had stepped up to help her, and this was only her first day here.


No...not yet. Maybe after the trip to the park. I still need to call mama tonight and see how Jack's doin'.

However...she wouldn't be expecting any good news. Firing up her laptop, she flipped open her textbook and turned it to the page Nat wrote on the whiteboard. All the while, she smiled at the blonde, but she had forgotten something.

When her laptop kicked on, she quickly noticed she forgot to change her background and hurriedly slammed it shut with a sharp gasp.

"Ah...um...sorry, Nat! It was a spider!" A nervous grin she isssued, her face white as a ghost.

Spider, sure, that was a good excuse. She didn't want Natalia to see it, her background.

...the picture of her and her brother, the one her mama took before Jack was shipped out to Afghanistan.

Carefully, Harley peeled back the screen of her laptop. She hoped that stupid move didn't just fry it. Thankfully no. She quickly clicked on her notepad, so as not to see that picture, and pretended to brush away the supposed dead spider.

There were a few kids hanging around, a bunch of posers from the looks of their Thrasher shirts and their cheap ass Walmart boards. One of the kids even brought a fucking Ripstick to the park. It took all Helena had to choke back a gut laugh. She doubted half those little punks have ever broken teeth or bones on those boards. God knows she has.

Eventually those posers left, but not before Helena shot them a glare that said, Beat it, you pussies! At last, she was alone.

She looked around. Jason hadn't shown up yet. Honestly, she doubted he would...

Not when he has that succubus to suck his dick all day...

With a sigh, she slipped in her earbuds and put on some music, and then, she just let her board go wherever.


Here, she had no care at all. No dad, no Darren, nothing. It was just her and the pavement. She went up a ramp, popping her board into a stalefish then came down going towards a rail. Her board popped up again doing an ollie onto the rail, which she 50/50'd in one fluid motion. More or less just showing off even though virtually nobody was around. But skating, if you asked her, it was a high better than what drugs could give. To feel the wind hitting your face, the sound of the trucks grinding a rail or the wheels rolling across concrete, it was damn right euphoric to Helena, and it just erased all her worries, all her demons.
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