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*patiently whistles next to second CS*

Alright, the post is up! Should be a good start! If anyone notices any flaws, tell me and I shall happily fix them! ^_^
Katie Kovacs

Katie Kovacs' Journal, XX/XX/2017

It's funny. So often you hear about places like Arkam Asylum, the Cube. Places where villains and criminals are temporarily kept once they're caught. They always get out. They always get caught again. An endless cycle, every time it loops, people die. Now there's a Juvi version.

It's a school, actually. Not that there's much of a difference. I'm going by choice. I'll deal with the rules and the punishments, because I have to. I have to be better. But I hear that it's not always voluntary. It can't be. They say it's a choice, but it isn't. Not for everyone. Can't blame them. If a teenage crackhead has the strength of a hundred men, that's not something you want on the streets. But perhaps the illusion of choice is what differentiates it from a prison.

Saw something strange this morning. Someone. There was something off about her. Not sure what. She was strangely discolored, movements differed from the civilians that dropped money into my hat. Don't think she noticed me. Could be fellow student. Keep eye out.

Sign got sto-

The bus lurched to an abrupt stop, causing Katie's hand slide up the page of her journal, the pen it was holding leaving a black streak of ink across the entry. The girl looked up and around. The bus was just as empty as it had been when she first boarded, with only the elderly woman and the baby in her arms to keep Katie company. Not that she needed company, of course. In fact, the woman hadn't said a word to Katie. The baby, on the other hand, had been crying for most of the ride, save the blissful ten minutes that it was asleep.

Out the window, Katie could see she was in some sort of small town. Townspeople were bustling about, all seemingly on their way to some place or another. Over the sound of the baby's wails, she heard the busy sounds of the early morning crowd, presumably walking to their places of work, their combined voices resulting in one loud rumbling. Katie recognized the sound. It was the sound of a peaceful town. It had been so long since she heard it, but there was no mistaking it: this town was far from the sins of man, the kinds that plague the cities she's so used to.

As she directed her attention back to the interior of the bus, Katie saw that the elderly had gotten up and was slowly, shakily walking towards the front of the bus. Katie stood up to follow, grabbing her messenger bag from the seat next to her, putting it around her shoulder, and grabbing her black fedora off her suitcase, placing it on her short, messy hair. She then followed the grandmotherly woman, her black suitcase rolling behind her, until she reached the front. It took a solid minute for the woman to pull out her wallet and give the money to the bus driver, but when she was done, Katie stepped up and took her place. The bus driver was, like the woman, very old. He had a snow white mustache, and his hair was a monochrome mix of grays. His thin frame made him appear frail, but something about him reminded Katie of a young hedonist, still joyful with a long life to live. On his face he wore a pair of tinted shades, which, for the most part, covered his eyes.

Katie stuck her hand into the pocket of her overcoat, pulling out a five dollar bill, the last of the money she earned from uncovering a man's infidelities to his wife, as well as $1.50 in various coins, before placing them in the nearly empty moneybox next to the man. He gave her a smile and a small nod, the latter of which Katie returned, before stepping off the bus. Immediately as her foot hit the ground, Katie noticed two things: a large wall surrounding the campus that Katie recognized from the Academy's brochures, at the center of which was gate, and a soft crunching under the foot of her boot. Katie quickly looked down and noticed that she stepped onto what appeared to be...frost? The temperature of the place was nowhere near frost-worthy. That's when Katie realized that the frost was, in fact, in the form of a small path. It was then that she put two and two together. "Metas..." she mumbled. It wasn't a big surprise. In fact, it wasn't even a small surprise. Katie knew there would be metahumans at the school, that was guaranteed. She just didn't expect to find traces of them before she even stepped inside.

The black haired girl followed the icy trail through the gates of the school. Even from the outside, the place looked amazing. From what she could tell, some of the architecture was a tad experimental, but it ended up looking alright in Katie's eyes. The sight, however, was immediately ruined by what surrounded it: people. And not normal people. In the crowd, she saw, as expected, the last things that one would expect to see. Humanoid beasts, scorch marks decorating the ground, a clawed boy, plants that had seemed to have been sentient. Katie swore she saw a duo of lions. All of which were happening just inside the Academy. Naturally, Katie stayed toward the back of the crowd. Slouching to make herself as small as possible. She took a deep breath and sighed out, "Hurm..." She could tell this was going to be a long year.
Hey, quick couple of questions (Jesus, that's a phrase I use a lot) for anyone who can answer them:

First, have the kids been let onto the school grounds yet? Or is everyone just standing outside the gate?

Second, if someone were to arrive at the school, what would they see at the moment? Like, student-wise? Basically I'm asking what it is that I should make notice of since I sort of didn't read all five pages of posts.
@Hanabira@Framing a Moose

Either of you still in on this? I'm waiting on you two before I post unless you're out.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to drop out. Sorry.
Understood! Now with that new information, I should be able to have a post up by tomorrow.
Heeeeeeeey, Madame Caits! I don't want to be pushy or anything, but I just thought I'd check to see how you were doing on deciding on the terrain. Again, don't want to be pushy, but my writing style is...well, I'd like to say detailed, but a better word for it is rambly, and the outside terrain, whether, ect. will definitely come in handy for my post.
Alright, sounds good!
Also, another quick question, is there a road, like, right by the school? Or do you have to get out and walk a ways?
@Archmage MC
Ah, I see. So hypothetically, if someone with more than capable investigation skills were to have coincidentally stayed in the same crummy hotel as her, and they knew about the nearby school for less than normal people, would it be safe to say that they might put two and two together?
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