Avatar of Garden Gnome
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  • Posts: 327 (0.11 / day)
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    1. Garden Gnome 8 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Taking a long hiatus from RPing, what with RL and all. Not sure when I'll be back. So long all.
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8 yrs ago
I think I may have been on the guild easy too much at work. It's now banned on the servers and I can no longer access it at work. My posts frequency will drastically lessen.
8 yrs ago
My colleague is on medical leave so I have to cover her shift as well. Well, shit. Screw me.
8 yrs ago
All my RPs are really slow lately. Feeling terribly bored.


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I'm thinking of using Pyrokinesis for my character. Would that be possible?
Ay yo!

Done with my character!

I'm interested to see where this going!
Can I just stick my interest here?

Location: The Beach House
Interacting with: Blake ; Anyone else

So, it didn't seem that Addison had a secret firework store tucked away somewhere after all. The plethora of fireworks he'd acquired today had simply been picked up from a shop somewhere in Korea Town. That did make sense after all. Of course she'd jump to wild conclusions instead of going through a logical sensible one first. This was why sometimes people called her silly. The fireworks were kept, stuffed back into the duffel bag as soon as they were revealed and he informed her that he would be back as soon as he settled something.

Violet gave him a nod and the guy was away. With the brother out of the picture, Violet turned her attention back to the sister, giving Blake a warm smile as her eyes lit up in delight as Blake asked her about her favourite brand of Soju. She gave her a big wide grin before she replied.

"I do love both of them, but my favourite of all time would have to be Chamisul!"

"You bought them both? In variety packs? How exciting!" The girl exclaimed in surprise. As Blake took out the bottles from the fridge, Violet took the peach Chamisul for herself before giving her a hug. After the obligatory thank you hug, she went over to retrieve a couple of Poktanju shot glasses. Now that they had the shot glasses, they could get ready the mixing game.

And there goes her plans of not drinking before the sun had set. But there was Soju here, and it was just simply too difficult for her to pass up on it without giving it a sip, and honestly who just sips Soju, or any form of alcoholic beverage for that matter? You one-shot it down like a true boss, and that was what she'd done based on what it was normally like the typical Korean drinking culture. Turning to face Blake, Violet asked. "What kind of drinks should we mix? Beer and the Chamisul, or Beer and the Chum Churum? Or do you have something else in mind?"
Update; This is just a roll call message, you guys! Please like this to let me know that you are still here. I'd surely appreciate it. :) I am enjoying everything so far and the posts. Keep it up, guys and I thank you all for being apart of this.

I'm still here. Sorry I've been sick for the past week, and so haven't got much motivation/muse to post anything.

Location: The Beach House
Interacting with: Kim, Molly, Addison ; Anyone else

Just as she'd thought, no one had any plans for the party later on. She'd thought that maybe Kimberly might have something planned, but she'd just revealed that she'll wing it just like everyone else. It does make sense after all, considering plenty of the free-spirited folk they had here in the house. Violet's mouth opened slightly agape, mortified in response to Molly comment about Bradley meeting someone to give him the D tonight. She didn't know what she was shocked about. She knew him plenty well enough, but this still seemed to be a natural reaction for her.

She was still quite shy and reserved about explicit matters such as these and was still not used to them being brought up so casually despite having been in the US for several years now. Violet looked from Molly to Kim with an uncertain look before that was broken up by the appearance of the Min siblings. It seems like Addison had brought the party along with him. The black bag he carried contained a whole plethora of explosives, practically every kind she knew and more. She questioned him.

"Where in the world did you find all of these? Do you have a fireworks shop hidden somewhere I don't know of or something? You do, don't you?- Are these all the kinds there are or do you have even more?" Violet was more concerned about learning about the sudden whereabouts of these fireworks than to listen or even response to Kim mentioning about how he should save them for something else later.

Plenty of the group had already started drinking all forms of alcoholic drinks, but Violet had no desire to get started yet. She didn't tend to drink often, but when she did, her favourite type of alcoholic beverage was usually Soju. It has a distinctive taste that reminded her of home, and she loved its clean, slightly sweetish taste that isn't so aggressive on the taste buds like other drinks such as vodka.
@HaleyTheRandom OMG I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! It's super her! insert dark humor joke about loving black here

Once you go black, you never ever go back!

Location: The Beach House
Interacting with: Kim, Molly ; Anyone else

Violet was spending her time wisely fully occupied binge-watching her latest favourite Korean drama, and she'd just started not too far into her third episode when the relative silence of the house was broken by the shrill scream, yell or what ever that noise was that penetrated the the walls of her room. She knew what that was. Nothing was safe from her. She groaned as she rolled about on her bed to-and-fro before falling off the bed, knowing full well that her binge-watching had come to an end. There was still an hour before the party- There was plenty of time to squeeze in at least half an episode? It was not like she was one that took long to get ready anyway. With her attention now diverted elsewhere, Violet decided to get changed, dressing herself for the impending party in a simple red and white sleeveless top that exposed her shoulders, completing her outfit with a pair of white shorts. Those who knew her knew that she was not one to put on plenty of make-up and usually opted for the minimal approach. She wore her long hair down her shoulders with a big red ribbon tied at the top of her head.

Leaving the safety of her room, Violet ventured into the main living area, where the sound grew louder as the culprits voices could now be more easily discerned than before. Missy and Sonny. Drinking already? She wasn't surprised. It seemed like Missy took any chance she could to drink. Where they were, was where she wanted to avoid. She didn't want to start drinking yet, if she could help it. Violet didn't hate the girl, but it wouldn't be wrong to say that she enjoyed her company. The girl was too loud and crude for her taste. Not to mention her frequent yelling. Giving a quick wave to anyone that spotted her, she made her way to the sofas. She spotted both Kim and Molly there, just the type that she'll rather spend time with any day of the week. Taking a seat just beside Kim, she waved to them as she flashed them one of those warm and charming smiles she was known so well for. Sitting close to Kim tend to fluster her, but she tried her best to keep that under wraps.

"Hey Kim. Hi Molly. Do you both have plans for the party?"
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