Avatar of Gardevoiran


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Who here likes cuddles?
5 yrs ago
If your girl can't crack your skull between her thighs then whats the point of even being a human being.
6 yrs ago
Identities are confusing to figure out.
6 yrs ago
How do wing.
6 yrs ago
Omae wa mou shindeiru.


Well hello.

I guess I should introduce myself, huh.

I'm Gardevoiran, just some schmuck going to college and working towards getting a degree in Fine Arts.

I do commissions and what-not, and you can ask me to do a commission for you through my Discord (Gardevoiran #1429) or up here through RPGuild PMs, and I receive donations and payment through my Ko-fi page. Clicking the box right below here will take you to it.

I'm a nerd. I play Pokemon religiously, I dabble in some anime, I write up here, and I love watching incredibly awful movies and just making fun of them. Specifically things like "Leo the Lion" and what not.

I don't have much else to say, so I guess I can leave you guys with a really bad joke.

"What do you call a cow with two legs?"
"Lean beef."

Most Recent Posts

Passing the Time

A week had passed since the detention club had the sleepover at Ami's place, and similarly so, it had been a week since Apia assisted with the defeat of the massive nightmare assaulting the sleepover. It seemed a lot of the club had reaped serious benefits from the destruction, though Apia wasn't exactly sure what it did for her just yet. She felt like it made her stronger, certainly, but she didn't know how it made her stronger, exactly. Her speculation right now was that her paralytic poison acted quite faster, but she wasn't completely sure of that.

Regardless, there wasn't a club meeting today, which struck Apia as a little odd. She noticed Touka was straying away from the rest of the group, which Apia wasn't sure why. She didn't remember her being so apprehensive of the rest of the group. Maybe it was just a hard time for her. A family tragedy, perhaps? Apia wanted to inquire further, but doing so might only be annoying her and overstepping the boundaries she had, if it was true.

There was also the topic of Seyrun's presence. Apia wasn't sure if she trusted the girl just yet, though her mind wasn't out of malice or anything. Seyrun was just distant to the Hivemother, so there wasn't really any reason for Apia to trust (or distrust) the new arrival to the detention club. Within time, her opinion might change, but until then Apia wouldn't try to dirty the waters in the sea of a new ally.

All that aside, Apia sipped her smoothie in the shopping mall she was at. There wasn't a meeting today, and she could easily handle herself in a fight so she wasn't worried about that either. She just wanted to spend some time at the mall, looking for new cute clothes to surprise Hana with on their next date night. Maybe a nice new set of PJs so she could cuddle Hana in them? She was just gonna let the world decide that as she looked around the various stores.

For now, though, she had a smoothie, and she was gonna sit back and drink it.
"... AAAGH! HUMANS HAVE TAKEN ME HOSTAGE! OBERON! TORRENT! I NEE-GACK! Within the span of a minute, the goblin had climbed to his feet, started running around wildly like a madman, and then slammed his head into a nearby table.

Everyone but Maggie reacted with a flinch. Maggie, on the other hand, immediately rushed to the aid of the goblin. "Goodness me! We're not going to hurt you, mister demiblin!" Demiblin? That's a fancy new term you were unfamiliar with. Though, Brock definitely did speak up when he heard it. "You mean to tell us we're in front of a demonic goblin?"

Maggie nodded, taking another look at him and noticing there was a rare flower in his hair. "It's definitely a demiblin, but I don't think he's as demonic as we're led to believe." Maggie patted him on the head and began to channel a small spell in her hand, putting her hands on his head right where he hit himself. Interestingly, her hands looked quite blue.

"... y-you all aren't goin' to beat me up? T-the System said you guys would easily kill me!"
"It's no magic that I'm used to seeing... hm..." Brock watched intently as the goblin seized, with them having minor fits to large flinging around of their arms. Ever so slowly, the goblin started to char to a blackened version of it's skin, the blue runic symbols on his hands slowly changing into tattoos.

Then, as quickly as everything started, it ended, as the goblin laid there, passed out completely and rather tired from the spasms. He seemed to be unconscious for the time being, then his voice rang out, but it wasn't the goblin you knew before. This one seemed... different.

"Uuurgh... what... what's goin' on here...?" The goblin asked, his voice starkly different than it was before. He no longer had the lisp, interestingly. Did something weird just happen to the goblin you once knew?

Group Attack

The Hivemother immediately stopped her attack as she saw Ami suffer the penalty of trying to take the beast head on. It looked like it did a serious dent to the girl, with her PJs showing underneath the magical girl outfit she was wearing. Christ, if that's how strong this beast was, the Hivemother really couldn't get close with anything she had. Her bees would just get blasted to bits by the miasma, like a few just did, and she wasn't going to get anywhere close to the beast with her Stinger.

The wall of ice rose in front of the apartment, no doubt as a result of the handiwork of the groups Keeper. The beast seemed to be distraught with it, but had assaulted the ice all the same as it propelled its miasma towards it, melting the ice and spilling a darkness all over Ami's apartment. No doubt that wasn't going to smell great after, but it gave the combating Magical Girls an opportunity, as the miasma around the beast had been lifted, for a short time at least. If there was any time that the Hivemother was going to get an attack in, now would be that time.

"Come, troops! We must seize this opportunity while we can! Converge onto the Nightmare, posthaste!" Apia tapped into her own magic reserves to call forth more troops, swarms of insects appearing from every nook and cranny around as they swarmed around the beast, attempting to sting it wherever they could and as quickly as they could. The Hivemother nodded as she joined in the fight as well, running up to the Nightmare's maw and attempting to jab it with her rapier, ready to hop out of the way of danger if she had to. If she could get a few shots in, the mouth of the monster would freeze up due to the paralytic poison, which is exactly what she needed to see at that moment.
The Pumpkin King!

"Well, I certainly don't mind if you two tag along with us on our little adventure. The more the merrier, and with your reputation, I guess you could say 'the more the scarier'!" Jack let out a hearty laugh before he heard an unfamiliar gasp coming from a different part of the same general area. He turned towards it, and he heard the blood-curdling bathtub-creeps speak up.

"What do--"


"--Have here?"
The Bathtub Creeps

Somebody was listening into the conversation. Who it was, exactly, wasn't a thing that Jack knew of or had heard about at the time. Maybe it was someone from an outfit similar to his or Cassim's, or maybe it was someone who'd foil the adventure early on. There was certainly a way to figure which it would be, and Jack was the one to start finding that out. "Hello? We're not going to hurt you, unless you try to hurt us first! Come out and we can just talk!"
Huh, this feels weird.

"Hey Janice! How's the family?!" Eve's voice chirped as she stepped into the school, resting her elbow on the visitor's window as she signed in on the visitor's sheet. As always, she made her name on the sheet swirly and girly. It was how she signed everything, ranging from checks to silly drawings.

"Hello, Evelyn. Here for your father, I assume?" Janice spoke coldly, uninterested in the going-ons of this ramshackle teenager's family and such. Though, it wasn't often that someone asked about her family, though she just chalked that up on Eve being polite.

"Yes ma'am. I've been applying to jobs around the entire city, and one that I'd never thought I'd get offered me a position. I wanna go check in with my dad before I finalize everything." The harpy took her freshly-printed visitor tag off and plastered it on her hoodie's chest area, walking away from the front counter with a smile. She'd check in with Janice on her way back out of here.

She stepped into the courtyard of the school Maceroy worked at, noticing the distinct lack of students. Huh, seemed like the place was deserted for the most part. Must've been a teacher workday. Maybe a supervillain attacked, though, if that was the case, who would've been that stupid to attack the school where Arete regularly prowls? Probably Blorb.

Ah well, right now she was just waiting for her dad to show up.
Day of Reckoning III

@Old Amsterdam

The world was starting to crumble around them. With everything that was going on right now, Kendall was getting scared with every second that passed by, with more and more of the world shattering as it went on and on. That... that was their parents. Those two weren't looking good at all, rather close to Death's door if anything. It shook Kendall to their core, though they couldn't even imagine how Lillian was feeling after seeing what she saw.

Everything faded into a blurry, black and white mess as the only thing they could see in color was Behemoth over a few buildings. Whatever the heroes were doing to stop the monster in its tracks, Kendall was unsure if anything was actually working. He just... took everything that people could throw at him and retaliate by turning them into red mist. There was almost nothing that anyone could do.

A loud noise erupted from overhead, and Kendall looked up to see it. The building that they and Lillian were beside was coming down, and a bit of rubble had broken off, falling down towards the two. The tarry hero had one instinct on their mind as they jumped into action.

"Lily! MOVE!" Mastar erupted once again as she shoved Lillian, pushing the teen out of the way of the rubble before glancing up at it just about to hit her. She had a split second of time to react, so she tried her hardest to morph down to her tarry form as quick as she could. She had moved just slightly before the building decided to slam into her, clipping a strong hit onto the tarry hero and leaving her on the ground.

If she had been faster and in her full tar form, she probably wouldn't be unconscious.

Instead, there was blood on the concrete, and Mastar was out cold.

From the Ashes IV

"Get these guys to safety!" Phoenix rushed forward to a random Mover in the street. She didn't have the time to ask for names, she just had the parents of a Ward in her arms and she needed them to get to safety before they completely faded... oh god, the mother was already unconscious! Fuck fuck fuck!

"Uh... Phoenix, right? I don't think these people are able t-"

"I don't give a shit! Get them to safety at least! We don't have time to talk!" Phoenix demanded as they looked at Behemoth in the distance, starting to charge towards the monster. On her way, she saw the corpse of a six-armed gunslinger, as well as a dragon-girl get slammed out of the sky by a bolt of lightning. She... probably didn't survive. Phoenix almost cracked down and started to cry as she ran, but she shook her head and kept running towards Behemoth. Though, when the sound of a thundering roar sounded from the beast, she turned to the side and booked it to a nearby building.

She inspected her body for any damages once inside. Sure enough, her entire arm was gone. Great, she'd have to die to get that back.

"You're Phoenix!" Some random kid shouted from in the same room as her, the kid carrying... quite the big gun. Almost comically oversized for the kid to be wielding, and... it kinda looked like something from that one videogame her friend had. Cratchet and Lank?

"You got that right, kid. What're you fucking holding?"

"I'm G4M3R, sorry to meet you on such bad conditions, but that's unimportant. This," G4M3R presented the gun with both of his arms outstretched, smiling wide at his handiwork. "Is the R.Y.N.O, or Rip-Ya-a-New-One. I'm a tinker with specialization in Video Game tech, and this is from Ratchet and Clank. It's a pretty powerful weapon, to be honest."

"Yeah yeah that's great, but are you sure that thing'll be able to hurt Behemoth? That cowboy over there just died from using his own guns."

"This thing'll do something, I guarantee that. I just... I can't get close enough to use it on the big fucker without getting hurt."

Phoenix thought for a moment, and settled on crouching down with her back facing G4M3R. "I can get you close, but I'm unable to get you through the death field. Think you can get a clear shot if I can get you close to him?"

"Yep!" G4M3R clambered onto the back of Phoenix, holding onto her with one hand while carrying the RYNO in the other. "Let's go!"

With a good step, Phoenix charged towards Behemoth once again, carrying on her back a walking AA cannon.

The East, eh. That's where the efforts of Digbie trying to learn how this nature magic was going to lead him. He really wanted to get back to his camp with his friends, but he was intrigued by the thought of him learning how this magic can be properly used. He seemed to be getting closer to his goal, though, as the flower's color seemed to be coming back slowly but surely.

Then, he heard a click, and heard the scurrying of the Flak Beetle behind him as it charged!

Digbie turned to see it, just in time, before he realized he had only a small amount of time to work and figure out a plan of action. Uhh... okay, so, it was attacking him, right? He could defend himself and not count it as him murdering something else out of cold blood, right? He went under that assumption as he activated a skill incredibly quickly, with him raising an {Earth Wall} between him and the beetle (with the wall being a bit closer to Digbie in comparison). Next, Digbie cranked out a {Rock Spire} from his new wall that separated him and the beetle, with the spire trying to be directed horizontally. His goal was to skewer the beast on it so it didn't come after him.

As he did everything, he hoped to whatever God was trying to tell him how willpower and magic combined as he ran towards the breeze that carried the fallen petal. He had his response of Fight, Flight, or Freeze, and he chose two somehow. Freeze, and Flight.

As he ran, though...


"There's no need. Just make sure you take care of my little girl, eh?" Aithwale chuckled slightly as he faded away, allowing the world to return to normal once again as the wagon's entrance opened. It's time to face the world again, it seemed. Though, everything ground to a halt when Stride shouted out into the void-filled tent.

"Shite! Someone, gimme a hand! The goblin is havin' some kinda spasm!" Looking over, it was pretty clear Stride was having a hard time keeping a currently-seizing goblin down as he underwent some kind of weird phase. All along the goblin's arms were strange blue runic symbols, and his skin was starting to change from its leafy green complexion to something a bit more sinister.
The Narrow Path!
Chapter 3 - It's Been A While

"They don't trust you because you've closed yourself off from them, Skinner." Aithwale said as he stepped forward slightly, his body still being turned towards you. "As for me being dead and how that plays, again, there are two people here who are quite familiar with death." The grizzly old man raised his arm towards Westley Stride and Brock, their bodies being cloaked in an ethereal light, almost as if they were being highlighted. "If what I've been told was true, Westley died quickly after his big adventure for Yashar started, and you've already met the skeleton."

The old man then turns his hand to Jen, where she glows slightly. "On top of that, there's the Paladin over there. You've already been acquainted with her, though, so there's no need to tell her story, is there?" Aithwale lowers his arm to his side and breathes a deep breath of gusto before returning to the topic at hand. "Death is something that everyone here is familiar with, except for the goblin, though he'll be remembering everything here in a very short amount of time, if what lady Death rumored is true.
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